| 2006 |
21 |  | Thomas Baudel:
From information visualization to direct manipulation: extending a generic visualization framework for the interactive editing of large datasets.
UIST 2006: 67-76 |
| 2005 |
20 |  | Russell N. Owen,
Gordon Kurtenbach,
George W. Fitzmaurice,
Thomas Baudel,
William Buxton:
When it gets more difficult, use both hands: exploring bimanual curve manipulation.
Graphics Interface 2005: 17-24 |
19 |  | Renaud Blanch,
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon,
Stéphane Conversy,
Yannick Jestin,
Thomas Baudel,
Yunpeng Zhao:
INDIGO: une architecture pour la conception d'applications graphiques interactives distribuées.
IHM 2005: 139-146 |
| 2004 |
18 |  | Thomas Baudel:
Browsing through an information visualization design space.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 765-766 |
17 |  | Thomas Baudel:
De la visualisation à la manipulation directe d'information avec ILOG discovery.
IHM 2004: 183-186 |
| 2003 |
16 |  | Khaldoun Zreik,
Thomas Baudel,
Christophe Kolski,
Eric Brangier:
Proceedings of the 15th French-speaking conference on human-computer interaction on 15eme Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM 2003, Caen, France, November 25-28, 2003
ACM 2003 |
15 |  | Thomas Baudel,
Bruno Haible,
Georg Sander:
Visual Data Mining with ILOG Discovery.
Graph Drawing 2003: 502-503 |
14 |  | Yunpeng Zhao,
Thomas Baudel:
Transactional Graphic Objects: An Open Approach for Web Based Distributed Graphic Objects and Interactions.
WWW (Posters) 2003 |
| 2002 |
13 |  | Patrick Girard,
Thomas Baudel,
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon,
Eric Lecolinet,
Dominique L. Scapin:
Proceedings of the 14th French-speaking conference on Human-computer interactio n, Conference Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM 2002, Poitiers, France, November 26-29, 2002
ACM 2002 |
12 |  | Thomas Baudel:
Visualisations compactes: une approche déclarative pour la visualisation d'information.
IHM 2002: 161-168 |
11 |  | Yunpeng Zhao,
Thomas Baudel,
Jie Zhou:
Objets graphiques transactionnels: une méthode ouverte pour la création d'applications interactives distribuées synchrones.
IHM 2002: 183-190 |
10 |  | Thomas Baudel:
InfoCrible: edition interactive de visualisations compactes.
IHM 2002: 201-202 |
| 1999 |
9 |  | Gordon Kurtenbach,
George W. Fitzmaurice,
Russell N. Owen,
Thomas Baudel:
The Hotbox: Efficient Access to a Large Number of Menu-Items.
CHI 1999: 231-237 |
| 1997 |
8 |  | Ravin Balakrishnan,
Thomas Baudel,
Gordon Kurtenbach,
George W. Fitzmaurice:
The Rockin' Mouse: Integral 3D Manipulation on a Plane.
CHI 1997: 311-318 |
7 |  | Gordon Kurtenbach,
George W. Fitzmaurice,
Thomas Baudel,
William Buxton:
The Design of a GUI Paradigm based on Tablets, Two-hands, and Transparency.
CHI 1997: 35-42 |
6 |  | George W. Fitzmaurice,
Thomas Baudel,
Gordon Kurtenbach,
William Buxton:
A GUI Paradigm Using Tablets, Two-hands and Transparency.
CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 212-213 |
| 1994 |
5 |  | Thomas Baudel:
A Mark-based Interaction Paradigm for Free-hand Drawing.
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology 1994: 185-192 |
4 |  | Eric A. Bier,
Maureen C. Stone,
Kenneth P. Fishkin,
William Buxton,
Thomas Baudel:
A taxonomy of see-through tools.
CHI 1994: 358-364 |
3 |  | Eric A. Bier,
Maureen C. Stone,
Kenneth P. Fishkin,
William Buxton,
Thomas Baudel:
A taxonomy of see-through tools (abstract only).
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 225 |
2 |  | Eric A. Bier,
Maureen C. Stone,
Kenneth A. Pier,
Kenneth P. Fishkin,
Thomas Baudel,
Matthew Conway,
William Buxton,
Tony DeRose:
Toolglass and magic lenses: the see-through interface.
CHI Conference Companion 1994: 445-446 |
| 1993 |
1 |  | Thomas Baudel,
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon:
CHARADE: Remote Control of Objects Using Free-Hand Gestures.
Commun. ACM 36(7): 28-35 (1993) |