8. HPCN Europe 2000:
The Netherlands
Marian Bubak, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Roy Williams, Louis O. Hertzberger (Eds.):
High-Performance Computing and Networking, 8th International Conference, HPCN Europe 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8-10, 2000, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1823 Springer 2000, ISBN 3-540-67553-1
editor = {Marian Bubak and
Hamideh Afsarmanesh and
Roy Williams and
Louis O. Hertzberger},
title = {High-Performance Computing and Networking, 8th International
Conference, HPCN Europe 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May
8-10, 2000, Proceedings},
booktitle = {HPCN},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1823},
year = {2000},
isbn = {3-540-67553-1},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
I Computational Science Track
Session 1 - Problem Solving Environments
Session 3 - Metacomputing
- Stephen Pickles, Fumie Costen, John Brooke, Edgar Gabriel, Matthias S. Müller, Michael M. Resch, Stephen Ord:
The Problems and the Solutions of the Metacomputing Experiment in SC99.
- Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Paolo Falabella, Carl Kesselman, Roy Williams:
Grid Computing on the Web Using the Globus Toolkit.
- Heath A. James, Kenneth A. Hawick:
Data Futures in DISCWorld.
Session 6 - Partitioners/Load Balancing
Session 9 - Numerical Parallel Algorithms
Session 11 - Numerical Parallel Algorithms
II Web-Based Cooperative Applications Track
Session 2 - Virtual Enterprises/Virtual Laboratories
Session 4 - Cooperation Coordination
Session 7 - Advanced Web-Based Tools for Tele-working
- Yike Guo, Patrick Wendel:
Developing A Distributed Scalable Enterprise JavaBean Server.
- Ruey-Kai Sheu, Ming-Chun Cheng, Yue-Shan Chang, Shyan-Ming Yuan, Jensen Tsai, Yao-Jin Hung, Ming-Chih Lai:
CFMS - A Collaborative File Management System on WWW.
- Daniela Grigori, Hala Skaf-Molli, François Charoy:
Adding Flexibility in a Cooperative Workflow Execution Engine.
- Kiyoko F. Aoki, D. T. Lee:
A Web-Based Distributed Programming Environment.
III Computer Science Track
Session 5 - Monitoring and Performance
Session 8 - Monitoring and Performance
Session 13 - Low-Level Algorithms
Session 15 - Java in HPC
Session 16 - Clusters
IV Industrial and End-User Applications Track
Session 10 - Parallelisation of Industrial Applications
Session 12 - Data Analysis and Presentation
Session 14 - Miscellaneous Applications
- Stan Posey, Cheng Liao, Mark Kremenetsky:
Considerations for Scalable CAE on the SGI ccNUMA Architecture.
- Michel Courson, Alan Mink, Guillaume Marçais, Benjamin Traverse:
An Automated Benchmarking Toolset.
- Ersin Cem Kaletas, A. W. van Halderen, Frank van der Linden, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Louis O. Hertzberger:
Evaluation of an RCube-Based Switch Using a Real World Application.
- Renata Slota, Harald Kosch, Darin Nikolow, Marek Pogoda, Klaus Breidler, Stefan Podlipnig:
MMSRS - Multimedia Storage and Retrieval System for a Distributed Medical Information System.
V Posters
Web-Based Cooperative Applications
Industrial and End-User Applications
- Kenneth A. Hawick, Duncan A. Grove, Paul D. Coddington, Heath A. James, M. A. Buntine:
A Beowulf Cluster for Computational Chemistry.
- Emanuele Panizzi, Giuseppe Sacco:
The APEmille Project.
- Harald Kosch, Renata Slota, László Böszörményi, Jacek Kitowski, Janusz Otfinowski, Przemyslaw Wójcik:
A Distributed Medical Information System for Multimedia Data - The First Year's Experience of the Parmed Project.
- Antonello Pasquarelli, Tomás Hrúz:
Airport Management Database in a Simulation Environment.
- Antonio Estévez, F. H. Priano, M. Pérez, Jesus A. González, Daniel González-Morales, José L. Roda:
Different Strategies to Develop Distributed Object Systems at University of La Laguna.
- Giovanna Adorni:
DESIREE: DEcision Support System for Inuandation Risk Evaluation and Emergencies Management.
- Danuta Kruk, Jacek Kitowski:
Database System for Large-Scale Simulations with Particle Methods.
Computational Science
- Jochen Fischer, Andreas Schreiber, Martin Strietzel:
Script Wrapper for Software Integration Systems.
- Takuhito Kuwabara, Ryoji Matsumoto, Shigeki Miyaji, Kenji Nakamura:
Implementation of Nested Gris Scheme for Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Astrophysical Rotating Plasmas.
- Guo Qingping, Yakup Paker, Zhang Shesheng, Dennis Parkinson, Wei Jialin:
Parallel Multi-grid Algorithm with Virtual Boundary Forecast Domain Decomposition Method for Solving Non-linear Heat Transfer Equation.
- José M. Cela, Andreu Julià:
High Performance Computing on Boundary Element Simulations.
- El Mostafa Daoudi, Abdelouafi Meziane, Yahya Ould Mohamed El Hadj:
Study of Parallelization of the Training for Automatic Speech Recognition.
- El Mostafa Daoudi, El Miloud Jaâra, Nait Cherif:
Parallelization of Image Compression on Distributed Memory Architecture.
- Gregory O. Khanlarov, German A. Lukianov, Dmitry Yu. Malashonok, Vladimir V. Zakharov:
Parallel DSMC on Shared and Hybrid Memory Multiprocessor Computers.
- Andrzej Zbigniew Maksymowicz, P. Gronek, Witold Alda, Maria Stanislawa Magdon-Maksymowicz, Michal Kopec, Antoni Dydejczyk:
Population Growth in the Penna Model for Migrating Population.
- Alexander V. Bogdanov, Ashot Gevorkyan, Armen Grigoryan, Elena N. Stankova:
Use of the Internet for Distributed Computing of Quantum Evolution.
Computer Science
VI Workshops
LAWRA Workshop
Java in HPC Workshop
Cluster Computing Workshop
- Wang Chen, Yong Meng Teo:
A Framework for Exploiting Object Parallelism in Distributed Systems.
- Lars Rzymianowicz, Mathias Waack, Ulrich Brüning, Markus Fischer, Jörg Kluge, Patrick R. Schulz:
Cluster SMP Nodes with the ATOLL Network: A Look into the Future of System Area Networks.
- Hernâni Pedroso, João Gabriel Silva:
An Architecture for Using Multiple Communication Devices in a MPI Library.
- Kimmo Koski, Jussi Heikonen, Jari Miettinene, Hannes Niemi, Juha Ruokolainen, Pekka Tolvanen, Jussi Mäki, Jussi Rahola:
Results of the One-Year Cluster Pilot Project.
- Mario Cannataro:
Clusters and Grids for Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery.
Copyright © Sun Mar 14 23:05:15 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)