Industrial SessionsCopies of the speaker's slides are now available.Industrial
Session 1: Tuesday 7th September 16:30-18:00,
Pentland What are the current and future requirements and challenges for networked data management? How are these challenges currently addressed? How should data management concepts, tools, and techniques change to meet these requirements? In this industrial session, the following industry leaders with major commitments to networked data management will present their views:
Some Innovations in Microsoft SQL Server Session Chair: Jim Gray Microsoft SQLServer 7.0 has added a number of features to improve its performance in the Enterprise. This session looks at these innovations and includes the following talks:
Data Warehousing: Experiences, Challenges, and Directions Session Chair: Umeshwar Dayal Data warehouses have grown to be one of the largest sectors of data management and continues to grow with new applications and usage scenarios. Many organizations are deriving major operational benefits and short term payback. As a result, data warehouses are taking on an importance as a major infrastructure component serving more than data collection, integration, and dissemination. Data warehouses clearly fill a gap in the current data management architecture of traditional DBMSs. The following data warehouse vendors will debate what the current and future requirements and challenges are for data warehouses: