| 2004 |
31 |  | Pierre Fernand Tiako,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Volker Gruhn:
Software Process Component Analysis and Simulation.
Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 21-24 |
| 2003 |
30 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Pablo de la Fuente,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Una propuesta integrada de extracción de información para gobierno electrónico: estructura, referencias y evolución de los documentos jurídicos.
JBIDI 2003: 201-210 |
29 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Pablo de la Fuente,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
XML as a means to support information extraction from legal documents.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 18(5): 263-277 (2003) |
| 2002 |
28 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Pablo de la Fuente:
A method for the dynamic generation of virtual versions of evolving documents.
SAC 2002: 476-482 |
27 |  | Selma Arbaoui,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Flávio Oquendo,
Hervé Verjus:
A Comparative Review of Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments.
Ann. Software Eng. 14(1-4): 311-340 (2002) |
| 2001 |
26 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Pablo de la Fuente,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Alberto Pedrero:
Relationship-based Dynamic Versioning of Evolving Legal Documents.
INAP 2001: 451-465 |
25 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Pablo de la Fuente,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Alberto Pedrero:
Relationship-Based Dynamic Versioning of Evolving Legal Documents.
INAP (LNCS Volume) 2001: 290-305 |
24 |  | M. Mercedes Martínez,
Pablo de la Fuente,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Alberto Pedrero:
Explotación dinámica de relaciones en las bibliotecas digitales: aplicación a una biblioteca jurídica.
JBIDI 2001 |
| 2000 |
23 |  | Patricia Dzeakou,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
An Architecture for a Multi Criteria Exploration of a Documents Set.
ECDL 2000: 494-497 |
| 1999 |
22 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame,
Badara Ali Kaba,
David Graham Wastell:
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology
Springer 1999 |
21 |  | Pierre Fernand Tiako,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
PSEEs Modelling for Supporting and Improving Collaborative Joint Software Development Projects.
EUROMICRO 1999: 2194-2201 |
20 |  | Carlo Montangero,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Badara Ali Kaba,
Brian Warboys:
The Software Process: Modelling and Technology.
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 1-14 |
19 |  | Wolfgang Emmerich,
Anthony Finkelstein,
Alfonso Fuggetta,
Carlo Montangero,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Software Process - Standards, Assessments and Improvement.
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 15-26 |
18 |  | David Graham Wastell,
Luuk Groenewegen,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
R. Mark Greenwood,
Peter Kawalek,
Ian Robertson:
Software Process: Key Issues and Future Directions.
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 201-226 |
17 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame,
Luuk Groenewegen,
Vincenzo Ambriola:
Case Study Demonstrating the Wider Applicability of the PSEE Paradigm.
Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 227-244 |
| 1998 |
16 |  | Kevin Gary,
Timothy E. Lindquist,
Harry Koehnemann,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Component-based Software Process Support.
ASE 1998: 196-199 |
15 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame,
Pierre Fernand Tiako:
PCIS-II-Project: Process Component Infrastructure Architecture Specification.
EWSPT 1998: 153 |
14 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
Promoter 2 Process Modeling Techniques.
EWSPT 1998: 154 |
13 |  | Norbert Glaser,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Software Agents: Process Models and User Profiles in Distributed Software Development.
WETICE 1998: 45-50 |
| 1996 |
12 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
Organizational Modelling and Management Session.
EWSPT 1996: 236 |
11 |  | Badara Ali Kaba,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Modelling Processes for Change: Basic Mechanisms for Evolving Process Fragments.
EWSPT 1996: 99-107 |
10 |  | Badara Ali Kaba,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Evolution of on-line process fragments families.
ISPW 1996: 89-92 |
| 1995 |
9 |  | Badara Ali Kaba,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Transients Change Processes in Process Centered Environments.
EWSPT 1995: 255-259 |
| 1994 |
8 |  | Joachim Tankoano,
Jean-Claude Derniame,
Badara Ali Kaba:
Software Process Design Based on Products and the Object Oriented Paradigm.
EWSPT 1994: 177-185 |
7 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
Process Modelling Concepts Session.
EWSPT 1994: 74 |
6 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame,
Volker Gruhn:
Development of process-centered IPSEs in the ALF project.
Journal of Systems Integration 4(2): 127-150 (1994) |
| 1993 |
5 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
EWSPT `92 Report.
ICSP 1993: 160-169 |
4 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
About Software Process Centered Environments.
ISPW 1993: 53-56 |
| 1992 |
3 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame:
Software Process Technology, Second European Workshop, EWSPT '92, Trondheim, Norway, September 7-8, 1992, Proceedings
Springer 1992 |
2 |  | Khalid Benali,
Jean-Claude Derniame:
Software Modelling: What, Who and When.
EWSPT 1992: 21-25 |
| 1990 |
1 |  | Jean-Claude Derniame,
Khalid Benali,
N. Boudjlida,
Claude Godart,
Jacques Lonchamp:
Roles cooperation through software process instantiaton.
ISPW 1990: 77-82 |