| 2008 |
19 |  | Philippe Besnard,
Sylvie Doutre,
Anthony Hunter:
Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2008, Toulouse, France, May 28-30, 2008.
IOS Press 2008 |
18 |  | Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon,
Sylvie Doutre,
Paul E. Dunne:
Asking the right question: forcing commitment in examination dialogues.
COMMA 2008: 49-60 |
| 2007 |
17 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Peter McBurney,
Laurent Perrussel,
Jean-Marc Thévenin:
Arguing for gaining access to information.
AAMAS 2007: 20 |
16 |  | Laurent Perrussel,
Sylvie Doutre,
Jean-Marc Thévenin,
Peter McBurney:
A Persuasion Dialog for Gaining Access to Information.
ArgMAS 2007: 63-79 |
15 |  | Caroline Devred,
Sylvie Doutre:
Dialectical Proof Theories for the Credulous Prudent Preferred Semantics of Argumentation.
ECSQARU 2007: 271-282 |
14 |  | Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon,
Sylvie Doutre,
Paul E. Dunne:
Audiences in argumentation frameworks.
Artif. Intell. 171(1): 42-71 (2007) |
| 2005 |
13 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Peter McBurney,
Michael Wooldridge:
Law-governed Linda as a semantics for agent dialogue protocols.
AAMAS 2005: 1257-1258 |
12 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon,
Paul E. Dunne:
Determining Preferences Through Argumentation.
AI*IA 2005: 98-109 |
11 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon,
Paul E. Dunne:
Explaining preferences with argument positions.
IJCAI 2005: 1560-1561 |
10 |  | Paul E. Dunne,
Sylvie Doutre,
Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon:
Discovering Inconsistency through Examination Dialogues.
IJCAI 2005: 1680-1681 |
| 2004 |
9 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Jérôme Mengin:
On Sceptical Versus Credulous Acceptance for Abstract Argument Systems.
JELIA 2004: 462-473 |
8 |  | Philippe Besnard,
Sylvie Doutre:
Characterization of Semantics for Argument Systems.
KR 2004: 183-193 |
7 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Jérôme Mengin:
On sceptical vs credulous acceptance for abstract argument systems.
NMR 2004: 134-139 |
6 |  | Philippe Besnard,
Sylvie Doutre:
Checking the acceptability of a set of arguments.
NMR 2004: 59-64 |
| 2003 |
5 |  | Claudette Cayrol,
Sylvie Doutre,
Jérôme Mengin:
On Decision Problems Related to the Preferred Semantics for Argumentation Frameworks.
J. Log. Comput. 13(3): 377-403 (2003) |
| 2002 |
4 |  | Claudette Cayrol,
Sylvie Doutre,
Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex,
Jérôme Mengin:
"Minimal defence": a refinement of the preferred semantics for argumentation frameworks.
NMR 2002: 408-415 |
3 |  | Claudette Cayrol,
Sylvie Doutre,
Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex,
Jérôme Mengin:
"Minimal defence": a refinement of the preferred semantics for argumentation frameworks
CoRR cs.AI/0207025: (2002) |
| 2001 |
2 |  | Claudette Cayrol,
Sylvie Doutre,
Jérôme Mengin:
Dialectical Proof Theories for the Credulous Preferred Semantics of Argumentation Frameworks.
ECSQARU 2001: 668-679 |
1 |  | Sylvie Doutre,
Jérôme Mengin:
Preferred Extensions of Argumentation Frameworks: Query Answering and Computation.
IJCAR 2001: 272-288 |