VLDB2000 Papers
and Presentations
Talks | VLDB2000 10-Year Paper Award
Papers (Research | Vision
| Experience/Applications)
Demonstrations | Tutorials
Industry Sessions | Domain
Session | Panels
| VLDB Endowment Panel
Dr. Ebbe S. Nielsen, Director, Australian National Insect Collection, and one of
the world's leading biodiversity scientists and an expert in the developing
field of biodiversity informatics, will give a keynote talk titled "Biodiversity Informatics: The Challenge of Rapid Development, Large
Databases and Complex Data."
10-Year Paper Award
VLDB2000 and the VLDB Endowment are delighted to honor Dr. Stefano
Ceri, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano; and Dr.
Jennifer Widom, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, as
recipients of the VLDB2000 10-Year Paper Award for their VLDB1990
Ceri, S. and J. Widom, "Deriving Production Rules for Constraint
Maintenance." In Dennis McLeod, Ron Sacks-Davis, Hans-Jörg Schek (Eds.):
16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 13-16,
1990, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Proceedings, Morgan Kaufmann,
ISBN 0-55860-149-X.
This prestigious annual award is intended for "the most
influential paper in the VLDB proceedings 10 years ago." The honor
is well deserved by Stefano and Jennifer given their individual and
joint contributions to the area of active databases and to other areas
of database research over many years. An award committee consisting of Profs.
Frederick Lochovsky, Hans-Jorge Schek, and H.V. Jagadish, and chaired by
Dr. Michael Carey, Propel (USA), selected the award-winning paper following
an exhaustive analysis of 10 years of related research literature. The
committee found that the paper has had a significant impact on database
research and that it has been formative in initiating research on the
application of production rules to various aspects of database systems.
Other evidence for the paper's influence includes its heavy citation
(over 60 on www.vldb.org alone)
in follow-on research. Most industrial database systems today
include support for both active rules (triggers) and constraints.
Stefano and Jennifer will be honored in a plenary session at the
VLDB2000 Conference in Cairo, Egypt, this coming September at which they
will present the following paper:
"Practical Applications of
Triggers and Constraints: Success Stories and Lingering Issues,"
Stefano Ceri, Roberta J. Cochrane, and Jennifer Widom.
From 351 submitted papers, the three
Regional Program Committees [chaired by Amr El Abbadi,
University of California–Santa Barbara (USA)
(Americas); Gunter Schlageter, Universitat
Hagen (Germany) (Europe, Africa,
and Near East); and Kyu-Young Whang,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea) (Far East, Asia, and
Australia)] selected the following 53 papers for presentation
at VLDB2000.
Novel for VLDB2000 papers was a dramatic
increase in papers that contribute to the VLDB2000 Broadening Strategy.
Research Papers
"The 3W Model and Algebra for Unified Data
Mining," Laks Lakshmanan, Theodore Johnson, and Raymond Ng |
"The A-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Spaces Using Relative
Approximation," Yasushi Sakurai, Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Shunsuke
Uemura, and Haruhiko Kojima |
"Approximate Query Processing Using
Wavelets," Kaushik Chakrabarti, Minos Garofalakis, Rajeev Rastogi, and Kyuseok
Shim |
"Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information
Sources," Chen-Chuan Chang and Hector Garcia-Molina |
"Approximating Aggregate Queries about Web Pages via Random Walks,"
Ziv Bar-Yossef, Alexander Berg, Steve Chien, Jittat Fakcharoenphol,
and Dror Weitz |
"Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in Microsoft SQL
Server," Sanjay Agrawal, Surajit Chaudhuri, and Vivek Narasayya |
"The BT-tree: A Branched and Temporal Access
Method," Linan Jiang, Betty Salzberg, David Lomet, and Manuel
Barrena |
"Caching Strategies for Data-Intensive Web
Sites," Khaled Yagoub, Daniela Florescu, Valerie Issarny, and Patrick
Valduriez |
"A Case-Based Approach to Information
