Announcement and Call for Papers
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will be held in Cairo, Egypt, in view of the awe-inspiring 5000-year-old
Sphinx and the Pyramids. VLDB2000 will address the most critical
challenges and achievements in the research and practice of database
applications and management, including those posed by the current
revolution in computing. It will continue the 25-year tradition
of VLDB conferences as the premier international forum for database
researchers, vendors, practitioners, application developers, and
users. We invite submissions reporting original results on all aspects
of data management as well as proposals for panels, tutorials, demonstrations,
and exhibits that will present the most critical issues and views
on practical leading-edge database technology, applications, and
techniques. Join us also for the First Cairo Workshop on Advanced
Database Systems and Applications.
In addition to encouraging submissions on conventional topics of
interest in categories such as:
Data Management Applications Design
and Systems Languages
VLDB2000 invites submissions (1) on a broader range of topics
than those considered by previous database conferences; (2) on
riskier and more novel challenges, as opposed to incremental improvements
on existing results; (3) on detailed industrial challenges
and solutions; and (4) from a broader range of contributors
(e.g., from across the spectrum of designing, developing, and deploying
database technology and from those outside the field posing requirements
and challenges). VLDB2000 encourages submissions on any topic across
the full scope of data management, its applicability, its challenges,
and future directions. We welcome papers that question prevailing
assumptions underlying databases and provide solutions and directions
for next-generation data management and next-generation applications
such as e-commerce, digital libraries, and knowledge management.
We encourage papers addressing long-standing open problems such
as data semantics and large-scale distribution. For more information
see, Broadening
the Database Field for VLDB2000.
Abstracts for paper submissions must be received by
February 18, 2000. Submissions (including papers and proposals for
panels, tutorials, and demos) must be received by February 25, 2000.
Papers must be submitted to the program committee chair for the
region in which the principal author did the reported work.
Papers must state the category (i.e., research, vision, or experience/applications)
under which they are to be reviewed; otherwise, they will be rejected
on receipt. Detailed descriptions of each paper type and the criteria
by which they will be evaluated are provided on the VLDB2000 web
site. Papers must not be under consideration or published elsewhere.
The VLDB web site will provide descriptions and criteria for the
paper types, a suggested topic list, and details of the arrangements
for electronic and paper submission.
For more details on paper submission, see Paper
Submission Instructions.
We seek novel topics that are of wide interest and are emerging
in importance, or that introduce new concepts, technologies, or
synergistic ties between databases and another relevant research
Tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience,
which should be broader than the database research community. Proposals
must be at most five pages, and include enough material to provide
a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth
to which it will be covered. The intended length of the tutorial
(1.5 or 3 hours) should also be indicated, together with justification
that a high-quality presentation will be achieved within the chosen
time period.
Proposals should be submitted electronically on or before Friday,
February 25, 2000, by sending e-mail to
The message must contain the name, e-mail address, telephone number,
and fax number of the speaker.
Tutorial presentations will be published and made available to
VLDB participants, and must be ready for publication by July 15,
Panel proposals should address exciting, new, and controversial
issues and must be debate-oriented rather than a series of short
presentations. The proposal should include the topic title; a short
statement about the importance and relevance of the panel and the
potential issues of controversy; and a tentative list of questions
that will be posed to the panelists, a list of confirmed participants
along with their affiliation, and a short bio of each participant.
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to both panel chairs: Ahmed
Elmagarmid (
and Opher Etzion (
by February 25, 2000.
Demonstrations should demonstrate new technology, advances in applying
databases, or new techniques. Often they will complement a presentation.
Demonstrations will have up to four pages in the proceedings. The
demonstration proposal should clearly give a short description of
the demonstrated system, explain what is going to be demonstrated,
and state the significance of the contribution to database technology,
applications, or techniques. Please refer to "Instructions
for Demonstrators" when planning your demonstration.
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail (as PDF files)
to both demonstration chairs: Ahmed Elmagarmid (
and Opher Etzion (
VLDB2000 will showcase
exhibits from industry, vendors, publishers, and research groups.
Exhibits linked to other VLDB2000 presentations
are encouraged. To propose your participation in the exhibits program,
contact the program chair (
by Friday, May 5, 2000.
The Industrial Track will include sessions on critical
industrial data management challenges and trends. Submissions are
not solicited for these sessions. Suggestions for topics and speakers
should be submitted to the VLDB2000 industrial track chair (Dayal@Hpl.Hp.Com)
by Friday, February 25, 2000. Speakers in these sessions may contribute
four-page papers for inclusion in the proceedings.
This workshop will be held September 910, 2000, in cooperation
with VLDB2000. It is intended to bring local researchers and practitioners
together in a forum that will continue beyond the year 2000. To
encourage local-international interaction, we invite local and international
submissions. Information on the workshop can be obtained from workshop
co-chairs Profs. Amr Goneid and Awad Khalil (, of
the American University in Cairo. More information is available at