STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper).
Luis Gravano, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke:
STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper).
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 207-218@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigmod/GravanoCGP97,
author = {Luis Gravano and
Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang and
Hector Garcia-Molina and
Andreas Paepcke},
editor = {Joan Peckham},
title = {STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience
booktitle = {SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference
on Management of Data, May 13-15, 1997, Tucson, Arizona, USA},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1997},
pages = {207-218},
ee = {, db/conf/sigmod/GravanoCGP97.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/sigmod/97},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Document sources are available everywhere, both within the
internal networks of organizations and on the Internet. Even
individual organizations use search engines from different
vendors to index their internal document collections. These
search engines are typically incompatible in that they support
different query models and interfaces, they do not return
enough information with the query results for adequate
merging of the results, and finally, in that they do not export
metadata about the collections that they index (e.g., to
assist in resource discovery). This paper describes STARTS,
an emerging protocol for Internet retrieval and search that
facilitates the task of querying multiple document sources.
STARTS has been developed in a unique way. It is not a
standard, but a group effort coordinated by Stanford's
Digital Library project, and involving over 11 companies and
organizations. The objective of this paper is not only to
give an overview of the STARTS protocol proposal, but also
to discuss the process that led to its definition.
Copyright © 1997 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
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Printed Edition
Joan Peckham (Ed.):
SIGMOD 1997, Proceedings ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, May 13-15, 1997, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
ACM Press 1997
SIGMOD Record 26(2),
June 1997
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Copyright © Mon Mar 15 03:54:34 2010
by Michael Ley (