| 2009 |
41 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Blighted Virtual Neighborhoods and Other Threats to Online Social Experiences.
WISE 2009: 1-2 |
| 2001 |
40 |  | Dan Boneh,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
On the Importance of Eliminating Errors in Cryptographic Computations.
J. Cryptology 14(2): 101-119 (2001) |
| 2000 |
39 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Software development for next generation communication networks.
SIGSOFT FSE 2000: 1 |
| 1997 |
38 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Hsin Pan,
Eugene H. Spafford:
Failure and Fault Analysis for Software Debugging.
COMPSAC 1997: 515-521 |
37 |  | Dan Boneh,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
On the Importance of Checking Cryptographic Protocols for Faults (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1997: 37-51 |
| 1996 |
36 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Hsin Pan,
Eugene H. Spafford:
Critical Slicing for Software Fault Localization.
ISSTA 1996: 121-134 |
35 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Mission-Critical Applications, Commercial Value and Software Quality.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 204 (1996) |
| 1995 |
34 |  | Alberto Apostolico,
Gianfranco Bilardi,
Franco Bombi,
Richard A. DeMillo:
An International Masters in Software Engineering: Experience and Prospects.
ICDE 1995: 556-557 |
33 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Aditya P. Mathur,
W. Eric Wong:
Some Critical Remarks on a Hierarchy of Fault-Detecting Abilities of Test Methods.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(10): 858-861 (1995) |
| 1994 |
32 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Introduction to the Special Section.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(10): 749 (1994) |
| 1993 |
31 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
A. Jefferson Offutt:
Experimental Results from an Automatic Test Case Generator.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 2(2): 109-127 (1993) |
30 |  | Hiralal Agrawal,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Eugene H. Spafford:
Debugging with Dynamic Slicing and Backtracking.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(6): 589-616 (1993) |
| 1991 |
29 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Progress Toward Automated Software Testing.
ICSE 1991: 180-183 |
28 |  | Hiralal Agrawal,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Eugene H. Spafford:
Dynamic Slicing in the Presence of Unconstrained Pointers.
Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification 1991: 60-73 |
27 |  | Hiralal Agrawal,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Eugene H. Spafford:
An Execution-Backtracking Approach to Debugging.
IEEE Software 8(3): 21-26 (1991) |
26 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
Defining Software by Continuous, Smooth Functions.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(4): 383-384 (1991) |
25 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
A. Jefferson Offutt:
Constraint-Based Automatic Test Data Generation.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(9): 900-910 (1991) |
| 1989 |
24 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Test Adequacy and Program Mutation.
ICSE 1989: 355-356 |
| 1986 |
23 |  | Edith W. Martin,
Richard A. DeMillo:
Operational Survivability in Gracefully Degrading Distributed Processing Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(6): 693-704 (1986) |
| 1982 |
22 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Michael Merritt:
Cryptographic Protocols
STOC 1982: 383-400 |
| 1981 |
21 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Nancy A. Lynch,
Michael Merritt:
The Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols.
CRYPTO 1981: 71-72 |
20 |  | George I. Davida,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
Multilevel Secure Distributed System.
ICDCS 1981: 308-312 |
| 1980 |
19 |  | George I. Davida,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
Protecting Shared Cryptographic Keys.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1980: 100-102 |
18 |  | George I. Davida,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
A System Architecture to Support a Verifiably Secure Multilevel Security System.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1980: 137-144 |
17 |  | Timothy A. Budd,
Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton,
Frederick G. Sayward:
Theoretical and Emperical Studies on Using Program Mutation to Test the Functional Correctness of Programs.
POPL 1980: 220-233 |
16 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
The Consistency of ``P = NP'' and Related Problems with Fragments of Number Theory
STOC 1980: 45-57 |
15 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Stanley C. Eisenstat,
Richard J. Lipton:
Space-Time Trade-Offs in Structured Programming: An Improved Combinatorial Embedding Theorem.
J. ACM 27(1): 123-127 (1980) |
| 1979 |
14 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
Some Connections between Mathematical Logic and Complexity Theory
STOC 1979: 153-159 |
13 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton,
Alan J. Perlis:
Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs.
Commun. ACM 22(5): 271-280 (1979) |
12 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Raymond E. Miller:
Implicit Computation of Synchronization Primitives.
Inf. Process. Lett. 9(1): 35-38 (1979) |
11 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
A Constructive Generalization of the Borel-Cantelli Lemma with Application to the Complexity of Infinite Strings.
Mathematical Systems Theory 13: 95-104 (1979) |
| 1978 |
10 |  | Richard A. DeMillo:
Database Security.
VLDB Surveys 1978: 253-256 |
9 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Stanley C. Eisenstat,
Richard J. Lipton:
Preserving Average Proximity in Arrays.
Commun. ACM 21(3): 218-231 (1978) |
8 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
David P. Dobkin,
Richard J. Lipton:
Even Data Bases That Lie Can Be Compromised.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(1): 73-75 (1978) |
7 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton:
A Probabilistic Remark on Algebraic Program Testing.
Inf. Process. Lett. 7(4): 193-195 (1978) |
| 1977 |
6 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
Richard J. Lipton,
Alan J. Perlis:
Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs.
POPL 1977: 206-214 |
5 |  | Richard A. DeMillo,
K. Vairavan,
E. Sycara-Cyranski:
A Study of Schedules as Models of Synchronous Parallel Computation.
J. ACM 24(4): 544-565 (1977) |
| 1976 |
4 |  | K. Vairavan,
Richard A. DeMillo:
On the Computational Complexity of a Generalized Scheduling Problem.
IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1967-1073 (1976) |
3 |  | Richard J. Lipton,
Stanley C. Eisenstat,
Richard A. DeMillo:
Space and Time Hierarchies for Classes of Control Structures and Data Structures.
J. ACM 23(4): 720-732 (1976) |
| 1975 |
2 |  | Richard J. Lipton,
Stanley C. Eisenstat,
Richard A. DeMillo:
The Complexity of Control Structures and Data Structures
STOC 1975: 186-193 |
| 1974 |
1 |  | K. Vairavan,
Richard A. DeMillo:
Parallel Scheduling of Programs in a Restricted Model of Computation
STOC 1974: 248-255 |