| 2009 |
72 |  | Yangjun Chen:
General spanning trees and reachability query evaluation.
C3S2E 2009: 243-252 |
71 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Donovan Cooke:
XPath query evaluation based on the stack encoding.
C3S2E 2009: 43-57 |
70 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Bottom-Up Evaluation of Twig Join Pattern Queries in XML Document Databases.
DEXA 2009: 356-363 |
69 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Decomposing a Partially Ordered Set into Chains.
FCS 2009: 126-132 |
68 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Directed Acyclic Graphs and Disjoint Chains.
ICEIS (1) 2009: 17-24 |
67 |  | Yangjun Chen:
General Spanning Trees and Core Labeling.
ICSOFT (1) 2009: 93-98 |
66 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Unordered Tree Matching and Tree Pattern Queries in XML Databases.
ICSOFT (2) 2009: 191-198 |
65 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Document Tree Reconstruction and Fast Twig Pattern Matching.
IKE 2009: 393-399 |
| 2008 |
64 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A new method for generating compressed representation of transitive closure.
C3S2E 2008: 229-238 |
63 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the Evaluation of Large and Sparse Graph Reachability Queries.
DEXA 2008: 97-105 |
62 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
An Efficient Algorithm for Answering Graph Reachability Queries.
ICDE 2008: 893-902 |
61 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Tree Embedding and XML Query Evaluation.
ICEIS (1) 2008: 173-178 |
60 |  | Yangjun Chen:
An Efficient Streaming Algorithm for Evaluating XPath Queries.
WEBIST (1) 2008: 190-196 |
| 2007 |
59 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Decomposing DAGs into Disjoint Chains.
DEXA 2007: 243-253 |
58 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A new algorithm for twig pattern matching.
ICEIS (1) 2007: 44-51 |
57 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Tree Encoding and Transitive Closure Compression.
IV 2007: 765-770 |
| 2006 |
56 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
On the top-down tree inclusion.
ACST 2006: 61-66 |
55 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the Query Evaluation in Document DBs.
DEXA 2006: 771-780 |
54 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the evaluation of tree pattern queries.
ICSOFT (2) 2006: 79-85 |
53 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yong Shi,
Yibin Chen:
Tree inclusion algorithm, signatures and evaluation of path-oriented queries.
SAC 2006: 1020-1025 |
52 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Donovan Cooke:
On the transitive closure representation and adjustable compression.
SAC 2006: 450-455 |
51 |  | Ron McFadyen,
Yangjun Chen:
Rule-Based Query Tree Evaluation over Fragmented XML Documents.
WEBIST (1) 2006: 199-205 |
50 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
On the Signature Tree Construction and Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 18(9): 1207-1224 (2006) |
49 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
A new tree inclusion algorithm.
Inf. Process. Lett. 98(6): 253-262 (2006) |
48 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the cost of searching signature trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 99(1): 19-26 (2006) |
47 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Dunren Che:
Efficient Processing of XML Tree Pattern Queries.
JACIII 10(5): 738-743 (2006) |
46 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Dunren Che:
Minimization of XML Tree Pattern Queries in the Presence of Integrity Constraints.
JACIII 10(5): 744-751 (2006) |
| 2005 |
45 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the General Signature Trees.
DEXA 2005: 207-219 |
44 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the Signature Trees and Balanced Signature Trees.
ICDE 2005: 742-753 |
43 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
On the Tree Inclusion and Query Evaluation in Document Databases.
ICEIS (1) 2005: 182-190 |
42 |  | Ron McFadyen,
Yangjun Chen,
Fung-Yee Chan:
XML-Based Evaluation of Synthesized Queries.
WEBIST 2005: 24-31 |
41 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Path-Oriented Queries and Tree Inclusion Problems.
Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications 2005: 472-479 |
40 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yong Shi:
Signature Files and Signature File Construction.
Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications 2005: 638-645 |
39 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Graph Encoding and Recursion Computation.
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (II) 2005: 1309-1316 |
| 2004 |
38 |  | Ron McFadyen,
Yangjun Chen,
Fung-Yee Chan:
Privilege algebra for access control in digital libraries.
Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 147-154 |
37 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
Efficient Top-down Algorithms for Tree Inclusion.
HPCS 2004: 183-187 |
36 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A new algorithm for computing transitive closures.
SAC 2004: 1091-1092 |
35 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Yibin Chen:
Signature file hierarchies and signature graphs: a new index method for object-oriented databases.
SAC 2004: 724-728 |
34 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Building Signature Trees into OODBs.
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 20(2): 275-304 (2004) |
| 2003 |
33 |  | Ron McFadyen,
Yangjun Chen:
A DTD Complexity Metric.
Applied Informatics 2003: 1045-1052 |
32 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Graph Decomposition and Recursive Closures.
CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003 |
31 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A New Algorithm for Transitive Closures and Computation of Recursion in relational Databases.
IV 2003: 206-215 |
30 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the Computation of Recursion in Relational Databases.
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management 2003: 263-277 |
29 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Gerald Huck:
Building Signature-Trees on Path Signatures in Document Databases.
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management 2003: 53-73 |
28 |  | Yangjun Chen:
On the Graph Traversal and Linear Binary-Chain Programs.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 15(3): 573-596 (2003) |
| 2002 |
27 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Dunren Che,
Karl Aberer:
On the efficient evaluation of relaxed queries in biological databases.
CIKM 2002: 227-236 |
26 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Tony Liu,
Paul G. Sorenson:
Personal Web Space.
ICDCS Workshops 2002: 169-175 |
25 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Signature files and signature trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 82(4): 213-221 (2002) |
| 2001 |
24 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Gerald Huck:
On the Evaluation of Path-Oriented Queries in Document Databases.
DEXA 2001: 953-962 |
23 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Ron McFadyen,
Fung-Yee Chan:
Mapping DTDs to Object-Oriented Schemas.
WISE (1) 2001: 161-170 |
| 2000 |
22 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A Systematic Method for Query Evaluation in Distributed Heterogeneous Databases.
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 16(4): 463-497 (2000) |
21 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Integrating Heterogeneous OO Schemas.
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 16(4): 555-591 (2000) |
| 1999 |
20 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Karl Aberer:
Combining Pat-Trees and Signature Files for Query Evaluation in Document Databases.
DEXA 1999: 473-484 |
19 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
Integrating Heterogeneous OO Schemas.
ICDE 1999: 101 |
18 |  | Dunren Che,
Yangjun Chen,
Karl Aberer:
A Query System in a Biological Database.
SSDBM 1999: 158-167 |
17 |  | Dunren Che,
Yangjun Chen,
Karl Aberer,
Hannelore Eisner:
The Advanced Web Query System of GPCRDB.
SSDBM 1999: 281 |
16 |  | Dunren Che,
Karl Aberer,
Yangjun Chen:
The Design of Query Interfaces to the GPCRDB Biological Database.
UIDIS 1999: 22-31 |
15 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Arc Consistency Revisited.
Inf. Process. Lett. 70(4): 175-184 (1999) |
| 1998 |
14 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Karl Aberer:
Layered Index Structures in Document Database Systems.
CIKM 1998: 406-413 |
13 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
Query Evaluation for Distributed Heterogeneous Relational Databases.
CoopIS 1998: 44-53 |
12 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Evaluating Linear Binary Programs by Traversing Automaton Hierarchy.
DDLP 1998: 37-46 |
| 1997 |
11 |  | Yangjun Chen:
Speeding up the Counting Method by Computing Heritage Functions in Topological Order.
ADBIS 1997: 108-116 |
10 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
Poster on Rule-based Technology for Schema Transformation.
CoopIS 1997: 232 |
9 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
On the Query Treatment in Federated Systems.
DEXA 1997: 583-592 |
8 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
Multidatabase Query Optimization: Tree Balance and Node Allocation.
IDEAS 1997: 63-72 |
7 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
Building DD to Support Query Processing in Federated Systems.
KRDB 1997: 5.1-5.10 |
| 1996 |
6 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
A Rule-based Strategy for Transforming Relational Schemas into OO Schemas.
CODAS 1996: 56-59 |
5 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
On the Query Optimization in Multidatabases.
CODAS 1996: 84-91 |
4 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Wolfgang Benn:
On the Query Translation in Federative Relational Databases.
DEXA Workshop 1996: 491-498 |
| 1994 |
3 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Theo Härder:
An Optimal Graph Traversal Algorithm for Evaluating Linear Binary-Chain Programs.
CIKM 1994: 34-41 |
2 |  | Yangjun Chen,
Theo Härder:
On the Optimal Top-down Evaluation of Recursive Queries.
DEXA 1994: 47-56 |
| 1993 |
1 |  | Yangjun Chen:
A Bottom-up Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Databases.
ICDE 1993: 568-575 |