---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 1996 September 3-6, 1996 Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai (Bombay), India http://bhishma.cse.iitb.ernet/~vldb96 http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/vldb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Early bird registration deadline has been extended to AUGUST 15. Registration information is attached at the end of this document. The International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) is one of the most renowned conferences in the field of databases. The annual VLDB conference is run by the VLDB Endowment and has a distinguished history of 22 years which has established the conference at the centre of the international database community. The 22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB'96) will be held in Mumbai (Bombay), India, from September 3rd to 6th. VLDB'96 is sponsored by the Computer Society of India. The VLDB Endowment, which runs the VLDB conferences, is a non-profit organisation, and is governed by a board of trustees consisting of pre-eminent members of the dtabase community, both academic and industrial. The VLDB conferences are sponsored by leading database vendor companies as well as leading companies that make extensive use of databases. Each year the conference is held in a different location. In the recent past, VLDB conferences have been held in locations such as Zurich, Switzerland (1995), Santiago, Chile (1994), Dublin, Ireland (1993), Vancouver, Canada (1992), Barcelona, Spain (1991) and Brisbane, Australia (1990). Registration Information ------------------------ Note: Early bird registration deadline has been extended to AUGUST 15. Registration information is attached to the END of this document. Registration forms, as well as more information about the conference, can be found on the Web at either of the URLs: http://bhishma.cse.iitb.ernet/~vldb96 http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/vldb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVITED TALKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Invited talks are given by leading persons in the field illuminating recent trends, and in some cases providing enlightening retrospective accounts as well. This years program includes four invited talks. o Umang Gupta (Chairman, Centura Corp.) The Changing Landscape of the Software Industry and its Implications for India, Umang Gupta, the Chairman of Centura Corp will deliver the keynote address on the opening day. Gupta is the founder of Gupta Technologies, the creators of Gupta SQL. o Michael Carey Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil (with David J. DeWitt) Michael Carey, from IBM Almaden Research Center, is an author of the paper on EXODUS which appeared in VLDB 1986. This paper has been selected as the paper with the maximum impact in the last ten years from those published in VLDB'86. EXODUS is an extensible database system developed at the University of Wisconsin, Madison while Michael Carey was a faculty member there. o Don Haderle Title to be announced Don Haderle is an IBM Fellow and Director of Data Management Architecture and New Technology in the Software Solutions Divison of IBM Santa Teresa Labaratory. He is well known for his role as one of the founding architects of the IBM relational database product DB2 and is its chief architect since the early '80s. o Karl-Heinz Hess Very Large Databases in a Commercial Application Environment Karl-Heinz Hess is from SAP AG corporation which is a leading software vendor, providing solutions in the business applications arena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESEARCH SESSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Session 1 : Spatial Access Methods ---------------------------------- Filter Trees for Managing Spatial Data over a Range of Size Granularities K. Sevcik, N. Koudas The X-tree : An Index Structure for High-dimensional data S. Berchtold, D. A. Keim, H.-P. Kriegel Analysis of n-dimensional quadtrees using the Hausdorff Fractal Dimension C. Faloutsos, V. Gaede Session 2 : Data Warehousing ---------------------------- WATCHMAN : A Data Warehouse Intelligent Cache Manager P. Scheuermann, J. Shim, R. Vingralek Efficient Snapshot Differential Algorithms for Data Warehousing W. J. Labio, H. Garcia-Molina Incremental Maintenance of Externally Materialized Views M. Staudt, M. Jarke Session 3 : Query Optimization ------------------------------ Optimization of Queries with User-defined Predicates S. Chaudhuri, K. Shim The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System P. Seshadri, M. Livny, R. Ramakrishnan EROC: A Toolkit for Building NEATO Query Optimizers W. McKenna, L. Burger, C. Hoang, M. Truong Session 4 : Data Mining ----------------------- A new SQL-like Operator for Mining Association Rules R. Meo, G. Psaila, S. Ceri Sampling Large Databases for Finding Association Rules H. Toivonen Constructing Efficient Decision Trees by using Optimized Numeric Association Rules T. Fukuda, Y. Morimoto, S. Morishita, T. Tokuyama Session 5 : Query Processing - 1 -------------------------------- Reordering Query Execution in Tertiary Memory Databases S. Sarawagi, M. Stonebraker Query Processing Techniques for Multiversion Access Methods J.v.d. Bercken, B. Seeger Coalescing in Temporal Databases M. H. Bohlen, R. T. Snodgrass, M. D. Soo Session 6 : Querying and Information Retrieval ---------------------------------------------- Effective & Efficient Document Ranking without using a Large Lexicon Y. Ogawa PESTO : An Integrated Query/Browser for Object Databases M. Carey, L. Haas, V. Maganty, J. Williams Fast Nearest-Neighbor Search in Medical Image Databases F. Korn, N. Sidiropoulos, C. Faloutsos, E. Siegel, Z. Protopapas Session 7 : Heterogeneous Databases - 1 --------------------------------------- Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data D. Suciu SchemaSQL - A Language for Interoperability in Relational Multi-database Systems L. V. S. Lakshmanan, F. Sadri, I. N. Subramanian Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions A. Levy, A. Rajaraman, J. Ordille Session 8 : Database Applications --------------------------------- Supporting State-Wide Immunisation Tracking Using Multi-Paradigm Workflow Technology A. Sheth, K. Kochut, J. Miller, D. Worah, S. Das, C. Lin, D. Palaniswami, J. Lynch, I. Shevchenko, ZOO : A Desktop Experiment Management Environment Y. E. Ioannidis, M. Livny, S. Gupta, N. Ponnekanti Applying Data Mining Techniques to a Health Insurance Information System M. S. Viveros, J. P. Nearhos, M. J. Rothman Session 9 : Query Processing - 2 -------------------------------- Querying Multiple Features of Groups in Relational Databases D. Chatziantoniou, K. Ross Modeling Skewed Distribution Using Multifractals and the `80-20' Law C. Faloutsos, Y. Matias, A. Silberschatz Answering queries with aggregation using views D. Srivastava, S. Dar, H. V. Jagadish, A. Levy Session 10: I/O Optimization ---------------------------- Semantic Data Caching and Replacement S. Dar, M. J. Franklin, B. T. Jonsson, D. Srivastava, M. Tan Clustering Techniques for Minimizing External Path Length A. A. Diwan, S. Rane, S. Seshadri, S. Sudarshan Disseminating Updates on Broadcast Disks S. Acharya, M. J. Franklin, S. Zdonik Session 11: Object Oriented Query Processing -------------------------------------------- Implementation and Analysis of a Parallel Collection Query Language D. Suciu Calibrating the Query Optimizer Cost Model of IRO-DB, an Object-Oriented Federated Database System G. Gardarin, F. Sha, Z. -H. Tang Cost-based Selection of Path Expression Processing Algorithms in Object-Oriented Databases G. Gardarin, J. -R. Gruser, Z. -H. Tang Session 12: Heterogeneous Databases - 2 --------------------------------------- Obtaining Complete Answers from Incomplete Databases A. Levy Object Fusion in Mediator Systems Y. Papakonstantinou, S. Abiteboul, H. Garcia-Molina The Role of Integrity Constraints in Database Interoperation M. W. W. Vermeer, P. M. G. Apers Session 13: Parallel Query Processing ------------------------------------- Dynamic Load Balancing in Hierarchical Parallel Database Systems L. Bouganim, D. Florescu, P. Valduriez Estimation of Query-Result Distribution and its Application in Parallel-Join Load Balancing V. Poosala, Y. Ioannidis Intra-Transaction Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-Processor System M. Rys, M. C. Norrie, H. -J. Schek Session 14: Data Integrity/Security ----------------------------------- Supporting Periodic Authorizations and Temporal Reasoning in Database Access Control E. Bertino, C. Bettini, E. Ferrari, P. Samarati Querying a Multilevel Database: A Logical Analysis F. Cuppens Further Improvements on Integrity Constraint Checking for Stratifiable Deductive Databases S. Y. Lee, T. W. Ling Session 15: OLAP ---------------- On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates S. Agarwal, R. Agrawal, P. M. Deshpande, A. Gupta, J. F. Naughton, R. Ramakrishnan, S. Sarawagi Storage Estimation for Multidimensional Aggregates in the Presence of Hierarchies A. Shukla, P. M. Deshpande, J. F. Naughton, K. Ramaswamy Information Retrieval From an Incomplete Data Cube C. Dyreson Session 16: Potpourri --------------------- SPRINT: A Scalable Parallel Classifier for Data Mining J. Shafer, R. Agrawal, M. Mehta Modeling Design Versions R. Ramakrishnan, D. Janaki Ram Integrating Triggers and Declarative Constraints in SQL Database Sytems R. Cochrane, H. Pirahesh, N. Mattos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRY SESSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Session A: ---------- Practical Issues with Commercial Use of Federated Databases Jim Kleewein, IBM Supporting Procedural Constructs in SQL Compilers Nelson Mattos, IBM Extracting Large Data Sets using DB2 Parallel Edition Sriram Padmanabhan, IBM Session B: ---------- Cache Coherency in Oracle Parallel Server Boris Klots, Oracle Scaleablity and Availability in Oracle7 7.3 Dieter Gawlick, Oracle Bellcore's ADAPT/X Harness System for Managing Information on Internet and Intranets Amit Sheth, University of Georgia. Session C: ---------- DISNIC-PLAN: A NICNET Based Distributed Database for Micro-level Planning in India M. Moni, National Informatics Centre, New Delhi Large Databases for Remote Sensing and GIS A. R. Dasgupta, Space Applications Centre - ISRO DWMS: Data Warehouse Management System Narendra Mohan, Software AG of Far East Inc., Japan Session D. ---------- The XPS Approach to Loading and Unloading Terabyte Databases Sanket Atal, Informix How System 11 SQL Server Became Fast T.K. Rengarajan, Sybase Using Referential Integrity To Easily Define Consistent Subset Replicas Brad Hammond, Microsoft Session E: ---------- The Query Optimizer in Tandem's new ServerWare SQL Product Pedro Celis, Tandem TPC-D: The Challenges, Issues and Results Ramesh Bhashyam, NCR Tribeca: A Stream Database Manager for Network Traffic Analysis Mark Sullivan, Bellcore Session F: ---------- MineSet(tm): A System for High-End Data Mining & Visualization Database Mining and Visualization Group, SGI Inc. The Structured Information Manager: A Database System for SGML Documents R. Sacks-Davis, RMIT (Australia) Loading the Data Warehouse Across Various Parallel Architectures Vijay Raghavan, Red Brick Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANEL DISCUSSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These provide a forum for industry and academic experts to discuss current issues in database technology. This years VLDB will have panels on the following topics: o