| 2007 |
7 |  | Preben Hansen,
Annelise Mark Pejtersen,
Hanne Albrechtsen:
Evaluation and Requirements Elicitation of a DL Annotation System for Collaborative Information Sharing.
DELOS Conference 2007: 177-186 |
| 2006 |
6 |  | Claus-Peter Klas,
Hanne Albrechtsen,
Norbert Fuhr,
Preben Hansen,
Sarantos Kapidakis,
László Kovács,
Sascha Kriewel,
András Micsik,
Christos Papatheodorou,
Giannis Tsakonas,
Elin K. Jacob:
A Logging Scheme for Comparative Digital Library Evaluation.
ECDL 2006: 267-278 |
5 |  | Claus-Peter Klas,
Norbert Fuhr,
Sascha Kriewel,
Hanne Albrechtsen,
Giannis Tsakonas,
Sarantos Kapidakis,
Christos Papatheodorou,
Preben Hansen,
László Kovács,
András Micsik,
Elin K. Jacob:
An experimental framework for comparative digital library evaluation: the logging scheme.
JCDL 2006: 308-309 |
| 2005 |
4 |  | Maristella Agosti,
Hanne Albrechtsen,
Nicola Ferro,
Ingo Frommholz,
Preben Hansen,
Nicola Orio,
Emanuele Panizzi,
Annelise Mark Pejtersen,
Ulrich Thiel:
DiLAS: a Digital Library Annotation Service.
IWAC 2005: 91-101 |
| 2004 |
3 |  | Hanne Albrechtsen,
Hans H. K. Andersen,
Bryan Cleal:
Work Centered Evaluation of Collaborative Systems - The Collate Experience.
WETICE 2004: 167-172 |
| 1998 |
2 |  | Hanne Albrechtsen,
Elin K. Jacob:
The Dynamics of Classification Systems as Boundary Objects for Cooperation in the Electronic Library.
Library Trends 47(2): (1998) |
| 1995 |
1 |  | Birger Hjørland,
Hanne Albrechtsen:
Toward a New Horizon in Information Science: Domain-Analysis.
JASIS 46(6): 400-425 (1995) |