| 2009 |
13 |  | Zude Li,
Mechelle Gittens,
Syed Shariyar Murtaza,
Nazim H. Madhavji,
Andriy V. Miranskyy,
David Godwin,
Enzo Cialini:
Analysis of pervasive multiple-component defects in a large software system.
ICSM 2009: 265-273 |
| 2008 |
12 |  | Andriy V. Miranskyy,
Nazim H. Madhavji,
Mechelle Gittens,
Matthew Davison,
Mark Wilding,
David Godwin,
C. A. Taylor:
SIFT: a scalable iterative-unfolding technique for filtering execution traces.
CASCON 2008: 21 |
11 |  | C. A. Taylor,
Mechelle Gittens,
Andriy V. Miranskyy:
A case study in database reliability: component types, usage profiles, and testing.
DBTest 2008: 11 |
10 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Pramod Gupta,
David Godwin,
Hebert Pereyra,
Jeff Riihimaki:
Focused iterative testing: a test automation case study.
DBTest 2008: 8 |
9 |  | Syed Shariyar Murtaza,
Mechelle Gittens,
Nazim H. Madhavji:
Discovering the Fault Origin from Field Traces.
ISSRE 2008: 295-296 |
8 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Pramod Gupta,
David Godwin,
Hebert Pereyra,
Jeff Riihimaki:
Focused Iterative Testing: A Test Automation Case Study.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 31(1): 59-67 (2008) |
| 2007 |
7 |  | Andriy V. Miranskyy,
Nazim H. Madhavji,
Mechelle Gittens,
Matthew Davison,
Mark Wilding,
David Godwin:
An iterative, multi-level, and scalable approach to comparing execution traces.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 537-540 |
6 |  | Andriy V. Miranskyy,
Nazim H. Madhavji,
Mechelle Gittens,
Matthew Davison,
Mark Wilding,
David Godwin:
An iterative, multi-level, and scalable approach to comparing execution traces.
ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 537-540 |
| 2006 |
5 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Keri Romanufa,
David Godwin,
Jason Racicot:
All code coverage is not created equal: a case study in prioritized code coverage.
CASCON 2006: 131-145 |
| 2005 |
4 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Yong Kim,
David Godwin:
The Vital Few Versus the Trivial Many: Examining the Pareto Principle for Software.
COMPSAC (1) 2005: 179-185 |
| 2004 |
3 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Hanan Lutfi Lutfiyya,
Michael A. Bauer:
An Extended Operational Profile Model.
ISSRE 2004: 314-325 |
2 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Hanan Lutfiyya,
Michael A. Bauer:
Continuous evolutionary one-step-ahead testing.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-4 (2004) |
| 2002 |
1 |  | Mechelle Gittens,
Hanan Lutfi Lutfiyya,
Michael A. Bauer,
David Godwin,
Yong Woo Kim,
Pramod Gupta:
An empirical evaluation of system and regression testing.
CASCON 2002: 3 |