| 2007 |
27 |  | Sebastian Salvucci,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
A practical approach for enabling online analysis of event streams.
DEBS 2007: 158-163 |
26 |  | Pablo Ezequiel Guerrero,
Kai Sachs,
Mariano Cilia,
Christof Bornhövd,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Pushing Business Data Processing Towards the Periphery.
ICDE 2007: 1485-1486 |
25 |  | Diego Palmisano,
Mariano Cilia:
NSLoadGen- A Testbed for Notification Services.
OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 790-807 |
24 |  | Ricardo Morin,
Mariano Cilia,
William Henry,
Michael Rowley,
Wei-Tek Tsai:
Service Oriented Computing: Technology Trends and Research Directions.
SOCA 2007: 9 |
| 2006 |
23 |  | Mario Antollini,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Implementing a High Level PUB/SUB Layer for Enterprise Information Systems.
ICEIS (1) 2006: 54-62 |
22 |  | Ludger Fiege,
Mariano Cilia,
Gero Mühl,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Publish-Subscribe Grows Up: Support for Management, Visibility Control, and Heterogeneity.
IEEE Internet Computing 10(1): 48-55 (2006) |
| 2005 |
21 |  | Cristian Fiorentino,
Mariano Cilia,
Ludger Fiege,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Building a Configurable Publish/Subscribe Notification Service.
DAIS 2005: 136-147 |
20 |  | Dimka Karastoyanova,
Alejandro Houspanossian,
Mariano Cilia,
Frank Leymann,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Extending BPEL for Run Time Adaptability.
EDOC 2005: 15-26 |
19 |  | Jan Steffan,
Ludger Fiege,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Towards Multi-Purpose Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICW/ICHSN/ICMCS/SENET 2005: 336-341 |
18 |  | Patric Kabus,
Wesley W. Terpstra,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Addressing cheating in distributed MMOGs.
NETGAMES 2005: 1-6 |
17 |  | Mariano Cilia:
Active Database Management Systems.
Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications 2005: 1-4 |
16 |  | Alejandro P. Buchmann,
Mariano Cilia:
Data management research at Technische Universität Darmstadt.
SIGMOD Record 34(4): 65-70 (2005) |
| 2004 |
15 |  | Frank Buschmann,
Alejandro P. Buchmann,
Mariano Cilia:
Object-Oriented Technology: ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader, ECOOP 2003 Workshops, Darmstadt, Germany, July 21-25, 2003, Final Reports
Springer 2004 |
14 |  | Jan Steffan,
Ludger Fiege,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Scoping in wireless sensor networks: a position paper.
Middleware for Pervasive and Ad-hoc Computing 2004: 167-171 |
13 |  | Alejandro P. Buchmann,
Christof Bornhövd,
Mariano Cilia,
Ludger Fiege,
Felix C. Gärtner,
Christoph Liebig,
Matthias Meixner,
Gero Mühl:
DREAM: Distributed Reliable Event-Based Application Management.
Web Dynamics 2004: 319-352 |
| 2003 |
12 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Christof Bornhövd,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
CREAM: An Infrastructure for Distributed, Heterogeneous Event-Based Applications.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2003: 482-502 |
11 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Ludger Fiege,
C. Haul,
Andreas Zeidler,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Looking into the past: enhancing mobile publish/subscribe middleware.
DEBS 2003 |
10 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Michael Haupt,
Mira Mezini,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
The Convergence of AOP and Active Databases: Towards Reactive Middleware.
GPCE 2003: 169-188 |
| 2002 |
9 |  | Mariano Cilia,
P. Hasselmayer,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Profiling and Internet Connectivity in Automotive Environments.
VLDB 2002: 1071-1074 |
8 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Profiling and Service Delivery in Internet-enabled Cars.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(4): 66-70 (2002) |
7 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
An Active Functionality Service for E-Business Applications.
SIGMOD Record 31(1): 24-30 (2002) |
| 2001 |
6 |  | Mariano Cilia,
Christof Bornhövd,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Moving Active Functionality from Centralized to Open Distributed Heterogeneous Environments.
CoopIS 2001: 195-210 |
| 2000 |
5 |  | Christoph Liebig,
Mariano Cilia,
M. Betz,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
A Publish/Subscribe CORBA Persistent State Service Prototype.
Middleware 2000: 231-255 |
4 |  | Christof Bornhövd,
Mariano Cilia,
Christoph Liebig,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
An Infrastructure for Meta-Auctions.
WECWIS 2000: 21-30 |
| 1999 |
3 |  | Christoph Liebig,
Mariano Cilia,
Alejandro P. Buchmann:
Event Composition in Time-dependent Distributed Systems.
CoopIS 1999: 70-78 |
| 1997 |
2 |  | Juliano Lopes de Oliveira,
Claudia Bauzer Medeiros,
Mariano Cilia:
Active Customization of GIS User Interfaces.
ICDE 1997: 487-496 |
| 1995 |
1 |  | Claudia Bauzer Medeiros,
Mariano Cilia:
Maintenance of Binary Topological Constraints Through Active Databases.
ACM-GIS 1995: 127- |