| 2008 |
40 |  | Ingi Sobhi,
Slim Abdennadher,
Hariolf Betz:
Constructing Rule-Based Solvers for Intentionally-Defined Constraints.
Constraint Handling Rules 2008: 70-84 |
| 2007 |
39 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Mohamed Aly,
Marlien Edward:
Constraint-Based Timetabling System for the German University in Cairo.
INAP/WLP 2007: 69-81 |
38 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Ingi Sobhi:
Generation of Rule-Based Constraint Solvers: Combined Approach.
LOPSTR 2007: 106-120 |
| 2006 |
37 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Abdellatif Olama,
Noha Salem,
Amira Thabet:
ARM: Automatic Rule Miner.
LOPSTR 2006: 17-25 |
| 2005 |
36 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Ringeissen:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 124(1): 1-2 (2005) |
35 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth,
Christian Holzbaur:
Introduction to the Special Issue on Constraint Handling Rules.
TPLP 5(4-5): 401-402 (2005) |
34 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Automatic generation of CHR constraint solvers.
TPLP 5(4-5): 403-418 (2005) |
| 2004 |
33 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Automatic generation of rule-based constraint solvers over finite domains.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 5(2): 177-205 (2004) |
32 |  | Thom W. Frühwirth,
Slim Abdennadher:
The Munich Rent Advisor: A Success for Logic Programming on the Internet
CoRR cs.AI/0402019: (2004) |
31 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Automatic Generation of CHR Constraint Solvers
CoRR cs.LO/0409030: (2004) |
| 2003 |
30 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth:
Integration and Optimization of Rule-Based Constraint Solvers.
LOPSTR 2003: 198-213 |
| 2002 |
29 |  | Thom W. Frühwirth,
Slim Abdennadher:
Tutorial: Reasoning with, about and for Constraint Handling Rules.
FroCos 2002: 192 |
28 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth:
Using Program Analysis for Integration and Optimization of Rule-based Constraint Solvers.
JFPLC 2002: 257- |
27 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Constraint Solver Synthesis Using Tabled Resolution for Constraint Logic Programming.
LOPSTR 2002: 32-47 |
26 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Ekkerhard Krämer,
Matthias Saft,
Matthias Schmauss:
JACK: A Java Constraint Kit.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 64: (2002) |
25 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Automatic Generation of Rule-Based Solvers for Intentionally Defined Constraints.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(2): 283-302 (2002) |
| 2001 |
24 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Towards Inductive Constraint Solving.
CP 2001: 31-45 |
23 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Generation of Propagation Rules for Intentionally Defined Constraints.
ICTAI 2001: 236- |
22 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Using Confluence to Generate Rule-Based Constraint Solvers.
PPDP 2001: 127-135 |
21 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Matthias Saft:
A Visualization Tool for Constraint Handling Rules.
WLPE 2001 |
20 |  | Thom W. Frühwirth,
Slim Abdennadher:
The Munich Rent Advisor: A Success for Logic Programming on the Internet.
TPLP 1(3): 303-319 (2001) |
| 2000 |
19 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Christophe Rigotti:
Automatic Generation of Propagation Rules for Finite Domains.
CP 2000: 18-34 |
18 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Henning Christiansen:
An Experimental CLP Platform for Integrity Constraints and Abduction.
FQAS 2000: 141-152 |
17 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth:
Definition von angepaßten Constraint-Solvern mit Constraint-Handling-Rules.
WLP 2000: 15 |
16 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Matthias Saft,
Sebastian Will:
Constraintbasierte Raumplanung für Universitäten.
WLP 2000: 229-230 |
15 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Michael Marte:
University Course Timetabling Using Constraint Handling Rules.
Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(4): 311-325 (2000) |
| 1999 |
14 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Hans Schlenker:
Nurse Scheduling using Constraint Logic Programming.
AAAI/IAAI 1999: 838-843 |
13 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth:
Operational Equivalence of CHR Programs and Constraints.
CP 1999: 43-57 |
12 |  | Luis Mandel,
Marcelo Campo,
Analía Amandi,
Thom W. Frühwirth,
Bernd Meyer,
Slim Abdennadher,
Bernhard Bauer:
JACK - Java Constraint Kit.
German-Argentinian Workshop on Information Technology 1999: 47-58 |
11 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth,
Holger Meuss:
Confluence and Semantics of Constraint Simplification Rules.
Constraints 4(2): 133-165 (1999) |
| 1998 |
10 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth:
On Completion of Constraint Handling Rules.
CP 1998: 25-39 |
9 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Heribert Schütz:
CHRv: A Flexible Query Language.
FQAS 1998: 1-14 |
8 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Michael Marte:
University timetabling using constraint handling rules.
JFPLC 1998: 39-50 |
| 1997 |
7 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Heribert Schütz:
Model Generation with Existentially Quantified Variables and Constraints.
ALP/HOA 1997: 256-272 |
6 |  | Slim Abdennadher:
Operational Semantics and Confluence of Constraint Propagation Rules.
CP 1997: 252-266 |
5 |  | Thom W. Frühwirth,
Slim Abdennadher:
Anwendungen Constraintbasierter Programmierung.
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 317-326 |
4 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Hans Schlenker:
INTERDIP - Ein Interaktiver Constraint-basierter Dienstplaner für Krankenstationen.
WLP 1997: 0- |
3 |  | Thom W. Frühwirth,
Slim Abdennadher:
Der Mietspiegel im Internet: Ein Fall für Constraint-Logikprogrammierung.
KI 11(1): 33-36 (1997) |
| 1996 |
2 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
Thom W. Frühwirth,
Holger Meuss:
On Confluence of Constraint Handling Rules.
CP 1996: 1-15 |
| 1995 |
1 |  | Slim Abdennadher,
François Bry,
Norbert Eisinger,
Tim Geisler:
The theorem prover SATCHMO : strategies, heuristics and applications.
JFPLC 1995: 349- |