Performance Challenges for Future DBMS Organizer: Chaitanya K. Baru (San Diego Computer Center) o Internet and Databases Organizer: Susan Malaika (IBM Hursley, UK) o Data Warehousing Organizers: Ashish Gupta (Junglee Corpn.) and Inderpal Mumick (AT&T Research) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUTORIALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutorials on the latest developments in databases are conducted by leading personalities. These are targeted at practitioners as well as researchers. The conference this year will feature seven tutorials (typically half-day each). Tutorial 1 Object-Relational Database Management Systems Anil K. Nori, Oracle Corporation Anil K. Nori has been a key architect for the support of object-relational features in the Oracle DBMS, Oracle Corporation USA since 1994. . He has been in database research and product development for the last 17 years. This tutorial provides a comprehensive view of the new class of DBMSs known as Object-Relational DBMSs. Object-relational systems - relational systems enhanced with object modeling capabilities provide best of both RDBMS and ODBMSs. They support SQL with object extensions for accessing complex data, and provide the performance and robustness of relational systems. Application and software developers in India would benefit immensely by learning about this new wave of Object-Relational DBMS. This tutorial would provide a comprehensive summary of RDBMSs, OODBMSs, and ORDBMSs. TARGETED AUDIENCE & WHY: The tutorial is targeted for database application designers, DBMS researchers, and DBMS implementors. The tutorial will summarize what RDBMSs can do; what ODBMSs can do; and how ORDBMS can provide features and benefits of both. The participants will become more aware of these different DBMSs technologies, differences between them. They will get a good overview of what ORDBMSs are and how they can be built. Tutorial 2 Image and Video Databases Ramesh Jain, University of California, San Diego Ramesh Jain is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering at University of California at San Diego. He was the founder and the Chairman of Imageware Inc., an Ann Arbor based company dedicated to revolutionize software interfaces for emerging sensor technologies. He is the founding chairman of Virage, a company developing systems for visual information retrieval. Importance and Relevance: In this tutorial, we will first address the basic problems in the area of content-addressable image databases, and then briefly review the state of the art in this emerging field. We will discuss both commercial systems and research prototypes in our review. We will have a demonstration system for showing operations in at least one commercial system. Who Should Attend and Why: People interested in multimedia information systems will benefit from this tutorial. This tutorial will present basic concepts and techniques in emerging field image and video databases. Currently there is no book available that addresses this field. Since images and video are new to database people, a good understanding of the basic concepts will help people either entering or already engaged in this exciting field. Tutorial 3 On the Design and Development of Large Scale Cooperative Information Systems Michael Brodie, GTE Laboratories Inc. Dr. Michael L. Brodie is a Senior Staff Scientist at GTE Laboratories Inc., Waltham, Mass. He has consulted to research advisory organizations of the governments of USA, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Colombia, Brasil, Denmark, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, and the EEC. Michael has authored over 70 books. BRIEF DESCRIPTION Distributed object computing (DOC) visions, such as underlies ISO's Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and OMG's Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA ), are being realized as a basis for enterprise wide cooperative information systems. These DOC technologies may provide an infrastructure but they do not provide a basis for application interoperation, a key requirement of cooperative information systems. This tutorial addresses cooperative information systems from a variety of points of view. It will address core technology, systems management, distributed computing architectures, engineering, standards, and methodologies. WHO SHOULD ATTEND IT managers, planers, etc., will get a view of future technology and its current status. Researchers will get exposed to next generation computing vision and real cases and technical challenges to be faced. IS designers and implementers will learn the vision and the reality in developing distributed object computing systems. Tutorial 4 Data Warehousing and OLAP for Decision Support Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research Umeshwar Dayal, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories The tutorial will cover : Introduction - Role of decision support Existing Products and Technology - their interrelationships. Query Model, Language, Processing ; Multidimensional Databases (e.g., Express IQ, IRI) ; Relational Approach (e.g., Oracle 7, Redbrick); Hybrid Approach (e.g., Metacube, Microstrategy); Novel Indexing and Processing Role of Parallelism ; Maintaining a Data Warehouse ; - Replication Strategies View maintenance ; Triggers; A Case Study Target Audience: Researchers and Developers interested in applications, tools and processing related to decision-support, a growing field. Tutorial 5 An Overview of SQL3 - The Emerging New Generation of the SQL Standard Nelson M. Mattos, IBM Database Technology Institute, Almaden Research Jim Melton, Sybase Inc. NELSON MATTOS, Ph. D., is with the Database Technology Institute of IBM in San Jose, California. He is IBM's Standard Project Authority