| 2009 |
15 |  | Waltenegus Dargie,
Alexander Schill,
Rami Mochaourab,
Lin Guan:
A Topology Control Protocol for 2D Poisson Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks.
AINA Workshops 2009: 582-587 |
14 |  | Lin Guan,
Irfan-Ullah Awan,
Iain Phillips,
A. Grigg,
Waltenegus Dargie:
Performance analysis of a threshold-based discrete-time queue using maximum entropy.
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 17(3): 558-568 (2009) |
| 2008 |
13 |  | Waltenegus Dargie,
Bruno Klauser:
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Context-Awareness for Self-Managing Systems, CASEMANS 2008, May 19, 2008, Sydney, Australia
ACM 2008 |
12 |  | Christian Hermann,
Waltenegus Dargie:
Senceive: A Middleware for a Wireless Sensor Network.
AINA 2008: 612-619 |
11 |  | Marco Zimmerling,
Waltenegus Dargie,
Johnathan M. Reason:
Localized power-aware routing in linear wireless sensor networks.
CASEMANS 2008: 24-33 |
10 |  | Rami Mochaourab,
Waltenegus Dargie:
A fair and energy-efficient topology control protocol for wireless sensor networks.
CASEMANS 2008: 6-15 |
9 |  | Xiaojuan Chao,
Waltenegus Dargie,
Lin Guan:
Energy Model for H2S Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network.
CSE 2008: 402-409 |
8 |  | Thomas Springer,
Patrick Wustmann,
Iris Braun,
Waltenegus Dargie,
Michael Berger:
A Comprehensive Approach for Situation-Awareness Based on Sensing and Reasoning about Context.
UIC 2008: 143-157 |
7 |  | Nidal Nasser,
Waltenegus Dargie,
Mieso K. Denko,
Ahmed H. Zahran:
Message from the HWN-RMQ Workshop Organizing Technical Co-chairs.
WiMob 2008 |
6 |  | Waltenegus Dargie,
Tobias Tersch:
Recognition of Complex Settings by Aggregating Atomic Scenes.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(5): 58-65 (2008) |
| 2007 |
5 |  | Waltenegus Dargie,
Thomas Springer:
Integrating Facts and Beliefs to Model and Reason About Context.
DAIS 2007: 17-31 |
4 |  | Matthias Winkler,
Matthias Heinrich,
Alex Behring,
Joachim Steinmetz,
Waltenegus Dargie:
EMODE - ein Ansatz zur werkzeugunterstützten Modellierung multimodaler, adaptiver Benutzerschnittstellen.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2007: 437-442 |
3 |  | Waltenegus Dargie,
Anja Strunk,
Matthias Winkler,
Bernd Mrohs,
Sunil Thakar,
Wilfried Enkelmann:
A Model Based Approach for Developing Adaptive Multimodal Interactive Systems.
ICSOFT (PL/DPS/KE/MUSE) 2007: 73-79 |
2 |  | Waltenegus Dargie:
The Role of Probabilistic Schemes in Multisensor Context-Awareness.
PerCom Workshops 2007: 27-32 |
| 2006 |
1 |  | Waltenegus Dargie:
Dynamic Generation of Context Rules.
SelfMan 2006: 102-115 |