| 2009 |
12 |  | Hans-Hermann Bock,
Wolfgang Gaul,
Akinori Okada,
Maurizio Vichi:
Adv. Data Analysis and Classification 3(2): 93-94 (2009) |
| 2008 |
11 |  | Hans-Hermann Bock,
Wolfgang Gaul,
Akinori Okada,
Maurizio Vichi:
Adv. Data Analysis and Classification 2(2): 107-108 (2008) |
10 |  | Hans-Hermann Bock,
Wolfgang Gaul,
Maurizio Vichi,
Akinori Okada:
Preface of the ADAC editors.
Adv. Data Analysis and Classification 2(3): 207-208 (2008) |
| 2006 |
9 |  | Myra Spiliopoulou,
Rudolf Kruse,
Christian Borgelt,
Andreas Nürnberger,
Wolfgang Gaul:
From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Magdeburg, March 9-11, 2005
Springer 2006 |
| 2005 |
8 |  | Claus Weihs,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Classification - the Ubiquitous Challenge, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., University of Dortmund, March 9-11, 2004
Springer 2005 |
| 2004 |
7 |  | Christian Bomhardt,
Wolfgang Gaul:
NewsRec, a Personal Recommendation System for News Websites.
GfKl 2004: 394-401 |
6 |  | Volker Schlecht,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Fuzzy Two-mode Clustering vs. Collaborative Filtering.
GfKl 2004: 410-417 |
5 |  | Nadine Schmidt-Mänz,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Web Mining and Online Visibility.
GfKl 2004: 418-425 |
4 |  | Patrick Thoma,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Analysis of Recommender System Usage by Multidimensional Scaling.
GfKl 2004: 426-433 |
3 |  | Bernd Stauß,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Estimating Reservation Prices for Product Bundles Based on Paired Comparison Data.
GfKl 2004: 577-584 |
2 |  | Bernd Stauß,
Wolfgang Gaul:
Product Line Optimization as a Two Stage Problem.
OR 2004: 246-253 |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Wolfgang Gaul,
Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
Mining Generalized Association Rules for Sequential and Path Data.
ICDM 2001: 593-596 |