22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
September 3-6, 1996
Note: Some additional information (e.g., the final program in html format) is available at the VLDB96 home pages at IIT Bombay and PSPL Pune.
A distinguished history of 22 years has established the VLDB conference at
the centre of the international database community. It is a recognized
forum for discussion in the international database community and, without
doubt, one of the most eminent.
VLDB'96 is to take place in Bombay, India. We invite you to submit papers
reporting recent research results in the general field of databases. To
further the goal of leading in reporting and stimulating new research
directions, we solicit papers and panel proposals on speculative and
futuristic topics. We also encourage papers on novel and challenging
applications of database technology in designing and building complex
information systems.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Temporal and Spatial Databases
- Optimization and Performance
- Parallel and Distributed Databases
- OO Persistent Systems
- Multimedia Databases
- Database Languages
- Storage Management
- Active Databases
- Knowledge Base Management Systems
- Text Databases
- Engineering and Scientific Databases
- Heterogeneous Databases
- Graphical Query Languages
- DBMS Architectures
- Concurrency Control and Recovery
- Implementation Issues
- Data Consistency, Integrity and Security
- Database Mining
- Data Models and Database Design
- Mobile Databases
- Interaction Between DB and IR Systems
- User Interfaces
- Database Benchmarks
- Logic and Databases
- Implementation Reports/Case Studies
- Transactional Workflow
Six copies of original papers not exceeding 5000 words (double spaced
pages) should be submitted to the appropriate program co-chair depending
on the geographic region in which the authors of a paper reside. The
submissions must be received by the "drop-dead" deadline of 23 February
1996 (i.e., there will be no grace period).
The address, telephone number, fax number and electronic address of the contact
author should be given on
the title page of the submission.
Please note that we also require that you submit, by electronic mail, as
a PLAIN ASCII text file (no postscript, no Latex), an abstract of no more than 250 words,
along with the title,
authors, electronic address of contact author and the track (research or industrial/application)
for which the paper is being submitted.
The deadline for the submission of electronic abstracts to the appropriate program chair's email address is 16 February 1996.
We are continuing the recent trend in the VLDB conferences to have an
industrial track in order to foster closer interaction between the
industrial and the research communities. We encourage submission of papers
describing work on integrating new technologies in products and
applications, on experiences with standard and novel techniques, and on the
identification of unsolved issues that pose challenges to and require
attention by the research community. We consider this conference a unique
and important forum to discuss experiences in applying DBMSs to real-life
situations among practicioners and between practicioners and researchers.
Papers intended for this track will receive special consideration by the
program committee. They should be clearly marked as industrial/application
papers and submitted to the regular PC chairs corresponding to the author's
geographic region. In the evaluation of the papers submitted to this
track, the committee will consider novelty, technical quality, the value of
reported results to developers and users of information systems, and the
depth of challenges to researchers.
Panel and tutorial proposals should be submitted to the respective chairs.
Bombay which is located on the west coast of India is the capital of
Maharashtra state, and the business capital and economic powerhouse of
India. It is the fastest moving, most affluent and most industrialised
city in India. Bombay's very cosmopolitan population is estimated to
be around 10 million. The main languages spoken in the city are Hindi
and Marathi, but a visitor can easily manage his/her business/travel with
English. Bombay is also the home of the Hindi film industry, which is the
largest in the world.
There are several tourist attractions in and around Bombay: ancient cave
paintings, sculptures, quaint hill-stations and more. There are plans
to arrange pre and post-conference tours to places of tourist interest.
Numerous international airlines have services to Bombay.
