| 2009 |
20 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Peter W. Beck:
Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join processing.
CIKM 2009: 1513-1516 |
19 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Jan Van den Bussche,
Dirk Van Gucht,
Stijn Vansummeren:
Towards a theory of search queries.
ICDT 2009: 201-211 |
18 |  | James J. Lu,
George H. L. Fletcher:
Thinking about computational thinking.
SIGCSE 2009: 260-264 |
17 |  | Rada Chirkova,
George H. L. Fletcher:
Towards Well-Behaved Schema Evolution.
WebDB 2009 |
16 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
James J. Lu:
Education - Human computing skills: rethinking the K-12 experience.
Commun. ACM 52(2): 23-25 (2009) |
15 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Marc Gyssens,
Jan Paredaens,
Dirk Van Gucht:
On the Expressive Power of the Relational Algebra on Finite Sets of Relation Pairs.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21(6): 939-942 (2009) |
14 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Dirk Van Gucht,
Yuqing Wu,
Marc Gyssens,
Sofia Brenes,
Jan Paredaens:
A methodology for coupling fragments of XPath with structural indexes for XML documents.
Inf. Syst. 34(7): 657-670 (2009) |
13 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss:
Towards a General Framework for Effective Solutions to the Data Mapping Problem.
J. Data Semantics 14: 37-73 (2009) |
| 2008 |
12 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Peter W. Beck:
Indexing Social Semantic Data.
International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008 |
11 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Peter W. Beck:
A role-free approach to indexing large RDF data sets in secondary memory for efficient SPARQL evaluation
CoRR abs/0811.1083: (2008) |
| 2007 |
10 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Dirk Van Gucht,
Yuqing Wu,
Marc Gyssens,
Sofia Brenes,
Jan Paredaens:
A Methodology for Coupling Fragments of XPath with Structural Indexes for XML Documents.
DBPL 2007: 48-65 |
9 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Dirk Van Gucht,
Yuqing Wu,
Marc Gyssens,
Jan Paredaens:
Coupling Fragments of XPath with XML Indexing and Query Decomposition.
EROW 2007 |
| 2006 |
8 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss:
Data Mapping as Search.
EDBT 2006: 95-111 |
7 |  | Marc Gyssens,
Jan Paredaens,
Dirk Van Gucht,
George H. L. Fletcher:
Structural characterizations of the semantics of XPath as navigation tool on a document.
PODS 2006: 318-327 |
6 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss,
Edward L. Robertson,
Dirk Van Gucht:
A Calculus for Data Mapping.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 150(2): 37-54 (2006) |
| 2005 |
5 |  | George H. L. Fletcher:
The Data Mapping Problem: Algorithmic and Logical Characterizations.
ICDE Workshops 2005: 1263 |
4 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss:
Discovering complex mapping expressions with the TUPELO data mapping system.
IHIS 2005: 71-74 |
3 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss:
Relational data mapping in MIQIS.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 912-914 |
2 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Catharine M. Wyss:
Mapping Between Data Sources on the Web.
WIRI 2005: 173-178 |
| 2004 |
1 |  | George H. L. Fletcher,
Hardik A. Sheth,
Katy Börner:
Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks: Topological Properties and Search Performance.
AP2PC 2004: 14-27 |