Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithms for Transaction Processing Systems.
Christos A. Polyzois, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithms for Transaction Processing Systems.
SIGMOD Conference 1992: 246-255@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/sigmod/PolyzoisG92,
author = {Christos A. Polyzois and
Hector Garcia-Molina},
editor = {Michael Stonebraker},
title = {Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithms for Transaction Processing
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1992 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
Management of Data, San Diego, California, June 2-5, 1992},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1992},
pages = {246-255},
ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/130283.130321, db/conf/sigmod/PolyzoisG92.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/sigmod/92},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
A remote backup is a copy of a primary database maintained
at a geographically separate location and is used to
increase data availability. Remote backup systems are typically
log-based and can be classified into 2-safe and l-safe,
depending on whether transations commit at both sites
simultaneously or they first commit at the primary and are
later propagated to the backup. We have built an experimental
database system on which we evaluated the performance
of the epoch algorithm, a l-safe algorithm we have
developed, and compared it with the 2-safe approach under
various conditions. We also report on the use of multiple
log streams to propagate information from the primary to
the backup.
Copyright © 1992 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
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Printed Edition
Michael Stonebraker (Ed.):
Proceedings of the 1992 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, June 2-5, 1992.
ACM Press 1992
SIGMOD Record 21(2),
June 1992
[Abstract and Index Terms]
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Copyright © Mon Mar 15 03:54:31 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)