Integration," Maurizio Panti, Luca Spalazzi, and Alberto Giretti |
"CheeTah: a Lightweight Transaction Server for
Plug-and-Play Internet Data
Management," Guy Pardon and Gustavo Alonso |
"Computing Geographical Scopes of Web
Resources," Junyan Ding, Luis Gravano, and Narayanan Shivakumar |
"Contrast Plots and P-Sphere Trees: Space vs. Time in NN Searches,"
Jonathan Goldstein and Raghu Ramakrishnan |
"Decision Tables: Scalable Classification Exploring RDBMS
Capabilities," Hongjun Lu and Hongyan Liu |
"Design and Development of a
Stream Service in a Heterogenous Client Environment," Nikos Pappas and Stavros
Christodoulakis |
"Design and Implementation of a Genetic-Based Algorithm for Data
Mining," Sunil Choenni and Hein Veenhof |
"Don't Be Lazy, Be Consistent:
Postgres-R—A New Way to Implement Database Replication," Bettina Kemme and Gustavo
Alonso |
"Dynamic Maintenance of Wavelet-Based
Histograms," Yossi Matias, Jeff Vitter, and Min Wang |
"Efficient Filtering of XML Documents for Selective Dissemination of
Information," Mehmet Altinel and Michael J. Franklin |
"Efficient Numerical Error Bounding for Replicated Network
Services," Haifeng Yu and Amin Vahdat |
"Efficiently Publishing Relational Data as XML
Documents," Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, Eugene Shekita, Rimon Barr, Michael Carey, Bruce Lindsay, Hamid
and Berthold Reinwald |
"FALCON: Feedback Adaptive Loop for Content-Based
Retrieval," Leejay Wu, Christos Faloutsos, Katia Sycara, and Terry
Payne |
"Fast Time Sequence Indexing for Arbitrary Lp
Norms," Byoung-Kee Yi and Christos Faloutsos |
"ICICLES: Self-Tuning Samples for Approximate Query
Answering," Venkatesh Ganti, Mong Li Lee,
and Raghu Ramakrishnan |
"Hierarchical Compact Cube for Range-Max
Queries," Tok Wang Ling, Sin Yeung Lee, and Hua-Gang Li |
"Hypothetical Queries in an OLAP
Environment," Andrey Balmin, Thanos Papadimitriou, and Yannis
Papakonstantinou |
"Identifying Representative Trends
in Massive Time Series Data Sets Using Sketches," Nick Koudas, Piotr
Indyk, and Muthu Muthukrishnan |
"Local Dimensionality
Reduction: A New Approach to Indexing High Dimensional Spaces,"
Kaushik Chakrabarti and Sharad Mehrotra |
"Managing Intervals Efficiently in Object-Relational
Databases," Hans-Peter Kriegel, Marco Pötke, and Thomas
Seidl |
"Manipulating Interpolated Data is Easier than You
Thought," Stephane Grumbach, Philippe Rigaux, and Luc Segoufin |
"Mining Frequent Itemsets Using Support
Constraints," Ke Wang, Yu He, and Jiawei Han |
"Multi-Dimensional Database Allocation for Parallel
Data Warehouses," Thomas Stöhr, Holger Märtens, and Erhard Rahm |
"Novel Approaches in Query Processing for Moving
Objects," Dieter Pfoser, Christian S. Jensen, and Yannis
Theodoridis |
"Offering a Precision-Performance Tradeoff for Aggregation Queries over Replicated
Data," Chris Olston and Jennifer Widom, |
"Optimizing Multi-Feature Queries for Image
Databases," Ulrich Güntzer, Wolf-Tilo Balke, and Werner
Kiessling |
"Optimizing Queries
on Compressed Bitmaps," Theodore Johnson and Sihem Amer-Yahia |
"PicoDMBS: Scaling Down Database Techniques for the
Smartcard," Bobineau Christophe, Luc Bouganim, Philippe
Pucheral, and Patrick
Valduriez |
"A Scalable Algorithm for Answering Queries Using
Views," Rachel Pottinger and Alon Levy |
"Schema Mapping as Query
Discovery," Renee J. Miller, Laura Haas, and Mauricio Hernandez |
"Set Containment Joins: The Good, The Bad and The
Ugly," Karthikeyan Ramasamy, Jignesh Patel, Jeffrey Naughton, and Raghav
Kaushik |
"Temporal Integrity Constraints with
Indeterminacy," Wes Cowley and Dimitris Plexousakis |
"Temporal Queries in OLAP," Alberto Mendelzon and Alejandro
Vaisman |
"Toward Learning Based Web Query
Processing," Yanlei Diao, Hongjun Lu, Songting Chen, and Zengping
Tian |
"User-Adaptive Exploration of Multidimensional
Data," Sunita Sarawagi |
"Using SQL to Build New Aggregates and Extenders for Object-Relational
Systems," Haixun Wang and Carlo Zaniolo |
"What Happens During a Join? Dissecting CPU and Memory Optimization
Effects," Stefan Manegold, Peter Boncz, and Martin Kersten |
