| 2008 |
17 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Charmain Cilliers:
Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on IT Research in Developing Countries, SAICSIT Conf. 2008, Wilderness, South Africa, October 6-8, 2008
ACM 2008 |
| 2007 |
16 |  | Lynette Barnard,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists on IT Research in Developing Countries, SAICSIT Conf. 2007, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, October 2-3, 2007
ACM 2007 |
15 |  | Godwin Thomas,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
Secure Mobile Device Use in Healthcare Guidance from HIPAA and ISO17799.
IS Management 24(4): 333-342 (2007) |
| 2006 |
14 |  | Jacobus A. Ophoff,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
Privacy-enhancing Call Management in an IP-based Infrastructure.
ICWMC 2006: 42 |
13 |  | Jacobus A. Ophoff,
Stephen Perelson,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
A Model for Secure Value-Added Service Subscriptions in Cellular Networks.
ISSA 2006: 1-9 |
12 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Tshepo G. Gaadingwe:
Reflecting on 20 SEC conferences.
Computers & Security 25(4): 247-256 (2006) |
| 2005 |
11 |  | Jacobus A. Ophoff,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
Revisiting Reachability Management as a Multilateral Security Mechanism.
ISSA 2005: 1-12 |
| 2002 |
10 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha:
Towards Semantic Integrity in Rational Databases.
SEC 2002: 287-298 |
9 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
An access control architecture for XML documents in workflow environments.
South African Computer Journal 28: 3-10 (2002) |
| 2001 |
8 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
Designing Role Hierarchies for Access Control in Workflow Systems.
COMPSAC 2001: 117-122 |
7 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
Access Control in Document-centric Workflow Systems An Agent-based Approach.
Computers & Security 20(6): 525-532 (2001) |
6 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
Separation of duties for access control enforcement in workflow environments.
IBM Systems Journal 40(3): 666-682 (2001) |
5 |  | Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
A framework for access control in workflow systems.
Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 9(3): 126-133 (2001) |
4 |  | Stephen Perelson,
Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
Separation of Duty administration.
South African Computer Journal 27: 64-69 (2001) |
| 2000 |
3 |  | Damian G. Cholewka,
Reinhardt A. Botha,
Jan H. P. Eloff:
A Context-Sensitive Access Control Model and Prototype Implementation.
SEC 2000: 341-350 |
2 |  | Stephen Perelson,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
Conflict analysis as a means of enforcing static separation of duty requirements in workflow environments.
South African Computer Journal 26: 212-216 (2000) |
1 |  | C. Papenfus,
Reinhardt A. Botha:
An XML based approach to enforcing history-based separation of duty policies in heterogeneous workflow environments.
South African Computer Journal 26: 60-68 (2000) |