| 2009 |
11 |  | A. Agrawal,
R. A. Khan:
Impact of inheritance on vulnerability propagation at design phase.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 34(4): 1-5 (2009) |
| 2006 |
10 |  | A. Agrawal,
I. Mitchell:
Selection Enthusiasm.
SEAL 2006: 449-456 |
| 2005 |
9 |  | A. Agrawal,
V. K. Jain,
K. Muralidhar:
Experimental determination of viscosity of abrasive flow machining media.
IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 142-156 (2005) |
| 1995 |
8 |  | A. Agrawal,
A. Raju,
S. Varadarajan,
Magdy A. Bayoumi:
A scalable shared buffer ATM switch architecture.
Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1995: 256-261 |
7 |  | A. Agrawal,
Magdy A. Bayoumi,
A. Elchouemi:
A new ATM congestion control scheme for shared buffer switch architectures.
ICCCN 1995: 604 |
| 1994 |
6 |  | A. Agrawal,
Aristides A. G. Requicha:
A Paradigm for the Robust Design of Algorithms for Geometric Modeling.
Comput. Graph. Forum 13(3): 33-44 (1994) |
| 1990 |
5 |  | A. Agrawal:
Fault-tolerant computing on trees.
SPDP 1990: 707-714 |
| 1989 |
4 |  | A. Agrawal,
Guy E. Blelloch,
Robert L. Krawitz,
C. A. Phillips:
Four Vector-Matrix Primitives.
SPAA 1989: 292-302 |
| 1988 |
3 |  | M. Namjoo,
A. Agrawal,
D. C. Jackson,
Lesley Quach:
CMOS Gate Array Implementation of the SPARC Architecture.
COMPCON 1988: 10-13 |
2 |  | Robert B. Garner,
A. Agrawal,
F. Briggs,
Eric W. Brown,
D. Hough,
B. Joy,
S. Kleiman,
Steven S. Muchnick,
Masood Namjoo,
David A. Patterson,
Joan M. Pendleton,
R. Tuck:
The Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC).
COMPCON 1988: 278-283 |
1 |  | A. Agrawal,
Eric W. Brown,
Joe Petolino,
James R. Peterson:
Design Considerations for a Bipolar Implementation of SPARC.
COMPCON 1988: 6-9 |