4. ISHPC 2002:
Kansai Science City,
Hans P. Zima, Kazuki Joe, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yoshiki Seo, Masaaki Shimasaki (Eds.):
High Performance Computing, 4th International Symposium, ISHPC 2002, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 15-17, 2002, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2327 Springer 2002, ISBN 3-540-43674-X
editor = {Hans P. Zima and
Kazuki Joe and
Mitsuhisa Sato and
Yoshiki Seo and
Masaaki Shimasaki},
title = {High Performance Computing, 4th International Symposium, ISHPC
2002, Kansai Science City, Japan, May 15-17, 2002, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ISHPC},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2327},
year = {2002},
isbn = {3-540-43674-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Papers
Award Papers
Architectures I
Architectures II
- Weiyu Tang, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Alexandru Nicolau, Rajesh K. Gupta:
Integrated I-cache Way Predictor and Branch Target Buffer to Reduce Energy Consumption.
- Oliverio J. Santana, Ayose Falcón, Enrique Fernández, Pedro Medina, Alex Ramírez, Mateo Valero:
A Comprehensive Analysis of Indirect Branch Prediction.
- Glenn Reinman, Brad Calder, Todd M. Austin:
High Performance and Energy Efficient Serial Prefetch Architecture.
- Chia-Lin Yang, Alvin R. Lebeck:
A Programmable Memory Hierarchy for Prefetching Linked Data Structures.
HPC Systems
- Takeshi Iwashita, Masaaki Shimasaki:
Block Red-Black Ordering Method for Parallel Processing of ICCG Solver.
- J. Davison de St. Germain, Alan Morris, Steven G. Parker, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende:
Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah Software Development Cycle.
- Ayato Noro, Tomoya Ogawa, Takuma Ohta, Kazuyuki Yamashita, Shigeki Miyaji, Mitue Den:
Performance of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Scheme for Hydrodynamics on Simulations of Expanding Supernova Envelope.
Earth Simulator
Short Papers
- Hitoshi Oi, Bing-rung Tsai:
Routing Mechanism for Static Load Balancing in a Partitioned Computer System with a Fully Connected Network.
- Ayose Falcón, Oliverio J. Santana, Pedro Medina, Enrique Fernández, Alex Ramírez, Mateo Valero:
Studying New Ways for Improving Adaptive History Length Branch Predictors.
- Dana S. Henry, Gabriel H. Loh, Rahul Sami:
Speculative Clustered Caches for Clustered Processors.
- Yasuo Matsubara, Takahiro Shakushi:
The Effects of Timing Dependence and Recursion on Parallel Program Schemata.
- Masaaki Kondo, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Hiroshi Nakamura:
Cache Line Impact on 3D PDE Solvers.
- Lori Carter, Weihaw Chuang, Brad Calder:
An EPIC Processor with Pending Functional Units.
- Rakesh Kumar, Tusar Kanti Patra, Anupam Basu:
Software Energy Optimization of Real Time Preemptive Tasks by Minimizing Cache-Related Preemption Costs.
- Jung-Sook Kim:
Distributed Genetic Algorithm with Multiple Populations Using Multi-agent.
- Pinhas Alpert, Alexander Goikhman, Jacob Katzenelson, Marina Tsidulko:
Numerical Weather Prediction on the Supercomputer Toolkit.
- Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello, Maria Stela V. de Paiva, Luís Carlos Trevelin, Adilson Gonzaga:
OpenTella: A Peer-to-Peer Protocol for the Load Balancing in a System Formed by a Cluster from Clusters.
- Nathalie Julien, Johann Laurent, Eric Senn, Eric Martin:
Power Estimation of a C Algorithm Based on the Functional-Level Power Analysis of a Digital Signal Processor.
- Manuel Arenaz, Juan Touriño, Ramon Doallo:
Irregular Assignment Computations on cc-NUMA Multiprocessors.
International Workshop on OpenMP:
Experiences and Implementations (WOMPEI 2002)
- Hideki Saito, Greg Gaertner, Wesley B. Jones, Rudolf Eigenmann, Hidetoshi Iwashita, Ron Lieberman, G. Matthijs van Waveren, Brian Whitney:
Large System Performance of SPEC OMP2001 Benchmarks.
- Matthias S. Müller:
A Shared Memory Benchmark in OpenMP.
- Daisuke Takahashi, Mitsuhisa Sato, Taisuke Boku:
Performance Evaluation of the Hitachi SR8000 Using OpenMP Benchmarks.
- Rolf Rabenseifner:
Communication Bandwidth of Parallel Programming Models on Hybrid Architectures.
- Achal Prabhakar, Vladimir Getov, Barbara M. Chapman:
Performance Comparisons of Basic OpenMP Constructs.
- Géraud Krawezik, Guillaume Alléon, Franck Cappello:
SPMD OpenMP versus MPI on a IBM SMP for 3 Kernels of the NAS Benchmarks.
- Kengo Nakajima, Hiroshi Okuda:
Parallel Iterative Solvers for Unstructured Grids Using an OpenMP/MPI Hybrid Programming Model for the GeoFEM Platform on SMP Cluster Architectures.
- Pierre de Montleau, José M. Cela, Serge Moto Mpong, André Godinas:
A Parallel Computing Model for the Acceleration of a Finite Element Software.
- Ayon Basumallik, Seung-Jai Min, Rudolf Eigenmann:
Towards OpenMP Execution on Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems.
- Marc González, Eduard Ayguadé, Xavier Martorell, Jesús Labarta, Phu V. Luong:
Dual-Level Parallelism Exploitation with OpenMP in Coastal Ocean Circulation Modeling.
- Hirofumi Nakano, Kazuhisa Ishizaka, Motoki Obata, Keiji Kimura, Hironori Kasahara:
Static Coarse Grain Task Scheduling with Cache Optimization Using OpenMP.
HPF International Workshop:
Experiences and Progress (HiWEP 2002)
- Hans P. Zima:
High Performance Fortran - History, Status and Future.
- Hitoshi Sakagami, Shingo Furubayashi:
Performance Evaluation for Japanese HPF Compilers with Special Benchmark Suite.
- Kae Asaoka, Akio Hirano, Yasuo Okabe, Masanori Kanazawa:
Evaluation of the HPF/JA Extensions on Fujitsu VPP Using the NAS Parallel Benchmarks.
- DongSheng Cai, Yaoting Li, Ken-ichi Nishikawa, Chiejie Xiao, Xiaoyan Yan:
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Code Using High Performance Fortran on PC Cluster.
- Hidetoshi Iwashita, Kohichiro Hotta, Sachio Kamiya, G. Matthijs van Waveren:
Towards a Lightweight HPF Compiler.
- Peter Brezany, Jonghyun Lee, Marianne Winslett:
Parallel I/O Support for HPF on Computational Grids.
- Takuya Araki, Hitoshi Murai, Tsunehiko Kamachi, Yoshiki Seo:
Optimization of HPF Programs with Dynamic Recompilation Technique.
Copyright © Sun Mar 14 23:13:01 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)