"What Is the Nearest Neighbor in High
Dimensional Spaces?" Alexander Hinneburg, Charu C. Aggarwal, and Daniel
Keim |
Vision Papers
"Rethinking Database System Architecture: Towards a
Self-Tuning RISC-Style Database System," Surajit Chaudhuri and Gerhard
Weikum |
"The Challenge of Process Data
Warehousing," Matthias Jarke, Joerg Koeller, and Thomas List |
"The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental
Crawler," Junghoo Cho and Hector Garcia-Molina |
"Focused Crawling Using Context
Graphs," Michelangelo Diligenti, Frans Coetzee, Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles,
and Marco Gori |
"Integrating the UB-Tree into a Database System
Kernel," Frank Ramsak, Volker Markl, Robert Fenk, Martin Zirkel, Klaus
Elhardt, and Rudolf Bayer |
"Oracle8i Index-Organized Table and
Its Application to New Domains," Jagannathan Srinivasan,
Souripriya Das, Chuck Freiwald, Eugene Chong, Mahesh Jagannath, Aravind
Yalamanchi, Ramkumar Krishnan, Anh-Tuan Tran, Samuel DeFazio,
and Jayanta Banerjee |
"Performance Issues in Incremental Warehouse
Maintenance," Wilburt Labio, Jun Yang, Yingwei Cui, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Jennifer
Widom |
From 34 submitted
demonstrations, the Demonstrations Program Committee [chaired by Opher
Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa (Israel); and Ahmed Elmagarmid,
Purdue University (USA)] selected
16 demonstrations for presentation at VLDB2000.
Innovations for VLDB2000
demonstrations are the inauguration of a VLDB Demonstrations Program
Committee and a doubling of the number of submissions and acceptances.
"Building and Customizing Data-Intensive Web Sites
Using Weave," Daniela Florescu, Valerie Issarny, Patrick
Valduriez, and Khaled Yagou |
"Building Scalable Internet Applications with
Oracle8i Jserver," Julie
Basu, Jose Alberto Fernandez, and Olga Peschansky |
"Demonstration of Telcordia's Database Reconciliation and Data Quality Analysis
Tool," Francesco
Caruso, Munir Cochinwala, Uma Ganapathy, Gail Lalk, and Paolo
Missier |
"Demonstration Proposal: Enabling Scalable Online Personalization on the
Web," Kaushik Dutta, Anindya Datta,
Debra VanderMeer, Krithi
and Helen Thomas |
"Information Integration: The MOMIS Project
Demonstration," D. Beneventano, S. Bergamaschi,
A. Corni, R. Guidetti, G. Malvezzi,
and M. Vincini |
"INSITE: A Tool for Interpreting Users’ Interaction with a
Web Space," Cyrus Shahabi, Adil
Faisal, and Adil Faisal |
"A Mediator System for Model-Based Information
Integration," Amarnath Gupta, Bertram
Ludascher, and Maryann E. Martone |
"Memex: A
Browsing Assistant for Collaborative Archiving and Mining of Surf Trails,"
Chakrabarti, Sandeep Srivastava, Mallela Subramanyam, and Mitul
Tiwari |
"OLAP++: Powerful and Easy-to-Use Federations of OLAP and Object
Databases," Junmin
Gu, Torben Bach Pederseny, and Arie Shoshani |
"Publish/Subscribe on the Web at Extreme
Speed," Francoise Fabret, Francois Llirbat,
Joao Pereira, Dennis
Shasha |
"Push Technology Personalization
Through Event Correlation," Asaf Adi, David
Botzer, Opher Etzion, and Tali Yatzkar-Haham |
"Rainbow: Distributed Database System for Classroom Education
and Experimental Research," Sumi
Helal and Hua Li |
"Semantic Access: Semantic Interface for Querying Databases,"
Rishe, Jun Yuan, Rukshan Athauda, Xiaoling
Lu, Xiaobin Ma, Alexander Vaschillo, Artyom Shaposhnikov, Dmitry
Vasilevsky, and Shu-Ching Chen |
"The TreeScape System: Reuse of Pre-Computed Aggregates
over Irregular OLAP Hierarchies," Torben Bach
Pederseny, Christian S. Jensenz, and Curtis E. Dyreson |
"XML and Relational: How to Live with
Both," Daniela
Florescu, Donald Kossmann, Ioana Manolescu, and Florian Xhumari |
"XPERANTO: Middleware for Publishing Object-Relational Data
as XML Documents," Michael Carey, Daniela Florescu, Srinivasa Narayanan,
Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, Eugene Shekita,
and Subbu Subramanian |
The VLDB2000 tutorials were selected by VLDB2000 Tutorial Chairs Susan
Davidson, University of Pennsylvania (USA); and Divyakant Agrawal,
University of California–Santa Barbara (USA).
