Please complete the form below and send it to Clansman Monarch by printing the form and faxing or posting it to us. Contact details can be found at the bottom of the page. Please read the Registration and Hotel Conditions at the end of the form before returning your registration. Personal Details* Please delete where appropriate |
For Day Rate, indicate day required: ______________________ Vegetarian: Yes/ No?* |
Social Event
PaymentOne of the following methods of payment is acceptable:
Grand TotalPlease enter total cost of booking (registration fee and any social events):___________Payment by Credit CardPlease complete the following section.
Please indicate how you wish to pay the balance of
account: Credit Card/Cheque/Bank Transfer* |
VLDB Journal Special Offer:Delegates at VLDB'99 can take advantage of a reduced subscription for the VLDB Journal by subscribing at the Springer booth during VLDB'99. Subscribe for the VLDB Journal starting 1999 or 2000 at an annual subscription fee (for 1999) for individuals of DM 79,-- /US $48.-- including postage and handling or for institutions DM 298,-- plus postage and handling (DM 11,80 in Germany, DM 16,80 others)/ US $182.- plus postage and handling ($ 26.-). Please note that the $ prices are applicable for customers in USA, Canada and Mexico; the DM prices for customers in other countries.
Registration Conditions:
VLDB'99 DisclaimerWe are putting our best efforts into organizing VLDB'99, to make it an enlightening and enjoyable experience for participants. However, neither the VLDB endowment nor the local organizers take any responsibility for any damage, loss or inconvenience participants might incur in connection with the conference. We also cannot be held responsible for the correctness or appropriateness of the contents of the talks and papers included in this conference. In particular, changes to the published conference program or cancellations of parts thereof do not entitle participants to a refund of the conference fee or parts thereof. Names/addresses of attendees will be electronically processed and included in a participants list that may be posted/distributed during and in connection with the conference. By registering for the conference, participants express their agreements with these regulations. |
Contact DetailsNote, once this form has been posted/faxed please ensure that you have received an acknowledgement of the booking. Please read the VLDB Disclaimer before sending.![]()
Clansman Monarch
1a Hill Street
Edinburgh EH2 3JP
Telephone +44 (0)131 226 5222
Fax +44 (0)131 624 7277