| 2009 |
14 |  | Belen Masia,
Sandra Agustin,
Roland W. Fleming,
Olga Sorkine,
Diego Gutierrez:
Evaluation of reverse tone mapping through varying exposure conditions.
ACM Trans. Graph. 28(5): (2009) |
13 |  | Christian Wallraven,
Roland W. Fleming,
Douglas W. Cunningham,
Jaume Rigau,
Miquel Feixas,
Mateu Sbert:
Categorizing art: Comparing humans and computers.
Computers & Graphics 33(4): 484-495 (2009) |
12 |  | Roland W. Fleming,
Michael Langer:
Guest editorial: Special issue on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV07).
TAP 5(4): (2009) |
| 2008 |
11 |  | Sebastian Herholz,
Lewis L. Chuang,
Thomas Tanner,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff,
Roland W. Fleming:
Real-time gaze-tracking of freely moving observers for wall-sized displays.
VMV 2008: 101-110 |
| 2007 |
10 |  | Manfred Nusseck,
Julien Lagarde,
Benoît G. Bardy,
Roland W. Fleming,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Perception and prediction of simple object interactions.
APGV 2007: 27-34 |
9 |  | Franck Caniard,
Roland W. Fleming:
Distortion in 3D shape estimation with changes in illumination.
APGV 2007: 99-105 |
8 |  | Douglas W. Cunningham,
Christian Wallraven,
Roland W. Fleming,
Wolfgang Straßer:
Perceptual Reparameterization of Material Properties.
Computational Aesthetics 2007: 89-96 |
7 |  | Ahmet Oguz Akyüz,
Roland W. Fleming,
Bernhard E. Riecke,
Erik Reinhard,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Do HDR displays support LDR content?: a psychophysical evaluation.
ACM Trans. Graph. 26(3): 38 (2007) |
| 2006 |
6 |  | Roland W. Fleming,
Sunghee Kim:
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, APGV 2006, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 28-29, 2006
ACM 2006 |
5 |  | Erum Arif Khan,
Erik Reinhard,
Roland W. Fleming,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Image-based material editing.
ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 654-663 (2006) |
4 |  | Ulrich Weidenbacher,
Pierre Bayerl,
Heiko Neumann,
Roland W. Fleming:
Sketching shiny surfaces: 3D shape extraction and depiction of specular surfaces.
TAP 3(3): 262-285 (2006) |
| 2005 |
3 |  | Ulrich Weidenbacher,
Pierre Bayerl,
Roland W. Fleming,
Heiko Neumann:
Extracting and depicting the 3D shape of specular surfaces.
APGV 2005: 83-86 |
2 |  | Roland W. Fleming,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Low-Level Image Cues in the Perception of Translucent Materials.
TAP 2(3): 346-382 (2005) |
| 2004 |
1 |  | Roland W. Fleming,
Henrik Wann Jensen,
Heinrich H. Bülthoff:
Perceiving translucent materials.
APGV 2004: 127-134 |