Wednesday August 31: Banquet
Some photos from the banquet Wednesday evening.
Click on the photos to see bigger versions. All photos: Roger Midtstraum and Heri Ramampiaro.
Mads Nygård was the banquet's toastmaster.
Keith Jeffrey showing no sign of nervousness before his dinner speech.
Martin Kersten presented the VLDB 2005 Best Paper Award.
Yen-Kuang Chen, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, and Amol Ghoting; the three of the seven VLDB 2005 Best Paper Award winners present at the Banquet.
Betty Salzburg and Philip B. Gibbons; winners of the orienteeing race.
Welcome to VLDB 2006 in Seoul, Korea by General Chair Kyu-Young Whang
Kjell Bratbergsengen and Mads Nygård.
Keith Jeffery gave the dinner speech.
Student choir Pirum.
Christian S. Jensen, Kjell Bratbergsengen and Mads Nygård.