| 2009 |
36 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Uwe Egly,
Raphaël Rossignol:
(1, 2)-QSAT: A Good Candidate for Understanding Phase Transitions Mechanisms.
SAT 2009: 363-376 |
35 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Uwe Egly,
Raphaël Rossignol:
The threshold for random (1,2)-QSAT
CoRR abs/0907.0937: (2009) |
34 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Johannes Schmidt,
Michael Thomas:
Complexity of Propositional Abduction for Restricted Sets of Boolean Functions
CoRR abs/0912.3134: (2009) |
| 2008 |
33 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Heribert Vollmer:
Complexity of Constraints - An Overview of Current Research Themes [Result of a Dagstuhl Seminar].
Springer 2008 |
32 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Henning Schnoor,
Ilka Schnoor:
Non-uniform Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Cardinality Constraint.
CSL 2008: 109-123 |
31 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Heribert Vollmer:
Boolean Constraint Satisfaction Problems: When Does Post's Lattice Help?.
Complexity of Constraints 2008: 3-37 |
30 |  | Victor Chepoi,
Nadia Creignou,
Miki Hermann,
Gernot Salzer:
Deciding the Satisfiability of Propositional Formulas in Finitely-Valued Signed Logics.
ISMVL 2008: 100-105 |
29 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Uwe Egly,
Raphaël Rossignol:
New Results on the Phase Transition for Random Quantified Boolean Formulas.
SAT 2008: 34-47 |
28 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Bruno Zanuttini:
Structure identification of Boolean relations and plain bases for co-clones.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(7): 1103-1115 (2008) |
27 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Miki Hermann,
Andrei A. Krokhin,
Gernot Salzer:
Complexity of Clausal Constraints Over Chains.
Theory Comput. Syst. 42(2): 239-255 (2008) |
| 2007 |
26 |  | Heribert Vollmer,
Michael Bauland,
Elmar Böhler,
Nadia Creignou,
Steffen Reith,
Henning Schnoor:
The Complexity of Problems for Quantified Constraints.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(023): (2007) |
25 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Uwe Egly:
Phase Transition for Random Quantified XOR-Formulas.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 29: 1-18 (2007) |
| 2006 |
24 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Heribert Vollmer:
Complexity of Constraints, 01.10. - 06.10.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
23 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Heribert Vollmer:
06401 Abstracts Collection - Complexity of Constraints.
Complexity of Constraints 2006 |
22 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Heribert Vollmer:
06401 Executive Summary - Complexity of Constraints.
Complexity of Constraints 2006 |
21 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Bruno Zanuttini:
A Complete Classification of the Complexity of Propositional Abduction.
SIAM J. Comput. 36(1): 207-229 (2006) |
| 2005 |
20 |  | Philippe Chapdelaine,
Nadia Creignou:
The complexity of Boolean constraint satisfaction local search problems.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 43(1): 51-63 (2005) |
19 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
John V. Franco:
A sharp threshold for the renameable-Horn and the q-Horn properties.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 153(1-3): 48-57 (2005) |
18 |  | Michael Bauland,
Elmar Böhler,
Nadia Creignou,
Steffen Reith,
Henning Schnoor,
Heribert Vollmer:
Quantified Constraints: The Complexity of Decision and Counting for Bounded Alternation
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(024): (2005) |
17 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Phokion G. Kolaitis,
Bruno Zanuttini:
Preferred representations of Boolean relations
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(119): (2005) |
| 2004 |
16 |  | Michael Bauland,
Philippe Chapdelaine,
Nadia Creignou,
Miki Hermann,
Heribert Vollmer:
An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Generalized Conjunctive Queries.
SAT 2004 |
15 |  | Michael Bauland,
Philippe Chapdelaine,
Nadia Creignou,
Miki Hermann,
Heribert Vollmer:
An Algebraic Approach to the Complexity of Generalized Conjunctive Queries.
SAT (Selected Papers 2004: 30-45 |
14 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé:
Combinatorial sharpness criterion and phase transition classification for random CSPs.
Inf. Comput. 190(2): 220-238 (2004) |
| 2003 |
13 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Olivier Dubois:
Approximating The Satisfiability Threshold For Random K-Xor-Formulas.
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 12(2): (2003) |
12 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé:
Smooth and sharp thresholds for random k-XOR-CNF satisfiability.
ITA 37(2): 127-147 (2003) |
11 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé:
Generalized satisfiability problems: minimal elements and phase transitions.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 302(1-3): 417-430 (2003) |
| 2001 |
10 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé,
Olivier Dubois:
Approximating the satisfiability threshold for random k-XOR-formulas
CoRR cs.DM/0106001: (2001) |
| 1999 |
9 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Hervé Daudé:
Satisfiability Threshold for Random XOR-CNF Formulas.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 96-97: 41-53 (1999) |
| 1998 |
8 |  | Nadia Creignou:
Complexity Versus Stability for Classes of Propositional Formulas.
Inf. Process. Lett. 68(4): 161-165 (1998) |
| 1997 |
7 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Jean-Jacques Hébrard:
On Generating All Solutions of Generalized Satisfiability Problems.
ITA 31(6): 499-511 (1997) |
6 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Malika More:
Complexity of Satisfiability Problems with Symmetric Polynomial Clauses.
J. Log. Comput. 7(3): 353-366 (1997) |
| 1996 |
5 |  | Nadia Creignou:
Exact Complexity of Problems of Incompletely Specified Automata.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 16: 237-249 (1996) |
4 |  | Nadia Creignou,
Miki Hermann:
Complexity of Generalized Satisfiability Counting Problems.
Inf. Comput. 125(1): 1-12 (1996) |
| 1995 |
3 |  | Nadia Creignou:
A Dichotomy Theorem for Maximum Generalized Satisfiability Problems.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(3): 511-522 (1995) |
2 |  | Nadia Creignou:
The Class of Problems That are Linearly Equivalent to Satisfiability or a Uniform Method for Proving NP-Completeness.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 145(1&2): 111-145 (1995) |
| 1992 |
1 |  | Nadia Creignou:
The Class of Problems that are Linear Equivalent to Satisfiability or a Uniform Method for Proving NP-Completeness.
CSL 1992: 115-133 |