| 2009 |
41 |  | David Briggs,
Suad Alagic:
Algebraic specification techniques for parametric types with logic-based constraints.
SAC 2009: 1890-1897 |
| 2008 |
40 |  | Suad Alagic,
Mark Royer:
Genericity in Java: persistent and database systems implications.
VLDB J. 17(4): 847-878 (2008) |
| 2006 |
39 |  | Suad Alagic,
Mark Royer,
David Briggs:
Verification Theories for XML Schema.
BNCOD 2006: 262-265 |
38 |  | Suad Alagic,
Mark Royer,
David Briggs:
Program verification techniques for xml schema-based technologies.
ICSOFT (2) 2006: 86-93 |
| 2004 |
37 |  | Brian Cabana,
Suad Alagic,
Jeff Faulkner:
Parametric polymorphism for Java: is there any hope in sight?
SIGPLAN Notices 39(12): 22-31 (2004) |
| 2003 |
36 |  | Suad Alagic,
David Briggs:
Semantics of Objectified XML Constraints.
DBPL 2003: 147-165 |
35 |  | Suad Alagic,
Jeremy Logan:
Consistency of Java Transactions.
DBPL 2003: 71-89 |
| 2002 |
34 |  | Suad Alagic,
Svetlana Kouznetsova:
Behavioral Compatibility of Self-Typed Theories.
ECOOP 2002: 585-608 |
33 |  | Suad Alagic:
Institutions: Integrating Objects, XML and Databases.
Information & Software Technology 44(4): 207-216 (2002) |
| 2001 |
32 |  | Suad Alagic,
Philip A. Bernstein:
A Model Theory for Generic Schema Management.
DBPL 2001: 228-246 |
| 2000 |
31 |  | Suad Alagic,
Tuong Nguyen:
Parametric Polymorphism and Orthogonal Persistence.
Objects and Databases 2000: 32-46 |
30 |  | Suad Alagic:
Temporal Object-Oriented Programming.
Comput. J. 43(6): 491-511 (2000) |
29 |  | Suad Alagic:
Semantics of Temporal Classes.
Inf. Comput. 163(1): 60-102 (2000) |
28 |  | Suad Alagic,
Jose Solorzano:
Java and OQL: A Reflective Solution for the Impedance Mismatch.
L'OBJET 6(3): (2000) |
| 1999 |
27 |  | Suad Alagic:
A Family of the ODMG Object Models.
ADBIS 1999: 14-30 |
26 |  | Suad Alagic:
Type-Checking OQL Queries In the ODMG Type Systems.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 24(3): 319-360 (1999) |
25 |  | Suad Alagic:
O2 and The ODMG Standard: Do They Match?
TAPOS 5(4): 239-247 (1999) |
| 1998 |
24 |  | Suad Alagic,
Jose Solorzano,
David Gitchell:
Orthogonal to the Java Imperative.
ECOOP 1998: 212-233 |
23 |  | Jose Solorzano,
Suad Alagic:
Parametric Polymorphism for Java: A Reflective Solution.
OOPSLA 1998: 216-225 |
| 1997 |
22 |  | Suad Alagic:
A Temporal Constraint System for Object-Oriented Databases.
CDB 1997: 208-218 |
21 |  | Suad Alagic:
Constrained Matching is Type Safe.
DBPL 1997: 78-96 |
20 |  | Suad Alagic:
The ODMG Object Model: Does it Make Sense?
OOPSLA 1997: 253-270 |
19 |  | Suad Alagic,
Mara Alagic:
Order-Sorted Model Theory for Temporal Executable Specifications.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 179(1-2): 273-299 (1997) |
| 1994 |
18 |  | Suad Alagic,
Rajshekhar Sunderraman:
Expressivity of Typed Logic Paradigms for Object-Oriented Databases.
BNCOD 1994: 73-89 |
17 |  | Suad Alagic,
Rajshekhar Sunderraman,
Ashvin Radiya:
Typed Declarative Object-Oriented Database Programming.
COODBSE 1994: 58-76 |
16 |  | Suad Alagic,
Rajshekhar Sunderraman,
Rajiv Bagai:
Declarative Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Subtyping and Prototyping.
ECOOP 1994: 236-259 |
15 |  | Suad Alagic:
F-Bounded Polymorphism for Database Programming Languages.
East/West Database Workshop 1994: 125-137 |
14 |  | Manicka Surendhar,
Suad Alagic:
Object-Oriented Type Evolution Using Reflection.
TOOLS (13) 1994: 271-280 |
| 1992 |
13 |  | Suad Alagic:
Object-Oriented Type Systems.
TOOLS (8) 1992: 295 |
12 |  | Suad Alagic:
Associated paper: Polymorphic and Reflective Type Structures.
TOOLS (8) 1992: 297 |
| 1991 |
11 |  | Suad Alagic,
Mara Alagic:
Joins as Pullbacks.
FMLDO 1991: 197-207 |
| 1990 |
10 |  | Suad Alagic:
Toward Multiparadigm Database Interfaces.
East/West Database Workshop 1990: 333-346 |
9 |  | Suad Alagic:
Persistent Metaobjects.
POS 1990: 31-42 |
| 1989 |
8 |  | Suad Alagic:
Object-Oriented Database Programming
Springer 1989 |
| 1986 |
7 |  | Suad Alagic:
Relational Database Technology
Springer 1986 |
| 1981 |
6 |  | Suad Alagic,
Adnan Kulenovic:
Relational Pascal Data Base Interface.
Comput. J. 24(2): 112-117 (1981) |
| 1979 |
5 |  | Michael A. Arbib,
Suad Alagic:
Proof Rules for Gotos.
Acta Inf. 11: 139-148 (1979) |
| 1978 |
4 |  | Suad Alagic,
Michael A. Arbib:
The Design of Well-Structured and Correct Programs
Springer 1978 |
| 1976 |
3 |  | Suad Alagic,
Adnan Kulenovic,
Muhamed Darajlic:
Structured extension of COBOL for handling data bases.
Inf. Syst. 2(1): 1-10 (1976) |
| 1975 |
2 |  | Suad Alagic:
Natural State Transformations.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 10(2): 266-307 (1975) |
| 1974 |
1 |  | Suad Alagic:
Categorical theory of tree processing.
Category Theory Applied to Computation and Control 1974: 65-72 |