The Data Dictionary Facilities of NDB.
G. C. H. Sharman, N. Winterbottom:
The Data Dictionary Facilities of NDB.
VLDB 1978: 186-197@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/vldb/SharmanW78,
author = {G. C. H. Sharman and
N. Winterbottom},
editor = {S. Bing Yao},
title = {The Data Dictionary Facilities of NDB},
booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September
13-15, 1978, West Berlin, Germany},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {1978},
pages = {186-197},
ee = {db/conf/vldb/SharmanW78.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/vldb/78},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
The ANSI/SPAN architecture for data base management systems has proposed that a data dictionary be an integral part of an overall DBMS architecture. In this paper,
we develop this approach and describe its
use in a prototype data base management system known as NDB. The essential
feature of the NDB approach is a data dictionary which uses the same architecture as the data base itself, and is
physically integrated with the data base. This constitutes a single source of
meta-data [organised in all respects as a
general purpose data base], which both controls DBMS operations on and provides documentation to the user.
The dictionary is described in terms of
entities and named binary relationships, comprising information-oriented
description of the meta-data. We show how
it may be used in the implementation of intelligent end user facilities, and how
these end user facilities may in turn be used to access the data dictionary. As a result it is possible to access and modify both the data dictionary and the database using the same interface and during the
same terminal session.
Copyright © 1978 by The Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
Abstract used with permission.
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Printed Edition
S. Bing Yao (Ed.):
Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 13-15, 1978, West Berlin, Germany.
IEEE Computer Society 1978
- [BCS]
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- G. C. H. Sharman:
Update-by-Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Database Modification.
SIGMOD Conference 1977: 21-29

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- Moshé M. Zloof:
Query-by-Example: A Data Base Language.
IBM Systems Journal 16(4): 324-343(1977)

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by Michael Ley (