ICSTM 2000:
Graeme Altmann, John Lamp, Peter E. D. Love, Purnendu Mandal, Ross Smith, Matthew J. Warren (Eds.):
ICSTM2000, International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management, Geelong, Australia, November 8-10, 2000.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 72 CEUR-WS.org 2000
editor = {Graeme Altmann and
John Lamp and
Peter E. D. Love and
Purnendu Mandal and
Ross Smith and
Matthew J. Warren},
title = {ICSTM2000, International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management,
Geelong, Australia, November 8-10, 2000},
booktitle = {ICSTM},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
volume = {72},
year = {2000},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Keynote Speakers
- Wendy Currie:
Delivering Business Critical Information Systems As A Service: A Taxonomy Of Application Service Providers.
- Graham Winch:
System Dynamics: from Theory to Practice.
- Eric Wolstenholme:
Are we any nearer implementing systems concepts in business and government?
Submitted Papers
- Hamid R. Abachi, Saeid Nahavandi, Mali Abdollahian:
Productivity Management of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Advanced Parallel Computer Architecture.
- Hamid R. Abachi, Saeid Nahavandi, Mali Abdollahian:
Application Of Univariate And Multivariate Process Control Procedures In Industry.
- Wallen Allen:
The Basic Management Cycle: A Systems Approach to the Management Process.
- Graeme Altmann:
The Changing Nature of Strategy Development-Supporting Management Thinking.
- Erman Aminullah:
The Dynamics Of Industrial Technological Capability In Indonesian Economic Development.
- Melinda Anderson:
Information Systems Quality Issues to Consider when Developing and Implementing Web Based Teaching Environments.
- Appuswamy Rathinakumar:
Implementation Issues In ERP.
- Christopher J. Atkinson:
The Soft Information Systems and Technologies Methodology (SISTeM): A Contingency Approach to Integrated Decision Making and Development.
- B. Baliga, M. T. Hides, John M. Sharp:
Integrated management systems: An agile manufacturing enabler.
- Andrew Barnden, Peta Darke:
A Comparison of SSM with an Organisational Learning Model.
- Perry Beor, Purnendu Mandal:
Enterprise Resource Planning: Experiences in Implementing SAP in Project Management Environment.
- Bikash Bhadury:
Strategy Formulation for Quality Control in Process Industries.
- Olaf Boon, W. G. Hewett:
Requirements Gathering in Implementing a Web Presence: A study of an Australian Local Government Implementation.
- Susan Byrne, Judith McMorland:
Being AND Doing: The Challenge of Integrating Domains.
- Bruce A. Calway:
Systems Approach for Virtual Learning Development.
- Maria Caridi, Asianesi Sianesi:
SCM-ERP integration: organisational, managerial and technological issues.
- L. Carver, E. Lewis:
Using the Managerial Enterprise Structure Stakeholders (MESS) Model to examine the effects of organisational politics and structure upon the cost of Information Systems development.
- Robert Y. Cavana, Kambiz E. Maani:
A Methodological Framework for Systems Thinking and Modelling (ST&M) Interventions.
- Rabindra Chakraborty, Jay H. Burgess:
Development of an Integrated IT Research Methodology.
- F. Fetrie Coetzee:
Singularity of Vision might stifle Innovation.
- John Davies:
Corporate governance and governance/management relationships: examining the role of systems thinking in organisational design.
- V. Dimitrov, Robert Woog:
Making Sense of Social Complexity through Strange Attractors.
- Guy Duczynski, Mark Campbell Williams:
Creating Futures Scenarios To Aid In Military Planning: The Use Of The Field Anomaly Relaxation Systems Approach.
- Arun Abraham Elias, Robert Y. Cavana, Laurie Skuba Jackson:
Linking Stakeholder Literature and System Dynamics: Opportunities for Research.
- Gabby Fennessy, Frada Burstein:
Using soft systems as a methodology for researching knowledge management problems.
- Kay Fielden:
Concepts Chaos and Complexity: An Alternate Strategic Alignment for Information Systems.
- P. L. Galbraith:
Swings and Roundabouts: Riding the Punches of University Management Dilemmas.
- R. J. Gorddard:
Producer Behaviour in a Systems Model of Integrated Catchment Management.
- Wolf Dieter Grossmann, Mathias Lintl, Hans Dieter Kasperidus:
The ISIS-model: Information Society - Integrated Systems Model.