for SQL as well as a member of the ANSI Technical Committee X3H2 for Database and a USA representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Committee for database. Nelson has contributed extensively to the design of SQL3. JIM MELTON is a senior architect with the Strategic Planning Group, Sybase, Inc. Jim is the Editor of the SQL-92 standard and the emerging next generation of the SQL3 standard, currently called SQL3. Jim contributed very heavily to the technical content of SQL-92 and SQL3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION The emerging new generation of the SQL Standard, called SQL3, has been under development by ANSI X3H2 and ISO DBL over the last several years. SQL3 is a multi-volume, upward compatible extension to SQL92 containing a very large number of extensions over its predecessor. These new capabilities are specified in separate, independent volumes which have started to emerge as new International Standards for Database Language in 1995. The enhancements included in SQL3 can be divided into 4 main areas: "relational" enhancements, procedural extensions, object-oriented support, and call level interface. The tutorial will give an overview of the SQL3 standard, focusing on the substantial enhancements that are a part of SQL3. Tutorial 6 Data Mining Rakesh Agrawal, IBM Almaden Research Center Rakesh Agrawal is the founder and project leader of the Quest project on Data mining and Decision Support Technologies at the IBM Almaden Research Centre, San Jose, California. BRIEF OUTLINE Data mining is the efficient discovery of previously unknown patterns in large databases, and is emerging as a major application area for databases. Many of the data mining problems have been motivated by the practical decision support problems faced by most large organizations. WHO SHOULD ATTEND The tutorial should be of interest to both database researchers and practitioners. The speaker will draw upon his practical experience with Quest to discuss current data mining technologies and present some open problems. He will also include on-going research work in other institutions. Tutorial 7 Open Standard Developments for Database Interoperability Ramez Elmasri, University of Texas at Arlington Ramez A. Elmasri is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. He has been involved in database research and teaching for over fifteen years. Dr.Elmasri is co-author, with Professor S. Navathe, of the bestselling textbook "Fundamentals of Database Systems". Adbelsalam (Sumi) Helal is a visiting assistant professor at Purdue University. IMPORTANCE AND RELEVANCE OF TUTORIAL: Because of the explosion in the number of new platforms, applications, tools, languages, and DBMSs, and the rapid growth of computer networks in practically all computing environments, an acute need for standards that allow independently-developed applications that run on heterogeneous platforms to communicate. These Open Standards are designed to allow individual applications and tools to communicate with other tools through standard interfaces and systems. This tutorial will present many of the Open Standards for database and distributed systems, and discuss the current state of these standards and how they may progress in the future. It will motivate the need for database standards in general, as well as the need that led to the development of each of the standards we discuss. WHO SHOULD ATTEND AND WHY: Database designers, systems analysts, programmers, and data processing managers who design, manage, and develop applications for database and distributed environments should benefit from attending this tutorial. The tutorial will provide the motivation behind each standard, and an overview of the standard itself. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Conference Workshop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The International Workshop on Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures (ATMA) '96 is to be held in Goa just preceding VLDB'96. For more information about the workshop send mail to jajodia@isse.gmu.edu . Important Dates * Electronic abstract submission: 16 February 1996 * Paper, Panel, Tutorial, Industry/Applications submissions: 23 February 1996 * Notification of acceptance: 10 May 1996 * Camera-ready copies due: 1 July 1996 * Early Bird Registration: 15 August 1996 * Conference: 3-6 September 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The conference fee structure is shown below. IMPORTANT: Note the new early bird registration deadline of Aug 15! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Category International Indian General, by Aug. 15 1996 US$ 350 Rs. 9500 General, after Aug. 15 1996 US$ 390 Rs. 12000 Student US$ 175 Rs. 4750 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For regular participants, the fee includes: * admission to all conference sessions, including all tutorials, * conference proceedings (tutorial notes cost extra) * inaugural function at the Bhabha Auditorium * conference banquet * lunch on all four days The reduced student fee does not include the conference banquet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Travel Agents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The official travel agents for the conference are Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. Thomas Cook handles all hotel reservation as well as additional travel and tour information. The contact information for Thomas Cook is as follows: Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. Attn: Mr. Hiren Parekh Thomas Cook Building Dr. D. Naoroji Roadi Mumbai - 400 001 India (tel) +91 (22) 204 8556 (fax) +91 (22) 287 1069 and +91 (22) 204 6769 Thomas Cook may also be contacted by email, for VLDB related travel, at vldbtrvl@cse.iitb.ernet.in. (This will be available from 27th of May 1996). Thomas Cook may also be contacted by email, through the VLDB account, at vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel And Travel Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The conference venue, the Taj Mahal Hotel , is in downtown Mumbai, near the historic Gateway of India, and the Taj Intercontinental Hotel is located close by. All other hotels are within about ten minutes (one and a half kilometres) of the conference venue. Arrangements for other hotels to suit specific requirements can be arranged through Thomas Cook. