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OligoArchive: Using DNA in the DBMS storage hierarchy
Raja Appuswamy, Kevin Lebrigand, Pascal Barbry, Marc Antonini, Oliver Madderson, Paul Freemont, James MacDonald, Thomas Heinis
Hardware-conscious Query Processing in GPU-accelerated Analytical Engines
Periklis Chrysogelos, Panagiotis Sioulas, Anastasia Ailamaki
The Case for Network-Accelerated Query Processing
Alberto Lerner, Rana Hussein, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux
Serverless Computing: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Joseph M Hellerstein, Jose Faleiro, Joseph E Gonzalez, Johann Schleier-Smith, Vikram Sreekanti, Alexey Tumanov, Chenggang Wu
Thriving in the No Man's Land between Compilers and Databases
Holger Pirk, Jana Giceva, Peter Pietzuch
The Role of Massively Multi-Task and Weak Supervision in Software 2.0
Alexander Ratner, Braden Hancock, Christopher Ré
ItemSuggest: A Data Management Platform for Machine Learned Ranking Services
Sandeep Tata, Vlad Panait, Suming J Chen, Mike Colagrosso
Design Continuums and the Path Toward Self-Designing Key-Value Stores that Know and Learn
Stratos Idreos, Niv Dayan, Wilson Qin, Mali Akmanalp, Sophie Hilgard, Andrew Ross, James Lennon, Varun Jain, Harshita Gupta, David Li, Zichen Zhu
Challenges and Opportunities in DNN-Based Video Analytics: A Demonstration of the BlazeIt Video Query Engine
Daniel Kang, Peter Bailis, Matei Zaharia
Data Partitioning for In-Memory Systems: Myths, Challenges, and Opportunities
Zuyu Zhang, Harshad Deshmukh, Jignesh M Patel
Automated Performance Management for the Big Data Stack
Anastasios Arvanitis, Shivnath Babu, Eric Chu, Adrian Popescu, Alkis Simitsis, Kevin Wilkinson
Serverless Event-Stream Processing over Virtual Actors
Philip A. Bernstein, Todd Porter, Rahul Potharaju, Alejandro Z. Tomsic, Shivaram Venkataraman, Wentao Wu
The I’s Have It: Identity, Immutability, Idempotence, and Interchangeability Form the Backbone of Distributed Computing
Pat Helland
Elastic In-Memory Transaction Processing for Multi-Tenant Database Systems
Seyedeh Sharareh Mirzargar