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DBLP keys2008
13Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThomas Neumuth, Svetlana Mansmann, Marc H. Scholl, Oliver Burgert: Data Warehousing Technology for Surgical Workflow Analysis. CBMS 2008: 230-235
12Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLWerner Korb, Oliver Burgert, Dirk Schulze-Kissing, Robert Riener: Kooperative Mensch-Maschine-Systeme in der Chirurgie und Rehabilitation (Cooperative Human-Machine Systems in Surgery and Rehabilitation). Automatisierungstechnik 55(10): 511-521 (2007)
11Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThomas Neumuth, Gero Strauß, Jürgen Meixensberger, Heinz U. Lemke, Oliver Burgert: Acquisition of Process Descriptions from Surgical Interventions. DEXA 2006: 602-611
10no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThomas Neumuth, Andreas Pretschner, Christos Trantakis, Milos Fischer, Heinz U. Lemke, Oliver Burgert: An Approach to XML-based Description of Intraoperative Surgical Workflows. Berliner XML Tage 2005: 147-152
9no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLSascha Seifert, Oliver Burgert, Irina Wächter, Rüdiger Dillmann, Uwe Spetzger: Deformable modelling of the cervical spine for neurosurgical navigation. CARS 2004: 455-460
8no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLSascha Seifert, R. Kussaether, Roland Unterhinninghofen, Oliver Burgert, Rüdiger Dillmann: Smooth cutting in nonlinear soft tissue model. CARS 2003: 1375
7no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLOliver Burgert, Sascha Seifert, Tobias Salb, Roland Unterhinninghofen, Tilo Gockel, Rüdiger Dillmann, Stefan Haßfeld, Joachim Mühling: A system for preoperative planning of soft tissue and bone implants. CARS 2003: 1376
6no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLTobias Salb, Rüdiger Marmulla, Oliver Burgert, Stefan Haßfeld, Bibiana Kotrikova, Rüdiger Dillmann: Preclinical evaluation of an augmented reality system for craniofacial surgery. CARS 2003: 772
5no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLTobias Salb, Jakob Brief, Oliver Burgert, Tilo Gockel, Stefan Haßfeld, Joachim Mühling, Rüdiger Dillmann: INPRES - INtraoperative PRESentation of surgical planning and simulation results. CARS 2001: 1217-1218
4no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLOliver Burgert, Tobias Salb, Tilo Gockel, Rüdiger Dillmann, Stefan Haßfeld, Jakob Brief, Robert Krempien, S. Walz, Joachim Mühling: A system for facial reconstruction using distraction and symmetry considerations. CARS 2001: 62-67
3no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLTilo Gockel, Tobias Salb, Tim Weyrich, Oliver Burgert, Rüdiger Dillmann: Interactive simulation of teeth cleaning. CARS 2001: 682-688
2no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLOliver Burgert, Tobias Salb, Rüdiger Dillmann: Modellierung von Gewebestrukturen und Simulation risikominimierender chirurgischer Eingriffe. Rechner- und sensorgestützte Chirurgie 2001: 135-147
1no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLJens Nedon, Oliver Burgert: Junges Spektrum? Skektralfarben? Andere Seiten? Was bitte? Studis schreiben im Spektrum? Informatik Spektrum 21(3): 130 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Jakob Brief [4] [5]
2Rüdiger Dillmann [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Milos Fischer [10]
4Tilo Gockel [3] [4] [5] [7]
5Stefan Haßfeld [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Werner Korb [12]
7Bibiana Kotrikova [6]
8Robert Krempien [4]
9R. Kussaether [8]
10Heinz U. Lemke [10] [11]
11Svetlana Mansmann (Svetlana Vinnik) [13]
12Rüdiger Marmulla [6]
13Jürgen Meixensberger [11]
14Joachim Mühling [4] [5] [7]
15Jens Nedon [1]
16Thomas Neumuth [10] [11] [13]
17Andreas Pretschner [10]
18Robert Riener [12]
19Tobias Salb [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
20Marc H. Scholl [13]
21Dirk Schulze-Kissing [12]
22Sascha Seifert [7] [8] [9]
23Uwe Spetzger [9]
24Gero Strauß [11]
25Christos Trantakis [10]
26Roland Unterhinninghofen [7] [8]
27Irina Wächter [9]
28S. Walz [4]
29Tim Weyrich [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Fri Mar 12 12:56:28 2010 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)