| 2009 |
24 |  | Shih-Hsiang Lin,
Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang:
A Comparative Study of Probabilistic Ranking Models for Chinese Spoken Document Summarization.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 8(1): (2009) |
23 |  | Berlin Chen:
Word Topic Models for Spoken Document Retrieval and Transcription.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 8(1): (2009) |
22 |  | Shih-Hsiang Lin,
Berlin Chen,
Yao-Ming Yeh:
Exploring the Use of Speech Features and Their Corresponding Distribution Characteristics for Robust Speech Recognition.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 17(1): 84-94 (2009) |
21 |  | Yi-Ting Chen,
Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang:
A Probabilistic Generative Framework for Extractive Broadcast News Speech Summarization.
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 17(1): 95-106 (2009) |
20 |  | Berlin Chen,
Shih-Hung Liu,
Fang-Hui Chu:
Training data selection for improving discriminative training of acoustic models.
Pattern Recognition Letters 30(13): 1228-1235 (2009) |
| 2008 |
19 |  | Berlin Chen,
Yi-Ting Chen:
Extractive spoken document summarization for information retrieval.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(4): 426-437 (2008) |
| 2007 |
18 |  | Shih-Hsiang Lin,
Hung-Bin Chen,
Yao-Ming Yeh,
Berlin Chen:
Improved Histogram Equalzaiton (HEQ) for Robust Speech Recogntion.
ICME 2007: 2234-2237 |
17 |  | Shih-Hung Liu,
Fang-Hui Chu,
Shih-Hsiang Lin,
Berlin Chen:
Investigating Data Selection for Minimum Phone Error Training of Acoustic Models.
ICME 2007: 348-351 |
16 |  | Berlin Chen,
Yi-Ting Chen:
Word Topical Mixture Models for Extractive Spoken Document Summarization.
ICME 2007: 52-55 |
| 2006 |
15 |  | Jia-Yu Chen,
Chia-Yu Wan,
Yi Chen,
Berlin Chen,
Lin-Shan Lee:
Minimum Phone Error (MPE) Model and Feature Training on Mandarin Broadcast News Task.
ISCSLP 2006: 270-281 |
14 |  | Tzan-Hwei Chen,
Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang:
On Using Entropy Information to Improve Posterior Probability-Based Confidence Measures.
ISCSLP 2006: 454-463 |
13 |  | Yi-Ting Chen,
Suhan Yu,
Hsin-Min Wang,
Berlin Chen:
Extractive Chinese Spoken Document Summarization Using Probabilistic Ranking Models.
ISCSLP 2006: 660-671 |
12 |  | Berlin Chen:
Voice retrieval of Mandarin broadcast news speech.
IJPRAI 20(1): 91-109 (2006) |
11 |  | Berlin Chen:
Exploring the use of latent topical information for statistical Chinese spoken document retrieval.
Pattern Recognition Letters 27(1): 9-18 (2006) |
| 2005 |
10 |  | Berlin Chen:
Dynamic language model adaptation using latent topical information and automatic transcripts.
ICME 2005: 97-100 |
| 2004 |
9 |  | Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang,
Lin-Shan Lee:
A discriminative HMM/N-gram-based retrieval approach for mandarin spoken documents.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 3(2): 128-145 (2004) |
8 |  | Helen M. Meng,
Berlin Chen,
Sanjeev Khudanpur,
Gina-Anne Levow,
Wai Kit Lo,
Douglas W. Oard,
Patrick Schone,
Karen Tang,
Hsin-Min Wang,
Jianqiang Wang:
Mandarin-English Information (MEI): investigating translingual speech retrieval.
Computer Speech & Language 18(2): 163-179 (2004) |
| 2002 |
7 |  | Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang,
Lin-Shan Lee:
Discriminating capabilities of syllable-based features and approaches of utilizing them for voice retrieval of speech information in Mandarin Chinese.
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 10(5): 303-314 (2002) |
6 |  | Bor-shen Lin,
Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang,
Lin-Shan Lee:
A hierarchical tag-graph search scheme with layered grammar rules for spontaneous speech understanding.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23(7): 819-83 (2002) |
| 2001 |
5 |  | Hsin-Min Wang,
Berlin Chen:
Comparison of Word and Subword Indexing Techniques for Mandarin Chinese Spoken Document Retrieval.
IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2001: 606-613 |
4 |  | Hsin-Min Wang,
Berlin Chen:
Content-based Language Models for Spoken Document Retrieval.
Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 14(2): 193-209 (2001) |
| 2000 |
3 |  | Hsin-Min Wang,
Berlin Chen:
Content-based language models for spoken document retrieval.
IRAL 2000: 149-155 |
2 |  | Bo-Ren Bai,
Berlin Chen,
Hsin-Min Wang:
Syllable-Based Chinese Text/Spoken Document Retrieval Using Text/Speech Queries.
IJPRAI 14(5): 603-616 (2000) |
1 |  | Hsin-Min Wang,
Yu-Hsueh Chou,
Berlin Chen:
Browsing the Chinese Web Pages Using Mandarin Speech.
Int. J. Comput. Proc. Oriental Lang. 13(1): 35-51 (2000) |