| 1997 |
15 |  | Lars Erik Holmquist,
Christopher Ahlberg:
Flip Zooming: A Practical Focus+Context Approach to Visualizing Large Data Sets.
HCI (2) 1997: 763-766 |
| 1996 |
14 |  | Mountaz Hascoët-Zizi,
Christopher Ahlberg,
Robert Korfhage,
Catherine Plaisant,
Matthew Chalmers,
Ramana Rao:
Where is Information Visualization Technology Going?
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1996: 75-77 |
13 |  | Christopher Ahlberg:
Cocktailmaps: a space-filling visualization method for complex communicating systems.
AVI 1996: 175-183 |
12 |  | Christopher Ahlberg:
Spotfire: An Information Exploration Environment.
SIGMOD Record 25(4): 25-29 (1996) |
| 1995 |
11 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Staffan Truvé:
Tight Coupling: Guiding User Actions in a Direct Manipulation Retrieval System.
BCS HCI 1995: 305-321 |
10 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Erik Wistrand:
IVEE: an environment for automatic creation of dynamic queries applications.
CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 15-16 |
9 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Staffan Truvé:
Exploring terra incognita in the design space of query devices.
EHCI 1995: 49-68 |
8 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Erik Wistrand:
IVEE: an Information Visualization and Exploration Environment.
INFOVIS 1995: 66-73 |
| 1994 |
7 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Ben Shneiderman:
Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays.
CHI 1994: 313-317 |
6 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Ben Shneiderman:
The alphaslider: a compact and rapid selector.
CHI 1994: 365-371 |
5 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Ben Shneiderman:
Visual information seeking: tight coupling of dynamic query filters with starfield displays.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 222 |
4 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Ben Shneiderman:
The alphaslider: a compact and rapid selector.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 226 |
3 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Ben Shneiderman:
Visual information seeking using the FilmFinder.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 433-434 |
| 1992 |
2 |  | Christopher Ahlberg,
Christopher Williamson,
Ben Shneiderman:
Dynamic Queries for Information Exploration: An Implementation and Evaluation.
CHI 1992: 619-626 |
1 |  | Ben Shneiderman,
Christopher Williamson,
Christopher Ahlberg:
Dynamic Queries: Database Searching by Direct Manipulation.
CHI 1992: 669-670 |