| 2009 |
23 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
Efficient processing of group-oriented connection queries in a large graph.
CIKM 2009: 1481-1484 |
22 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng,
Jeffrey Xu Yu:
Context-Aware Object Connection Discovery in Large Graphs.
ICDE 2009: 856-867 |
21 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Jeffrey Xu Yu:
Efficient Discovery of Frequent Correlated Subgraph Pairs.
ICDM 2009: 239-248 |
20 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Jeffrey Xu Yu:
Top-k Correlative Graph Mining.
SDM 2009: 1038-1049 |
19 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
Efficient query processing on graph databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 34(1): (2009) |
| 2008 |
18 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
Correlated pattern mining in quantitative databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 33(3): (2008) |
17 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
Effective elimination of redundant association rules.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 16(2): 221-249 (2008) |
16 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
Efficient Correlation Search from Graph Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(12): 1601-1615 (2008) |
15 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
Maintaining frequent closed itemsets over a sliding window.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 31(3): 191-215 (2008) |
14 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
A survey on algorithms for mining frequent itemsets over data streams.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 16(1): 1-27 (2008) |
13 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
An information-theoretic approach to quantitative association rule mining.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 16(2): 213-244 (2008) |
| 2007 |
12 |  | Wilfred Ng,
James Cheng:
An Efficient Index Lattice for XML Query Evaluation.
DASFAA 2007: 753-767 |
11 |  | James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
A Development of Hash-Lookup Trees to Support Querying Streaming XML.
DASFAA 2007: 768-780 |
10 |  | An Lu,
Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
Mining Vague Association Rules.
DASFAA 2007: 891-897 |
9 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
Correlation search in graph databases.
KDD 2007: 390-399 |
8 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng,
An Lu:
Fg-index: towards verification-free query processing on graph databases.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 857-872 |
| 2006 |
7 |  | Yin Yang,
Wilfred Ng,
Ho Lam Lau,
James Cheng:
An Efficient Approach to Support Querying Secure Outsourced XML Information.
CAiSE 2006: 157-171 |
6 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
MIC Framework: An Information-Theoretic Approach to Quantitative Association Rule Mining.
ICDE 2006: 112 |
5 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
delta-Tolerance Closed Frequent Itemsets.
ICDM 2006: 139-148 |
4 |  | Yiping Ke,
James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
Mining quantitative correlated patterns using an information-theoretic approach.
KDD 2006: 227-236 |
3 |  | James Cheng,
Yiping Ke,
Wilfred Ng:
Maintaining Frequent Itemsets over High-Speed Data Streams.
PAKDD 2006: 462-467 |
2 |  | Wilfred Ng,
Wai Yeung Lam,
James Cheng:
Comparative Analysis of XML Compression Technologies.
World Wide Web 9(1): 5-33 (2006) |
| 2004 |
1 |  | James Cheng,
Wilfred Ng:
XQzip: Querying Compressed XML Using Structural Indexing.
EDBT 2004: 219-236 |