What is the preferred format to enter publications into DBLP?
DBLP was started in 1993 as a pure HTML application.
Later essential parts were converted to XML,
but the input "language" remains to be in HTML style.
The idea is to enter tables of contents (TOCs) in a format,
which is very close to their appearance on the DBLP
TOC web pages.
The TOC of a journal issue is the smallest unit of
information we usually enter.
For a first example compare
A TOC entry, that is the bibliographic description of paper, always
has the same format:
- It is started with a <li>-tag,
- the names of the authors are separated by commas -
please include the given names (initials only often are
insufficient to identify a person),
- the last author name is sepatated from the title by a colon,
- the title must end with a period, question mark, or exclamation point,
the title should use mixed upper/lower case letters,
completely capitalised titles are not acceptable,
- the page numbers should be specified by an interval ( from-to ). If there are no page numbers, please use the null value '0-'.
- The <ee>-element is optional:
It may be used to specify the URL of an 'electronic edition' of the paper.
A sequence of TOC entries always has to be placed into an
Empty <ul>-elements are illegal.
You may add additional text between <ul>-elements,
for an example look at input file /
DBLP page.
For conference proceedings the input format is very similar.
Our input file example
shows the main difference:
HTML <h2>-elements (and <h4>, <h4>, ...) may
be used organize large tables of contents.
For DBLP users tables of contents are simply more readable if the
papers are grouped by sessions etc. as in
our example.
Copyright © Fri Mar 12 17:04:54 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)