Formatting Instructions For AuthorsMorgan Kaufmann's formatting instructions for the VLDB Proceedings may be found in the file format.txt. These guidelines must be adhered to by the final version of your accepted paper.In order to help you format your submissions, we have provided two additional files, vldb.sty and vldb_format.doc.
The copyright notice to be included in your paper is in the file copyright_notice.txt. The transfer of copyright form may be found in the file copyright_form.txt. You should return a signed hard copy with the final version of your paper. orderinf.doc contains an order form which you may use to buy additional copies of the Proceedings. For ease of downloading, copies of all of these files are included in the archive Revision historyBelow are detailed any updates made to this information since the Web page went live.If you are using an out-of-date version of this information, it may be necessary for you to make last-minute changes to the final version of your paper. Please avoid this eventuality by regulary checking this revision history! Update at 15:00 GMT, 14th May 1999Copyright statement added to Word style file. Files affected: vldb_format.doc, format.txt,, readme!.txt. Update at 11:00 GMT, 25th May 1999Page numbers removed by modification to Latex style file. Files affected: vldb.sty,format.txt,, readme!.txt. Peter J Barclay, Napier Unversity, 1999.
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