| 2009 |
11 |  | Arnd Christian König,
Michael Gamon,
Qiang Wu:
Click-through prediction for news queries.
SIGIR 2009: 347-354 |
| 2007 |
10 |  | Michael Gamon:
Computing Attitude and Affect in Text: Theory and Applications James G. Shanahan, Yan Qu, and Janyce Wiebe (editors) (Clairvoyance Corporation and University of Pittsburgh) Dordrecht: Springer (The information retrieval series, edited by W. Bruce Croft), 2006, xv+341 pp; hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-4026-1.
Computational Linguistics 33(2): 275-277 (2007) |
| 2006 |
9 |  | Chris Brockett,
William B. Dolan,
Michael Gamon:
Correcting ESL Errors Using Phrasal SMT Techniques.
ACL 2006 |
8 |  | Gary Kacmarcik,
Michael Gamon:
Obfuscating Document Stylometry to Preserve Author Anonymity.
ACL 2006 |
| 2005 |
7 |  | Michael Gamon,
Anthony Aue,
Simon Corston-Oliver,
Eric K. Ringger:
Pulse: Mining Customer Opinions from Free Text.
IDA 2005: 121-132 |
| 2004 |
6 |  | Simon Corston-Oliver,
Michael Gamon:
Normalizing German and English Inflectional Morphology to Improve Statistical Word Alignment.
AMTA 2004: 48-57 |
5 |  | Simon Corston-Oliver,
Eric K. Ringger,
Michael Gamon,
Richard Campbell:
Integration of Email and Task Lists.
CEAS 2004 |
| 2003 |
4 |  | Martine Smets,
Michael Gamon,
Simon Corston-Oliver,
Eric K. Ringger:
French Amalgam: a quick adaptation of a sentence realization system to French.
EACL 2003: 323-330 |
| 2002 |
3 |  | Michael Gamon,
Eric K. Ringger,
Simon Corston-Oliver,
Robert C. Moore:
Machine-learned contexts for linguistic operations in German sentence realization.
ACL 2002: 25-32 |
2 |  | Michael Gamon,
Eric K. Ringger,
Zhu Zhang,
Robert C. Moore,
Simon Corston-Oliver:
Extraposition: A Case Study in German Sentence Realization.
COLING 2002 |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Simon Corston-Oliver,
Michael Gamon,
Chris Brockett:
A Machine Learning Approach to the Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.
ACL 2001: 140-147 |