For further information, please send email to vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in
- Electronic abstract submission:
16 February 1996
- Paper, Panel, Tutorial, Industry/Applications submissions:
23 February 1996 (firm deadline)
- Notification of acceptance: 10 May 1996
- Camera-ready copies due: 1 July 1996
- Conference: 3-6 September 1996
| Nandlal L. Sarda |
| Department of Computer Science |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Powai |
| Bombay 400 076, India |
| email: nls@cse.iitb.ernet.in |
| (also, vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in) |
| Ph: (+91 22) 578 2545 Fax: (+91 22) 578 3480 |
| |
| C. Mohan |
| K55/B1, IBM Almaden Research Center |
| 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120, USA |
| email: mohan@almaden.ibm.com |
| Ph: (+1 408) 927 1733 Fax: (+1 408) 927 4307/3215 |
| |
| Alejandro Buchmann |
| DVS-I, TH Darmstadt, Frankfurter Str. 69A |
| D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany |
| email: buchmann@dvs1.informatik.th-darmstadt.de |
| Ph: (+49 6151) 807 140 Fax: (+49 6151) 807 130 |
| |
| Anand Deshpande |
| Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. |
| 'Kapilavastu', First Floor |
| 397/9 Senapati Bapat Road |
| Pune 411 053, India |
| email: anand@pspl.ernet.in |
| Ph: (+91 212) 351 510 Fax: (+91 212) 356 110 |
| |
| Jim Gray |
| Microsoft |
| 580 California St., 5th Fl., San Francisco, CA 94101, USA |
| email: gray@microsoft.com |
| Ph: (+1 415) 778 8222 Fax: (+1 415) 283 3301 |
| |
| Peter Lockemann |
| Fakultaet fuer Informatik |
| Universitaet Karlsruhe, Postfach 6980 |
| D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany |
| email: lockeman@ira.uka.de |
| Ph: (+49 721) 608 3968 Fax: (+49 721) 694 092 |
| |
| P. Sadanandan |
| National Center for Software Technology |
| 6th Floor, Major Tower, Visvesvaraya Centre |
| Bangalore 560 001, India |
| email: ps@ncb.ernet.in |
| Ph: (+91 80) 226 1531/3100 Fax: (+91 80) 226 1531 |
| |
| Sharma Chakravarthy |
| CIS Department |
| University of Florida, Gainsville, FL 32611, USA |
| email: sharma@cis.ufl.edu |
| Ph: (+1 352) 392 2697 Fax: (+1 352) 392 1220 |
| |
| V.R. Govindarajan |
| Tata Information Systems Ltd |
| Golden Enclave, Aiport Road |
| Bangalore 560 017, India |
| email: TISL1@almaden.ibm.com |
| Ph:(+91 80) 526 2355/7117 Fax: (+91 80) 558 7374 |
| |
| Amit Sheth |
| Department of Computer Science |
| University of Georgia |
| Athens, GA 30602 |
| email: amit@cs.uga.edu |
| Ph: (+1 706) 542 2310 Fax: (+1 706) 542 2966 |
| Deepak B. Phatak |
| Department of Computer Science |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Powai |
| Bombay 400 076, India |
| email: dbp@cse.iitb.ernet.in |
| Ph: (+91 22) 578 2545 Fax: (+91 22) 578 3480 |
| |
| Sham Navathe |
| College of Computing |
| Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Atlanta, GA 30332, USA |
| email: sham@cc.gatech.edu |
| Ph: (+1 404) 853 0537 Fax: (+1 404) 894 9442 |
| |
| Harish Mehta |
| Onward Novell Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. |
| Krislon House, II Floor, Saki Vihar Road |
| Bombay 400 072, India |
| email: hmehta@shakti.ncst.ernet.in |
| Ph: (+91 22) 822 1569 Fax: (+91 22) 836 4180 |
| |
| Ron Sacks-Davis, CITRI, Australia |
| email: crsd@citri.edu.au |
| |
| Ravi Krishnamurthy, HP Labs, USA |
| email: krishnam@hpl.hp.com |
| |
| Martin Kersten, CWI, Holland |
| email: mk@cwi.nl |
| |
| T.M. Vijayaraman |
| National Center for Software Technology, India |
| email: vijay@saathi.ncst.ernet.in |
| |
| Hector Garcia-Molina |
| Stanford University, USA |
| email: hector@cs.stanford.edu |
| |
| Shriprakash M. Dhopeshwarkar (Baba) |
| Tata Unisys Ltd. |
| Manish Comm. Centre, 216A Dr. A.B. Road |
| Worli, Bombay 400 025, India |
| Ph: (+91 22) 493 3560 Fax: (+91 22) 495 0318 |
| |
| Paresh Chhatrapati |
| Masteck Ltd., #106, SDF IV |
| SEEPZ, Andheri (E) |
| Bombay 400 096, India |
| Ph: (+91 22) 8350635/6/7 Fax: (+91 22) 8364557 |
| |
| M.R. Datar |
| MSEB, Mistry Bhavan |
| Dinshaw Vachha Road |
| Bombay 400 020, India |
| Ph: (+91 22) 282 1428/0220 Fax: (+91 22) 2832544 |
| |
- Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, Le Chesnay
- Michel Adiba, Universite de Grenoble
- Antonio Albano, University of Pisa
- Francois Bancilhon, O2 Technology, Versailles
- Elena Baralis, Politecnico di Torino
- Dirk Bartels, Poet Software GmbH
- Catriel Beeri, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Kjell Bratbergsengen, University of Trondheim
- Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research
- Arbee L.P. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu
- To-yat Cheung, City University of Hong Kong
- Chang Chin-Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Chai-I
- Richard Cooper, University of Glasgow
- Daniel M. Dias, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne
- Oscar Diaz, The Basque Country University
- Guozhu Dong, University of Melbourne
- Amr El Abbadi, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Alan Fekete, University of Sydney
- Michael J. Franklin, University of Maryland, College Park
- Norbert Fuhr, University of Dortmund
- Shashi K. Gadia, Iowa State University, Ames
- Peter Gray, University of Aberdeen
- Ralf Hartmut Gueting, University of Hagen
- Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
- Eric N. Hanson, University of Florida, Gainsville
- Jayant Haritsa, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- Bala Iyer, IBM Santa Teresa Laboratory, San Jose
- H.V. Jagadish, AT&T Research, Murray Hill
- Keith G. Jeffery, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton
- Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto University
- Kamal Karlapalem, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Martin Kersten, CWI, Amsterdam
- Hans-Peter Kriegel, LMU Muenchen
- Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg
- Rosana S.G. Lanzelotte, Pontificia Univ Catolica, Rio de Janeiro
- P.-A. (Paul) Larson, University of Waterloo
- Georg Lausen, Universitaet Freiburg
- Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Frederick H. Lochovsky, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- David Lomet, Microsoft Research, Redmond
- Hongjun Lu, National University of Singapore
- A.K. Majumdar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
- Heikki Mannila, University of Helsinki
- Dewang Mehta, NASSCOM, New Delhi
- Klaus Meyer-Wegener, TU Dresden
- Tova Milo, Tel-Aviv University
- Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern
- Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University
- Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore
- Maria E. Orlowska, The University of Queensland
- Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland
- Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano
- Stefano Paraboschi, Politecnico di Milano
- Jan Paredaens, University of Antwerp
- Norman W. Paton, University of Manchester
- Erhard Rahm, University of Leipzig
- Raghu Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Colette Rolland, Universite Paris 1 Sorbonne
- Arnon Rosenthal, MITRE Corporation, Bedford
- Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Nick Roussopoulos, University of Maryland, College Park
- Marek Rusinkiewicz, University of Houston
- Felix Saltor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Donovan Schneider, Red Brick Systems, Los Gatos
- Timos Sellis, National Technical University of Athens
- S. Seshadri, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
- Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto
- Eugene Shekita, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose
- Oded Shmueli, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
- Arie Shoshani, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Eric Simon, INRIA, Le Chesnay
- Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Research, Murray Hill
- Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
- D.K. Subramanian, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- S. Sudarshan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
- Arun Swami, Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View
- Riccardo Torlone, Terza Universita' di Roma
- Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, Houston
- Jari Veijalainen, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo
- T.M. Vijayaraman, National Center for Software Technology, Bombay
- Gerhard Weikum, University of the Saarland, Saarbruecken
- Kyu-Young Whang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Gio Wiederhold, Stanford University
- Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois, Chicago
- Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- Philip S. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne
- Stan Zdonik, Brown University, Providence
An International Workshop on Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures (ATMA) is to be held in Goa
just preceding VLDB96.
Last updated on 21 August 1996. C. Mohan, mohan@almaden.ibm.com