| 1998 |
12 |  | Eric Dujardin,
Eric Amiel,
Eric Simon:
Fast Algorithms for Compressed Multimethod Dispatch Table Generation.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 20(1): 116-165 (1998) |
| 1996 |
11 |  | Eric Amiel,
Eric Dujardin:
Supporting Explicit Disambiguation of Multi-Methods.
ECOOP 1996: 167-188 |
10 |  | Eric Amiel,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Eric Dujardin,
Eric Simon:
Type-safe Relaxing of Schema Consistency Rules for Flexible Modeling in OODBMS
VLDB J. 5(2): 133-155 (1996) |
| 1995 |
9 |  | Eric Amiel,
Eric Dujardin:
Un outil d'aide à la résolution explicite des ambiguïtés des multi-méthodes.
LMO 1995: 131-152 |
| 1994 |
8 |  | Eric Amiel,
Olivier Gruber,
Eric Simon:
Optimizing Multi-Method Dispach Using Compressed Dispach Tables.
BDA 1994 |
7 |  | Eric Amiel,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Eric Dujardin,
Eric Simon:
Supporting Exceptions to Schema Consistency to Easy Schema Evolution on OODBMS.
BDA 1994 |
6 |  | Eric Amiel,
Olivier Gruber,
Eric Simon:
Optimizing Multi-Method Dispatch Using Compressed Dispatch Tables.
OOPSLA 1994: 244-258 |
5 |  | Eric Amiel,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Eric Dujardin,
Eric Simon:
Supporting Exceptions to Schema Consistency to Ease Schema Evolution in OODBMS.
VLDB 1994: 108-119 |
| 1992 |
4 |  | Annamaria Auddino,
Eric Amiel,
Yves Dennebouy,
Yann Dupont,
Edi Fontana,
Stefano Spaccapietra,
Zahir Tari:
Database Visual Environments Based on Advanced Data Models.
Advanced Visual Interfaces 1992: 156-170 |
3 |  | Eric Amiel,
Marie-Jo Bellosta:
Reflexivity in a model-independent object schema manager.
BDA 1992: 404- |
2 |  | Eric Amiel,
Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Patrick Valduriez:
A Model-Independent Object Schema Manager.
POS 1992: 224-240 |
| 1991 |
1 |  | Annamaria Auddino,
Eric Amiel,
Bharat K. Bhargava:
Experiences with Super, a Database Visual Environment.
DEXA 1991: 172-178 |