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Mumbai -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mumbai is located on the west coast of India. Mumbai was till recently known as Bombay, so you will see both names in use. Mumbai Bombay which is located on the west coast of India is the capital of Maharashtra state, and the business capital and economic powerhouse of India. It is the fastest moving, most affluent and most industrialised city in India. Mumbai's very cosmopolitan population is estimated to be around 10 million. The main languages spoken in the city are Hindi and Marathi, but a visitor can easily manage his/her business and travel with English. Mumbai is also the home of the Hindi film industry, which is the largest in the world. There are several tourist attractions in and around Mumbai: ancient cave paintings, sculptures, quaint hill-stations and more. Mumbai is very well connected by air, and numerous international airlines provide connections to Mumbai. The time zone in India, Indian Standard Time, is 5 hrs 30 min ahead of UTC (GMT), which makes it 9:30 ahead of EST in the U.S.A. The climate in Mumbai in September is warm, with a maximum temperatures of around 30 C (86 F), and a minimum temperature of around 24 C (75 F). Mumbai receives copious amounts of rain in the monsoon season, which starts in mid June. Although the monsoon usually ends by early September, rains are a possibility during the conference. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tourism ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- India is a vast country with a varied geography and climate. From the snow capped mountains of the Himalayas, to the sandy deserts of Rajasthan, from the lovely beaches of Goa and Kovalam to the vast plains of the Ganges, you can find any climate at any time of the year. But the biggest attraction of India is its rich cultural heritage spanning over 3000 years. The Taj Mahal in Agra (near New Delhi) is one of the seven wonders of the world and presents a truly breathtaking sight by the light of the full moon. The ancient cave paintings and sculptures of Ajanta and Ellora (Maharashtra state, in the west), the Sun temple at Konark (Orissa state, on the Eastern coast), the magnificent forts in Delhi and its vicinity (in the North), the awe-inspiring palaces and temples of Mysore (near Bangalore, in the south) are a sample of the varied heritage India has to offer her visitors. The official travel agent Thomas Cook will organize pre and post conference tours. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travel Tips ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most visitors to India require visas to come to India. Visas can be obtained in Indian Embassy or the High Commission in your country. Requirements for getting visas vary from country to country. Please check with the Indian Consulate in your country for specific requirements. We will send you personalized invitation letters if you desire and will inform the Indian consulate in your area if you desire. Please note that to get a visa, your passport must be valid for six months past the date you are travelling. THe process of obtaining a visa may take from 24 to 73 hours depending on where it is obtained. India is a land of many languages with each state or region having its own language or dialect. Hindi is widely spoken in the northern parts of India. However, English is also widely used and visitors can easily manage their business and travel in English. Most of the important cities and tourist places have excellent (four and five star) hotels. Most cities in India have several excellent restaurants serving a wide variety of cuisines from the different regions of India. Many restaurants also serve Chinese food, while restaurants in the better hotels also serve Continental fare. Although Indian food is typically spicy, many restaurants will serve food to suit milder tastes, on request. Visitors are advised to avoid drinking tap water, but bottled mineral water is available in all hotels, restaurants and grocery shops, and is very safe. Credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, airlines and major shops and better restaurants. However, it is a good idea to carry cash for other expenses, such as at smaller shops that sell handicraft items. Visitors can convert cash and traveler's checks in major currencies to rupees at airports and hotels. There are a large number of telecommunication centres, practically at every street corner, which offer international and national direct dial facilities on cash payment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For More Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The VLDB Endowment as well as the local organizers are looking forward to welcoming you at the conference. If you need any assistance or for further information, please send email to vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in or if you are on the Internet, look up the VLDB'96 home page on the World Wide Web, at either of the URLs http://bhishma.cse.iitb.ernet/~vldb96 http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/vldb You can also contact the VLDB Secretariat at the following address: VLDB