- K. Hafeez, E. Rodiguez-Falcon, H. Abdelmeguid, N. Malak:
Knowledge Management in Supply Chains.
- K. Hafeez, Y. Zhang, H. Abdelmeguid, N. Malak, S. Iqbal:
Firm Competence Evaluation Framework using AHP.
- Alka Harriger, Denise Woods:
A Structured Approach to Teaching Web Development.
- Tim Haslett, Marvin Oka:
Using VSM to integrate SD modelling into an organization context.
- M. T. Hides, Zahir Irani, Peter E. D. Love:
Supporting Investment Evaluation and Project Management: Toward A Framework of IT/IS Costs.
- Gary R. Holt:
Constructing empowerment: People, processes, participation and profit.
- Xu Honggang, Bao Jigang:
A System Dynamics Study Of Resort Development Project Management In Tourism Region: A Case Study Of Guilin.
- Pat Horan:
Using Rich Pictures in Information Systems Teaching.
- William Hutchinson, Matthew J. Warren:
The use of deception in systems.
- Julie A. James, Ha Tuan Anh, Ross Smith:
A Framework to place Cross-cultural Case Study Research in an Information Systems Action Research Context.
- Philip Joyce:
The Development and Implementation of a Virtual Teaching Environment.
- Reine Karlsson, Jamal Nasir, Ola Bergea, Thomas Jonsson:
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Resource Management in Environmental Management Education.
- Robert Kay, Chris Goldspink:
Towards a Complex Non-linear Systems Theory of Organisation.
- Dong-Hwan Kim:
A Simulation Method of Cognitive Maps.
- Gerard King:
Causal Loop Diagramming of the Relationships among Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention, and Profitability.
- Lingxue Kong, Peter D. Hodgson, Saeid Nahavandi:
Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System for Metal Forming Industry.
- Gordon Kubanek:
Building Sustainable Interest in Modelling in the Classroom.
- Peter Kueng, Andreas Meier, Thomas Wettstein:
Computer-based Performance Measurement in SMEs: Is there any option?
- L. Kuhn, Robert Woog:
From Getting It Right to Getting It Human: Reclaiming Imprecise Interpretations for Being and Knowing in the World.
- Palitha Kuruppuarachchi, Purnendu Mandal, Ross Smith:
Technology Introduction in a Systemic Context for IT Project Success.
- Kevin Laws, Robert McLeod:
Cultural change in organisations through the use of scenario analysis: some research findings.
- D. Levick, Robert Woog:
From Systems Boundaries to Fractality: Broadening the Practitioner's Paradigm.
- Keith T. Linard:
Application of System Dynamics to Pavement Maintenance Optimisation.
- Keith T. Linard, Beate Aretz:
Systems Thinking Competencies and the Learning Organisation.
- Keith T. Linard, Joseph Yoon:
The Dynamics of Organisational Performance Development of a Dynamic Balanced Scorecard.
- B. E. Lloyd, S. Palmer:
A Systems Approach to the Engineering Work Force.
- Peter E. D. Love, Purnendu Mandal, Jim Smith, Zahir Irani, G. Treloar, O. Faniran:
DECOREM: A Design and Construction Rework Minimisation Model.
- Qiang Lu, Susan Byrne, Kambiz Maani:
Unfolding Systems Boundary: Evolution and Implication.
- K. E. Maani, Paul Stephenson:
Evaluation of Immunisation Strategies in New Zealand - A Systems Thinking Approach.
- Purnendu Mandal, B. Baliga:
Investigating the Implementation of a MIS Strategy in an Australian SME.
- C. L. Massey:
Towards effective knowledge systems: Helping consultants identify their world view.
- Michael Mawdesley, Sami Qambar:
Systems Thinking and Construction Productivity.
- Alan C. McLucas:
The worst failure: repeated failure to learn.
- I. A. Miklashevich:
Mathematical images of learning technology and its action on region.
- Mark P. Mobach:
Soft Wholes in the Management Practice.
- Jonathan D. Moizer, Ian Moffatt:
Learning and Policy Making in Occupational Safety Using A Dynamic Simulation.
- Jonathan D. Moizer, Jonathan Lean, Terry Mangles, Matthew Warren:
Teaching Introductory Management Using A Computer Simulation Game.
- Daniel L. Moody:
A Decomposition Method for Entity Relationship Models: A Systems Theoretic Approach.
- Bruce A. Murtagh, Ernest Jordan:
A Third Way Between Hard and Soft Methodologies.
