| 1998 |
14 |  | Kathi Fisler,
Claude Girault:
Modelling and Model Checking a Distributed Shared Memory Consistency Protocol.
ICATPN 1998: 84-103 |
| 1996 |
13 |  | Mohamed-Lyes Benalycherif,
Claude Girault:
Behavioural and Structural Composition Rules Preserving Liveness by Synchronization for Colored FIFO Nets.
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1996: 73-92 |
12 |  | Rajeev Jayaram,
Rajib Mall,
Lalit M. Patnaik,
Claude Girault:
A Formalism to Model Task Execution in Distributed Systems.
Inf. Sci. 88(1-4): 113-129 (1996) |
| 1994 |
11 |  | Claude Girault:
Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.3 Working Conference on Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Caracas, Venezuela, 18-22 April, 1994
North-Holland 1994 |
| 1986 |
10 |  | Claude Girault,
C. Chatelain,
Serge Haddad:
Specification and properties of a cache coherence protocol model.
European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1986: 1-20 |
9 |  | Serge Haddad,
Claude Girault:
Algebraic structure of flows of a regular coloured net.
European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1986: 73-88 |
| 1985 |
8 |  | P. Estraillier,
Claude Girault,
Jean Michel Ilié:
Satellite Protocol Modeling by Synchronous Predicate Transition Nets.
PNPM 1985: 280-287 |
| 1984 |
7 |  | J. Carlier,
Philippe Chrétienne,
Claude Girault:
Modelling scheduling problems with timed Petri nets.
European Workshop on Applications and Theory in Petri Nets 1984: 62-82 |
| 1982 |
6 |  | Claude Girault,
Wolfgang Reisig:
Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Selected Papers from the First and the Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Stasbourg 23.-26. September 1980, Bad Honnef 28.-30. September 1981
Springer 1982 |
5 |  | P. Estraillier,
Claude Girault:
Petri Nets Specification of Virtual Ring Protocols.
European Workshop on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1982: 74-85 |
4 |  | P. Estraillier,
Claude Girault:
Petri Net Specification of a New Protocol for Controlling a Distributed System Organization.
ICDCS 1982: 654-659 |
| 1981 |
3 |  | Jean-Loup Baer,
Georges Gardarin,
Claude Girault,
Gérard Roucairol:
The Two-Step Commitment Protocol: Modeling, Specification and Proof Methodology.
ICSE 1981: 363-373 |
2 |  | Gérard Berthelot,
Claude Girault,
Gérard Roucairol:
Petri Net Modelling and Reliability of Distributed Algorithms.
Selected Papers from the First and the Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1981: 3-10 |
| 1975 |
1 |  | Charles André,
M. Diaz,
Claude Girault,
Joseph Sifakis:
Survey of French Research and Applications Based on Petri Nets.
Advanced Course: Net Theory and Applications 1975: 321-345 |