IVEVA 2004:
Mexico City,
Carlos Delgado-Mata, Jesús Ibáñez (Eds.):
Intelligent Virtual Environments and Virtual Agents, Proceedings of the IVEVA 2004 Workshop, ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico City, D.F , Mexico, April 27th 2004.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 97 CEUR-WS.org 2004
editor = {Carlos Delgado-Mata and
Jes{\'u}s Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez},
title = {Intelligent Virtual Environments and Virtual Agents, Proceedings
of the IVEVA 2004 Workshop, ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
City, D.F , Mexico, April 27th 2004},
booktitle = {IVEVA},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
volume = {97},
year = {2004},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Ruth Aylett:
Agents and Affect: Why Embodied Agents Need Affective Systems.
- Wesley Bille, Bram Pellens, Frederic Kleinermann, Olga De Troyer:
Intelligent Modelling of Virtual Worlds Using Domain Ontologies.
- Ernesto Germán-Soto, Leonid Sheremetov, Christian Sánchez-Sánchez:
Interaction Modeling with Artificial Life Agents.
- Isaac Rudomín, Fernando Perez, Erik Millán:
Groups and Crowds with behaviors specified in the environment.
- Carlos Delgado-Mata:
Characterising Emotion Signalling and Affected Group Behaviour in Virtual Mammals.
- Sandy Louchart, Daniela Romano, Ruth Aylett, Jonathan Pickering:
Speaking and acting - Interacting language and action for an expressive character.
- Jesús Ibáñez, Ruth Aylett:
Welcome to MY Virtual Place.
- Enrique Larios, Jesus Savage, José Larios, Rocio Ruiz-Rodarte:
Development of an API to Create Interactive Storytelling Systems.
- José A. Pérez, Carlos Delgado-Mata, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta, Ruth Aylett:
Giving Embodied Agents a Grid-Boost.
- Miguel A. Garcia-Ruiz, Cesar R. Bustos-Mendoza:
Using Hardware-based Voice Recognition to Interact with a Virtual Environment.
Copyright © Mon Mar 15 03:44:53 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)