Secretariat, Attn. Prof. D.B. Phatak Department of Computer Science and Engineering I.I.T. Powai Mumbai 400076 India fax: +91 (22) 578 3480 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM CHAIRS ASIA/AUSTRALIA Nandlal L. Sarda Department of Computer Science Indian Institute of Technology, Powai Mumbai (Bombay) 400 076, India email: nls@cse.iitb.ernet.in (also, vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in) Ph: (+91 22) 578 2545 Fax: (+91 22) 578 3480 AMERICAS C. Mohan K55/B1, IBM Almaden Research Center 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120, USA email: mohan@almaden.ibm.com Ph: (+1 408) 927 1733 Fax: (+1 408) 927 4307/3215 EUROPE Alejandro Buchmann DVS-I, TH Darmstadt, Frankfurter Str. 69A D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany email: buchmann@dvs1.informatik.th-darmstadt.de Ph: (+49 6151) 165 253 Fax: (+49 6151) 165 554 INDUSTRY/APPLICATION CHAIRS ASIA/AUSTRALIA Anand Deshpande Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd. 'Kapilavastu', First Floor 397/9 Senapati Bapat Road Pune 411 053, India email: anand@pspl.ernet.in Ph: (+91 212) 351 510 Fax: (+91 212) 356 110 AMERICAS Jim Gray Microsoft 580 California St., 5th Fl., San Francisco, CA 94101, USA email: gray@microsoft.com Ph: (+1 415) 778 8222 Fax: (+1 415) 283 3301 EUROPE Peter Lockemann Fakultaet fuer Informatik Universitaet Karlsruhe, Postfach 6980 D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany email: lockeman@ira.uka.de Ph: (+49 721) 608 3968 Fax: (+49 721) 694 092 TUTORIAL CHAIRS P. Sadanandan National Center for Software Technology 6th Floor, Major Tower, Visvesvaraya Centre Bangalore 560 001, India email: ps@ncb.ernet.in Ph: (+91 80) 226 1531/3100 Fax: (+91 80) 226 1531 Sharma Chakravarthy CIS Department University of Florida, Gainsville, FL 32611, USA email: sharma@cis.ufl.edu Ph: (+1 352) 392 2697 Fax: (+1 352) 392 1220 PANEL CHAIRS V.R. Govindarajan Tata Information Systems Ltd Golden Enclave, Aiport Road Bangalore 560 017, India email: TISL1@almaden.ibm.com Ph:(+91 80) 526 2355/7117 Fax: (+91 80) 558 7374 Amit Sheth Department of Computer Science University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 email: amit@cs.uga.edu Ph: (+1 706) 542 2310 Fax: (+1 706) 542 2966 CONFERENCE CHAIRS Deepak B. Phatak Department of Computer Science Indian Institute of Technology, Powai Mumbai (Bombay) 400 076, India email: dbp@cse.iitb.ernet.in Ph: (+91 22) 578 2545 Fax: (+91 22) 578 3480 Sham Navathe College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332, USA email: sham@cc.gatech.edu Ph: (+1 404) 853 0537 Fax: (+1 404) 894 9442 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE CHAIR Harish Mehta Onward Novell Software (India) Pvt. Ltd. Krislon House, II Floor, Saki Vihar Road Mumbai (Mumbai) 400 072, India email: hmehta@shakti.ncst.ernet.in Ph: (+91 22) 822 1569 Fax: (+91 22) 836 4180 AREA COORDINATORS ASIA/AUSTRALIA Ron Sacks-Davis, CITRI, Australia email: crsd@citri.edu.au AMERICAS Ravi Krishnamurthy, HP Labs, USA email: krishnam@hpl.hp.com EUROPE Martin Kersten, CWI, Holland email: mk@cwi.nl PROCEEDINGS EDITOR T.M. Vijayaraman National Center for Software Technology, India email: vijay@ncst.ernet.in VLDB FOUNDATION REPRESENTATIVE Hector Garcia-Molina Stanford University, USA email: hector@cs.stanford.edu TREASURER Shriprakash M. Dhopeshwarkar (Baba) Tata Unisys Ltd. Manish Comm. Centre, 216A Dr. A.B. Road Worli, Mumbai (Bombay) 400 025, India Ph: (+91 22) 493 3560 Fax: (+91 22) 495 0318 PUBLICITY M.R. Datar MSEB, Mistry Bhavan Dinshaw Vachha Road Mumbai (Bombay) 400 020, India Ph: (+91 22) 282 1428/0220 Fax: (+91 22) 2832544 CSI Mumbai Chapter Chairman Anis Milwala (Indian Register of Shipping) PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, Le Chesnay * Michel Adiba, Universite de Grenoble * Antonio Albano, University of Pisa * Francois Bancilhon, O2 Technology, Versailles * Elena Baralis, Politecnico di Torino * Dirk Bartels, Poet Software GmbH * Catriel Beeri, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem * Kjell Bratbergsengen, University of Trondheim * Surajit Chaudhuri, Microsoft Research * Arbee L.P. Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu * To-yat Cheung, City University of Hong Kong * Chang Chin-Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Chai-I * Richard Cooper, University of Glasgow * Daniel M. Dias, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne * Oscar Diaz, The Basque Country University * Guozhu Dong, University of Melbourne * Amr El Abbadi, University of California, Santa Barbara * Alan Fekete, University of Sydney * Michael J. Franklin, University of Maryland, College Park * Norbert Fuhr, University of Dortmund * Shashi K. Gadia, Iowa State University, Ames * Peter Gray, University of Aberdeen * Ralf Hartmut Gueting, University of Hagen * Jiawei Han, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver * Eric N. Hanson, University of Florida, Gainsville * Jayant Haritsa, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore * Bala Iyer, IBM Santa Teresa Laboratory, San Jose * H.V. Jagadish, AT&T Research, Murray Hill * Keith G. Jeffery, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton * Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences * Yahiko Kambayashi, Kyoto University * Kamal Karlapalem, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology * Martin Kersten, CWI, Amsterdam * Hans-Peter Kriegel, LMU Muenchen * Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg * Rosana S.G. Lanzelotte, Pontificia Univ Catolica, Rio de Janeiro * P.