MBUI 2004:
Hallvard Trætteberg, Pedro J. Molina, Nuno Jardim Nunes (Eds.):
MBUI 2004, Making model-based user interface design practical: usable and open methods and tools, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Making model-based user interface design practical: usable and open methods and tools, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, January 13, 2004.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 103 CEUR-WS.org 2004
editor = {Hallvard Tr{\ae}tteberg and
Pedro J. Molina and
Nuno Jardim Nunes},
title = {MBUI 2004, Making model-based user interface design practical:
usable and open methods and tools, Proceedings of the First International
Workshop on Making model-based user interface design practical:
usable and open methods and tools, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal,
January 13, 2004},
booktitle = {MBUI},
publisher = {CEUR-WS.org},
series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
volume = {103},
year = {2004},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Montserrat Sendín, Jesús Lorés:
Plastic User Interfaces: Designing for Change.
- Max Schlee:
Generative Programming of Graphical User Interfaces.
- Peter Forbrig, Anke Dittmar, Daniel Reichart, Daniel Sinnig:
From Models to Interactive Systems Tool Support and XIML.
- Alessandro Campi, Eliseo Martinez, Pierluigi San Pietro:
Experiences with a Formal Method for Design and Automatic Checking of User Interfaces.
- Pedro Concejero Cerezo, Juan José Rodríguez Soler, Daniel Tapias Merino:
SIS-PRUEBA A tool for rapid prototyping and testing of Speech Recognition user interfaces in Telefónica Móviles España.
- José Pascual Molina Massó, Pascual González López:
Model-Based Design and new user Interfaces: Current Practices and Opportunities.
- José A. Macías, Pablo Castells:
An EUD Approach for Making MBUI Practical.
- Pedro J. Molina:
A Review to Model-Based User Interface Development Technology.
- Daniel Sinnig, Ashraf Gaffar, Ahmed Seffah, Peter Forbrig:
Patterns, Tools and Models for Interaction Design.
- Nuno Jardim Nunes, Pedro F. Campos:
Towards Usable Analysis, Design and Modeling Tools.
- Hallvard Trætteberg:
Integrating dialog modelling and application development.
- Nicole Stavness, Kevin A. Schneider:
Supporting Flexible Business Processes with a Progression Model.
Copyright © Mon Mar 15 03:46:37 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)