| 2010 |
27 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
Simple negotiation schemes for agents with simple preferences: sufficiency, necessity and maximality.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 20(2): 234-259 (2010) |
| 2009 |
26 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Jérôme Lang,
Nicolas Maudet,
Guillaume Ravilly-Abadie:
Compiling the Votes of a Subelectorate.
IJCAI 2009: 97-102 |
| 2008 |
25 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
Trajectories of goods in distributed allocation.
AAMAS (2) 2008: 1111-1118 |
24 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Aydano Machado,
Jean-Daniel Zucker:
Experiments with Adaptive Transfer Rate in Reinforcement Learning.
PKAW 2008: 1-11 |
23 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Sylvia Estivie,
Nicolas Maudet:
Multiagent resource allocation in k -additive domains: preference representation and complexity.
Annals OR 163(1): 49-62 (2008) |
22 |  | Paul E. Dunne,
Yann Chevaleyre:
The complexity of deciding reachability properties of distributed negotiation schemes.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 396(1-3): 113-144 (2008) |
| 2007 |
21 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulrich Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
Allocating Goods on a Graph to Eliminate Envy.
AAAI 2007: 700-705 |
20 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Sylvia Estivie,
Nicolas Maudet:
Reaching Envy-Free States in Distributed Negotiation Settings.
IJCAI 2007: 1239-1244 |
19 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Jérôme Lang,
Nicolas Maudet:
A Short Introduction to Computational Social Choice.
SOFSEM (1) 2007: 51-69 |
| 2006 |
18 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
Tractable negotiation in tree-structured domains.
AAMAS 2006: 362-369 |
17 |  | Sylvia Estivie,
Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
How equitable is rational negotiation?
AAMAS 2006: 866-873 |
16 |  | Aydano Machado,
Yann Chevaleyre,
Jean-Daniel Zucker:
Une approche multi-agent adaptative pour la simulation de schémas tactiques.
EGC 2006: 143-148 |
15 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Jérôme Lang:
Expressive Power of Weighted Propositional Formulas for Cardinal Preference Modeling.
KR 2006: 145-152 |
14 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Paul E. Dunne,
Ulle Endriss,
Jérôme Lang,
Michel Lemaître,
Nicolas Maudet,
Julian A. Padget,
Steve Phelps,
Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar,
Paulo Sousa:
Issues in Multiagent Resource Allocation.
Informatica (Slovenia) 30(1): 3-31 (2006) |
| 2005 |
13 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Jérôme Lang,
Nicolas Maudet:
Negotiating over small bundles of resources.
AAMAS 2005: 296-302 |
12 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
Maximal Classes of Utility Functions for Efficient one-to-one Negotiation: Extended Abstract.
BNAIC 2005: 331-332 |
11 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulle Endriss,
Nicolas Maudet:
On Maximal Classes of Utility Functions for Efficient one-to-one Negotiation.
IJCAI 2005: 941-946 |
10 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Paul E. Dunne,
Ulle Endriss,
Jérôme Lang,
Nicolas Maudet,
Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar:
Multiagent resource allocation.
Knowledge Eng. Review 20(2): 143-149 (2005) |
| 2004 |
9 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
François Sempé,
Geber Ramalho:
A Theoretical Analysis of Multi-Agent Patrolling Strategies.
AAMAS 2004: 1524-1525 |
8 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Ulrich Endriss,
Sylvia Estivie,
Nicolas Maudet:
Welfare Engineering in Practice: On the Variety of Multiagent Resource Allocation Problems.
ESAW 2004: 335-347 |
7 |  | Yann Chevaleyre:
Theoretical Analysis of the Multi-agent Patrolling Problem.
IAT 2004: 302-308 |
6 |  | Alessandro Almeida,
Geber Ramalho,
Hugo Santana,
Patricia Azevedo Tedesco,
Talita Menezes,
Vincent Corruble,
Yann Chevaleyre:
Recent Advances on Multi-agent Patrolling.
SBIA 2004: 474-483 |
| 2003 |
5 |  | Nicolas Bredeche,
Yann Chevaleyre,
Jean-Daniel Zucker,
Alexis Drogoul,
Gérard Sabah:
A meta-learning approach to ground symbols from visual percepts.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(2-3): 149-162 (2003) |
| 2002 |
4 |  | Nicolas Bredeche,
Yann Chevaleyre,
Louis Hugues:
Wrapper for Object Detection in an Autonomous Mobile Robot.
ICPR (2) 2002: 749-752 |
3 |  | Nicolas Bredeche,
Jean-Daniel Zucker,
Yann Chevaleyre:
A Wrapper-Based Approach to Robot Learning Concepts from Images.
PRICAI 2002: 616 |
| 2001 |
2 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Jean-Daniel Zucker:
Solving Multiple-Instance and Multiple-Part Learning Problems with Decision Trees and Rule Sets. Application to the Mutagenesis Problem.
Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 204-214 |
1 |  | Yann Chevaleyre,
Jean-Daniel Zucker:
A Framework for Learning Rules from Multiple Instance Data.
ECML 2001: 49-60 |