-A. (Paul) Larson, University of Waterloo * Georg Lausen, Universitaet Freiburg * Miron Livny, University of Wisconsin, Madison * Frederick H. Lochovsky, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology * David Lomet, Microsoft Research, Redmond * Hongjun Lu, National University of Singapore * A.K. Majumdar, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur * Heikki Mannila, University of Helsinki * Dewang Mehta, NASSCOM, New Delhi * Klaus Meyer-Wegener, TU Dresden * Tova Milo, Tel-Aviv University * Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Bern * Atsushi Ohori, Kyoto University * Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore * Maria E. Orlowska, The University of Queensland * Z. Meral Ozsoyoglu, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland * Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano * Stefano Paraboschi, Politecnico di Milano * Jan Paredaens, University of Antwerp * Norman W. Paton, University of Manchester * Erhard Rahm, University of Leipzig * Raghu Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsin, Madison * Colette Rolland, Universite Paris 1 Sorbonne * Arnon Rosenthal, MITRE Corporation, Bedford * Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * Nick Roussopoulos, University of Maryland, College Park * Marek Rusinkiewicz, University of Houston * Felix Saltor, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona * Donovan Schneider, Red Brick Systems, Los Gatos * Timos Sellis, National Technical University of Athens * S. Seshadri, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay * Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto * Eugene Shekita, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose * Oded Shmueli, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology * Arie Shoshani, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory * Eric Simon, INRIA, Le Chesnay * Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Research, Murray Hill * Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis * D.K. Subramanian, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore * S. Sudarshan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay * Arun Swami, Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View * Riccardo Torlone, Terza Universita' di Roma * Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, Houston * Jari Veijalainen, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Espoo * T.M. Vijayaraman, National Center for Software Technology, Mumbai (Bombay) * Gerhard Weikum, University of the Saarland, Saarbruecken * Kyu-Young Whang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology * Gio Wiederhold, Stanford University * Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois, Chicago * Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Nara Institute of Science and Technology * Philip S. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne * Stan Zdonik, Brown University, Providence ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT o The Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Indian Institute of Technology , Bombay, India. o National Center for Software Technology (NCST) , Bombay o Computer Society of India DISCLAIMER We are putting our best efforts into organizing VLDB'96, to make it an enlightening and enjoyable experience for participants. However, neither the VLDB endowment nor the local organizers or Thomas Cook take any responsibility for any damage, loss or inconvenience participants might incur in connection with the conference. We also cannot be held responsible for the correctness or appropriateness of the contents of the talks and papers included in this conference. In particular, changes to the published conference program or cancellations of parts thereof do not entitle participants to a refund of the conference fee or parts thereof. Names/addresses of attendees will be electronically processed and included in a participants list that may be posted/distributed during and in connection with the conference. By registering for the conference, participants express their agreements with these regulations. PRE AND POST CONFERENCE TOURs ----------------------------- Thomas Cook will organize three pre and post conference tours. These tours are being arranged by Thomas Cook who are solely responsible for the arrangements. For more information contact vldbtrvl@cse.iitb.ernet.in ----------------------cut here for registration form ------------------- 22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VERY LARGE DATA BASES September 3-6, 1996, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai (Bombay), India Registration Form Please type or print clearly in large letters. Last Name:......................... First Name:......................... Affiliation:............................................................. Mailing Address: ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... Tel:............................... Fax:................................. E-mail:................................................................... Registration Fees: On or before August 1st After August 1st Regular registration fee US$ 350 Rs. 9500 US$ 390 Rs. 12000 Student registration fee US$ 175 Rs. 4750 US$ 175 Rs. 4750 Note: Only participants from India are permitted to make payment in rupees. Others have to pay in US dollars. Amount enclosed: US$................. or Rs. ........................... To be allowed to pay the student registration fee, this form must be signed by the student's advisor: Advisor's name:...................... Advisor's signature: ............... Advisor's affiliation:..................................................... Payment will be accepted by credit cards or by draft/banker checks payable to "Hongkong Bank A/C VLDB'96". If paying by credit cards: (1) Please add an additional 2 percent processing fee. (2) Please enclose a photocopy of both sides of your credit cards. (3) Please sign the following authorisation: I authorise VLDB'96 to charge the registration fees of ...................... to my Credit Card number:..................... Visa(yes/no):........ Mastercard(yes/no):......... Exp. Date: (MM/YY):............................... issued by:................................................ (Name of the Bank) Cardholder's name:......................................... Signature:.................................................. Do you need a personalized invitation to help your visa application: (Yes/No)................................... Please indicate which tutorials you plan to attend: Tutorial 1 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 2 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 3 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 2 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 4 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 5 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 6 (Yes/No) ............. Tutorial 7 (Yes/No) ............. Special offer :(Yes/No)............ Check here if you want to subscribe to the VLDB journal (starting 1997) and get the last issue of 1996 (Vol. 5, No. 4) for FREE. Yearly cost:US$ 48 for individuals, US$ 192 for institutions. (Issue 5(4) will be sent to you along with a bill later.) Please mail this registration form (with payment enclosed) to: VLDB Secretariat, Attn: Prof. D.B. Phatak, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, I.I.T. Powai, Mumbai 400 076. INDIA Fax: +91.22 578 3480 email: vldb96@cse.iitb.ernet.in Web : http://www.cse.iitb.ernet.in/ ------------------------end of registration form------------------------- ---------cut here for Hotel Reservation And Tours Booking Form------------ 22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VERY LARGE DATA BASES September 3-6, 1996, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai (Bombay), India Hotel Reservation & Tours Booking Form Please type or print clearly in large letters. Mailing Address:.............................. Last Name:.............................. First Name:....................... Affiliation: .............................. Mailing Address: .............................. Tel:..................... Fax:..................... E-mail: ..................... Arrival date:..................... Time: ..................... Hotel Reservation I wish to reserve a Single room ....... Double room .......(Check here if you would prefer a double bed) Check-in:............ Check out:............ No. of nights:............ at the following hotel:...................... Hotel Star rating Single Double Single Double (US ) (US ) Indian Rs. Indian Rs. Taj Mahal (Old Wing) Five-Deluxe 258 276 11400 12360 Taj Intercontinental Five-Deluxe 228 246 8220 9000 The Oberoi Five-Deluxe 276 306 11400 12360 Oberoi Towers Five-Deluxe 228 252 8220 9120 President Five 192 210 6600 7200 The Ambassador Four 126 147 4200 4800 Fariyas Four 88 110 2880 3360 West End Four 40 55 1250 1710 Godwin Three 39 50 1320 1700 Hotel Suba Palace Three 39 48 1200 1500 Hotel Diplomat Two 40 50 1300 1660 Chateau Windsor Two 32 46 1000 1450 Note : 1. If two attendees are sharing a double room, only one of them should submit the hotel reservation form. 2. You may give your order of preference, in case of non-availability of rooms in a hotel, by writing numbers (1=first,2=second ...) next to the boxes. To make sure that you get rooms in the hotel of your choice, please make your reservations as early as possible. 3. The deposit for reservation is equal to the charge for one nights accomodation, and is non-refundable (it may be transferable in some cases). 4. All hotel rates are inclusive of presently applicable taxes and service charges. 5. Contact Thomas Cook if you are looking for cheaper accommodation. Tours Reservation I wish to make reservations in the following tours: (please check the supplement boxes wherever required) Tour Days/Nights Cost per Supplement Cost Tour Start Seats Total person Air Fare Single Date Cost in US$ in US$ in US$ in US$ Aurangabad 3/2 145/- 102/- 26/- Weekend Golden 6/5 510/- 116/- 160/- Triangle Taj 2/1 95/- 5/- Experience Total in US$............. Note: 1. The cost includes accommodation at hotels mentioned in the itinerary on twin sharing room basis, and sight-seeing and transfer as per itinerary. If single room is required please add cost of single room supplement. 2. Tour costs are subject to a minimum of six persons travelling together 3. Full payment is required for booking tours. 4. Please see brochure for full details. Payment Details Hotel Deposit: Tours cost: 1-2 Total Amount enclosed US$/Rs: by draft..... bankers check........ credit card........ telegraphic transfer............... Payment will be accepted by credit card or by draft/banker check or telegraphic payable to THOMAS COOK(INDIA) LIMITED, BOMBAY. Participants from outside India must pay in US dollars. If paying by credit card, please attach a copy of both sides of the credit card and sign the following authorisation: I authorise THOMAS COOK to debit my Visacard....... Mastercard ........ Credit Card number: .......... Exp. Date: .......... a sum of US /Rs: .............. Passport Number:.............. issued on: .............. at: .............. Date of expiry of passport:................... Date of birth as in passport:............................ Cardholder's name:.............. Signature: .............. Use the following details if you make your payment by telegraphic transfer: Account Code : 01CBC8501301 Account Name : Thomas Cook (India) Limited Bank : ANZ Grindlays Bank plc, M.G.Road, Fort, Bombay, INDIA Please send this form to: Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. Attn: Mr. Hiren Parekh Thomas Cook Building, Dr. D. Naoroji Road MUMBAI - 400 001 India. (tel) +91.22 204 8556 (fax) +91.22 204 6769 and +91.22 287 1069 ------------cut here for hotel registration form------------------------