- Saeid Nahavandi, Hamid R. Abachi, Mali Abdollahian:
A Dynamic Decision-Making System for Manufacturing Control.
- G. Nawar:
Managing Occupational Health And Safety Using Dynamic Learning Systems.
- Graeme Nicholas:
Future Planning Methodology - Liberative Consultancy with Community Organisations.
- Bernadette O'Regan, Richard Moles:
Using systems modelling to examine the relationship between environmental policy and mining company decision making.
- A. E. Oluleye, O. Oladeji, D. Agholor:
Inventory System Modeling: A case of an Automotive Battery Manufacturer.
- S. G. Parker, S. J. Byrne:
Functional Siloing? Towards a Practical Understanding of Operational Boundaries Using Critical Systems Heuristics.
- John Pourdehnad:
Building Corporate 'Black Boxes': A Different Perspective on Organisational Learning.
- Raman Rao:
Information Analysis and Business Intelligence Tools in Management.
- L. R. P. Reavill:
Can Viable Systems Modelling Explain the Management Problems of London's Royal Opera House?
- David Rees:
Integrating the "Hard" and "Soft" Sides of Systems Thinking - A Case Study in New Zealand Local Government.
- Kurt A. Richardson, Paul Cilliers, Michael Lissack:
Complexity Science: A 'Grey' Science for the 'Stuff in Between'.
- Mark Rowland:
Using systems thinking to better understand the implications of e-business strategies.
- Santanu Roy, Pratap K. J. Mohapatra:
Causal Linkages in Soft Systems: Ascertaining Causal Linkages among the Factors of Work Climate and the Measures of Effectiveness of Research Units in an R&D Organization.
- I. Sadler:
Process of Strategic Operations Planning improved by Action Research.
- R. Sietchiping:
Understanding Informal Urban Patterns By Integrating Geographical Information Systems (GIS) And Cellular Automata (CA) Modelling.
- A. K. Sinha, C. Bil, M. Scott:
Design of Optimum Payload for Mid-life Upgrade of Helicopters (Stage V-VI).
- David Bruce Smith:
Methodological Pluralism in practice: the practical application of various systems methods and techniques in the analysis and design of complex work systems..
- Jim Smith, Peter E. D. Love, R. G. Wyatt:
The Client Briefing Problem: A Method for Assessing the Strategic Needs of Project Stakeholders.
- R. E. Smyth, R. I. Forrester:
Applying Systems Thinking to Catchment Management.
- Edward Szczerbicki:
Systems Simulation for Complex Managerial Problems.
- A. R. Taket:
Explorations in critical systems practice: developing tools for facilitation.
- Wayne Taurima, Michael Cash:
Developing A "Culturally Together" System For Cultural Sustainability And The Reconciling Of Peoples.
- D. S. Thorpe:
A Systems Approach for the Development and Management of Physical Infrastructure.
- Luba Torlina, Gennadi Kazakevitch:
Decision Making Environment in the Information Product Markets.
- John P. Ulhoi, Richard Welford:
Exploring Corporate Eco-modernism: Challenging Corporate Rhetoric and Scientific Discourses.
- S. K. Upadhyay, B. K. Mishra:
Systems Approach to HRD: Study of Quality System of a Corporate Training Institute of a Large Organisation.
- Roger J. Wallace:
Optimal Decision Making Systems in Manufacturing.
- Leoni Warne, Celina Pascoe, Irena M. Ali, K. Agostino, R. Gori:
Social Learning and Knowledge Management in the Australian Defence Organisation.
- Matthew Warren, Shona Warren:
The Role of Participation in Systems.
- Mark Campbell Williams:
A Soft Systems Case Study Investigating The Information System Of A Small Business And Demonstrating The Usefulness Of Rich Pictures.
- Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, Phillip N. Smith:
A Conceptual Framework for a Dynamic Model for Regional Planning: Towards Sustainable Development for Bali, Indonesia.
- M. Kudret Yurtseven:
Teaching Systems Thinking to Industrial Engineering Students.
- Antonio C. Zambon, Jana R. Saito, William H. Yonenaga, Feginaldo S. Figueiredo:
The Introduction of Simulation as Teaching and Learning Tool.
- John M. Sharp, M. T. Hides, C. J. Bamber:
Continuous Organisational Learning through the development of High Performance Teams.
Copyright © Mon Mar 15 03:41:05 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)