"Data Mining and Its
Role in Databases Systems," Usama Fayyad, digiMine.com; Surajit
Chaudhuri and
Paul Bradley, Microsoft |
"B2B or Not to
Be—All About B2B E-Commerce," Anil Nori, Asera |
"Web and Internet
Security," Dick Kemmerer, University of California–Berkeley |
Managing Web Data for Networked Applications," Divesh Srivastava,
AT&T Labs–Research |
"XML: Academic
Research and Industry Standards," Daniela Florescu, INRIA and Jerome
Simeon, Bell Laboratories |
The VLDB2000 industrial
sessions will be announced soon. They were selected by Industry and Domain
Session Program Chair Umesh Dayal, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA).
VLDB2000 will see a
significant increase in the number of industrial sessions, one of the
strongest ever in a VLDB, plus an innovation called a Domain Session, which
focuses on the conference application theme of biodiversity.
Session 1—Applications
 | "A Database
Platform for Bioinformatics," Sandeepan Banerjee, Oracle |
 | "Data Mining in the
Bioinformatics Domain," Shalom Tsur, Surromed |
 | "Controlling Data
Warehouses with Knowledge Networks," Elvira Schaefer, Jan-Dirk
Becker, Andreas Boehmer, and Matthias Jarke, GMD-FIT and
RWTH-Aachen |
Session 2—Data
Mining Technologies and Applications
"E.piphany Epicenter Technology Overview," Sridher Ramaswamy,
E.piphany |
"Integration of Data
Mining and Relational Database Technology," Surajit Chaudhuri,
Microsoft |
"Concurrency in the
Data Warehouse," Richard Taylor, Informix/RedBrick |
Session 3—Groupware
and Workflow
"Evolution of
Groupware for Business Applications: A Database Perspective on Lotus
Domino/Notes," C. Mohan,
"Process Automation as the Foundation for E-Commerce," Ming-Chien
Shan and Fabio Casati, Hewlett-Packard |
"Workflow Extensions
in Informix" |
Session 4—E-business
"Asera: Extranet
Architecture for B2B Solutions," Anil Nori, Asera |
"E-Speak," Rajiv Gupta, Hewlett-Packard |
"Linking Businesses to Deliver Value: A Challenge for Data
Management," Anand Deshpande, Persistent Systems |
Session 5—Extreme
Data Management
and Scalability Through Application Tier In-Memory Data
Management," Marie-Anne Neimat, TimesTen |
"An Ultra Highly
Available DBMS," Svein-Olaf Hvasshovd, Clustra; S.E. Bratsberg,
Clustra; and O. Torbjornsen, Clustra |
"The Zero Latency
Enterprise," Rivka Ladin, Compaq/Tandem |
"Work Practices and Technologies of the
Biodiversity Enterprise," Geoffrey Bowker, University of
California–San Diego |
"Next-Generation Bioinformatics Research
Challenges," John Schnase, NASA Goddard |
"Political and Economic Perspective on Biodiversity
Informatics," Gladys Cotter, US
Geological Survey |
The panels were selected by Panel Chairs Opher
Etzion, IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa (Israel); and Ahmed Elmagarmid,
Purdue University (USA).
"A 20/20 Vision of
the VLDB-2020?" Chair: Misbah Deen, Keele University; Panelists: Shamkant
Navathe, Georgia Institute of Technology; Erich J. Neuhold,GMD-IPSI; and Gio Wiederhold,
Stanford University |
"Is Generic Metadata
Management Feasible?" Chair: Phil Bernstein, Microsoft
Research; Panelists: Laura
Haas, IBM Research; Erhard Rahm,University of Leipzig; Gio Wiederhold,
Stanford University; and Mathias Jarke, GMD-FIT and Aachen
University of Technology |
"Social, Educational,
and Governmental Change Enabled Through Technology." Chair:
Krithi Ramamritham, University of Massachusetts; Panelists to be announced |
Endowment Panel
There will be a plenary VLDB
Endowment-sponsored panel on "Broadening the Database Field
and Future Directions for Database Research." This panel is not one of the regular refereed panels in the technical program. It will
be a forum for explaining and discussing the Broadening Strategy used in
VLDB2000, the Future Directions activity of the VLDB Endowment, and
the future manifestation of these strategies. It will be moderated by John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto,
Canada, and VLDB Endowment President and panelists are Michael L. Brodie,
GTE; Hans-Jorge Schek, ETH-Zurich; Stefano Ceri, Politecnico Di Millano;
and Umeshwar Dayal, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories.