| 2008 |
47 | | Philip T. Cox,
Patrick Nicholson:
Unification of Arrays in Spreadsheets with Logic Programming.
PADL 2008: 100-115 |
46 | | Philip T. Cox:
Visual Programming Languages.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
45 | | Philip T. Cox,
John G. Hosking:
Special issue on selected papers from VL/HCC 2007: Guest Editors' introduction.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(4): 427-428 (2008) |
| 2007 |
44 | | Philip T. Cox,
Andrew Fish,
John Howse:
Proceedings of the VLL 2007 workshop on Visual Languages and Logic in Coeur d'Aléne, Idaho, USA, 23rd September 2007 as part of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC 07
CEUR-WS.org 2007 |
43 | | Philip T. Cox,
Andrew Fish,
John Howse:
Visual Languages and Logic.
VL/HCC 2007: 3 |
42 | | Philip T. Cox:
Enhancing the Programmability of Spreadsheets with Logic Programming.
VL/HCC 2007: 87-94 |
41 | | Philip T. Cox,
Andrew Fish,
John Howse:
VLL 2007 |
40 | | Philip T. Cox:
Special Issue on Selected Papers from VLC 2005.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 18(2): 97-98 (2007) |
| 2005 |
39 | | Philip T. Cox,
Simon Gauvin,
Andrew Rau-Chaplin:
Adding parallelism to visual data flow programs.
SOFTVIS 2005: 135-144 |
38 | | Philip T. Cox,
John G. Hosking:
Special issue on selected papers from HCC 2003.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 16(1-2): 1-2 (2005) |
37 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Integrating design synthesis and assembly of structured objects in a visual design language.
TPLP 5(6): 601-622 (2005) |
| 2004 |
36 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
An Automatic Layout Algorithm for Lograph.
VL/HCC 2004: 139-146 |
35 | | Shawn M. Best,
Philip T. Cox:
Programming an Autonomous Robot Controller by Demonstration Using Artificial Neural Networks.
VL/HCC 2004: 157-159 |
34 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Integrating design synthesis and assembly of structured objects in a visual design language
CoRR cs.LO/0403033: (2004) |
| 2003 |
33 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
On translating geometric solids to functional expressions.
PPDP 2003: 44-55 |
| 2002 |
32 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Solving Design Problems in a Logic-Based Visual Design Environment.
HCC 2002: 90-92 |
31 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Defining Behaviours for Solids in a Visual Design Environment.
HCC 2002: 93-95 |
30 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Solving Design Problems in a Logic-Based Visual Design Environment.
IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 90-92 |
29 | | Omid Banyasad,
Philip T. Cox:
Defining Behaviours for Solids in a Visual Design Environment.
IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 93-95 |
| 2001 |
28 | | Philip T. Cox,
Baoming Song:
A Formal Model for Component-Based Software.
HCC 2001: 304- |
27 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Visual Languages for End-user and Domain-specific Programming.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 12(5): 473-474 (2001) |
| 2000 |
26 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
Building Environments for Visual Programming of Robots by Demonstration.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 11(5): 549-571 (2000) |
25 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
A Formal Model for Parameterized Solids in a Visual Design Language.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 11(6): 687-710 (2000) |
| 1998 |
24 | | Philip T. Cox,
Hugh Glaser,
Stuart Maclean:
A Visual Development Environment for Parallel Applications.
VL 1998: 144-151 |
23 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
Visual Programming for Robot Control.
VL 1998: 217-224 |
22 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
A Model for Object Representation and Manipulation in a Visual Design Language.
VL 1998: 254-261 |
21 | | Philip T. Cox,
Christopher C. Risley,
Trevor J. Smedley:
Toward Concrete Representation in Visual Languages for Robot Control.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 9(2): 211-239 (1998) |
20 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
LSD: A Logic-Based Visual Language for Designing Structured Objects.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 9(5): 509-534 (1998) |
| 1997 |
19 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley,
John Garden,
Mark McManus:
Experiences with Visual Programming in a Specific Domain - Visual Language Challenge '96.
VL 1997: 258-263 |
18 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
A Declarative Language for the Design of Structures.
VL 1997: 442-449 |
17 | | Trevor J. Smedley,
Philip T. Cox:
Visual Languages for the Design and Development of Structured Objects.
J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 8(1): 57-84 (1997) |
| 1996 |
16 | | Trevor J. Smedley,
Philip T. Cox,
Shannon L. Byrne:
Expanding the utility of spreadsheets through the integration of visual programming and user interface objects.
AVI 1996: 148-155 |
15 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
A Visual Language for the Design of Structured Graphical Objects.
VL 1996: 296-303 |
14 | | Nicholas P. Wilde,
Shi-Kuo Chang,
Philip T. Cox,
David Canfield Smith:
VL' 96 Special Event: Perspectives from the Pioneers (Panel).
VL 1996: 328-333 |
| 1995 |
13 | | Philip T. Cox,
Hugh Glaser,
Benoît Lanaspre:
Distributed Prograph: Extended Abstract.
PSLS 1995: 128-133 |
| 1994 |
12 | | Philip T. Cox,
Trevor J. Smedley:
Using Visual Programming to Extend the Power of Spreadsheet.
Advanced Visual Interfaces 1994: 153-161 |
| 1993 |
11 | | Emanuel Knill,
Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
Equality and Abductive Residua for Horn Clauses.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 120(1): 1-44 (1993) |
| 1992 |
10 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
Visual Message Flow Language MFL and its Interaface.
Advanced Visual Interfaces 1992: 348-361 |
9 | | Philip T. Cox,
Emanuel Knill,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
Abduction in Logic Programming with Equality.
FGCS 1992: 539-545 |
| 1990 |
8 | | Philip T. Cox:
Using Object-Orientation to Implement Logic Programming.
SIGSMALL/PC Symposium 1990: 106-114 |
| 1987 |
7 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
General Diagnosis by Abductive Inference.
SLP 1987: 183-189 |
6 | | Philip T. Cox:
On Determining the Cause of Nonunifiability.
J. Log. Program. 4(1): 33-58 (1987) |
| 1986 |
5 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
Causes for Events: Their Computation and Applications.
CADE 1986: 608-621 |
| 1985 |
4 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
Surface Deduction: A Uniform Mechanism for Logic Programming.
SLP 1985: 220-227 |
| 1984 |
3 | | Philip T. Cox:
Finding Backtrack Points for Intelligent Backtracking.
Implementations of Prolog 1984: 216-233 |
2 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
A Complete, Nonredundant Algorithm for Reversed Skolemization.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 28: 239-261 (1984) |
| 1980 |
1 | | Philip T. Cox,
Tomasz Pietrzykowski:
A Complete, Nonredundant Algorithm for Reversed Skolemization.
CADE 1980: 374-385 |