| 2009 |
21 |  | Reid Swanson,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Say Anything: A Demonstration of Open Domain Interactive Digital Storytelling.
ICIDS 2009: 324-327 |
| 2008 |
20 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Catherine Havasi,
Mathias Lux,
Markus Strohmaier:
Proceedings of the Workshop on Common Sense Knowledge and Goal-Oriented Interfaces, Canary Islands, Spain, January 13, 2008
CEUR-WS.org 2008 |
19 |  | Mehdi Manshadi,
Reid Swanson,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Learning a Probabilistic Model of Event Sequences from Internet Weblog Stories.
FLAIRS Conference 2008: 159-164 |
18 |  | Reid Swanson,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Say Anything: A Massively Collaborative Open Domain Story Writing Companion.
ICIDS 2008: 32-40 |
17 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Catherine Havasi,
Mathias Lux,
Markus Strohmaier:
Common sense knowledge and goal-oriented interfaces.
IUI 2008: 440 |
| 2007 |
16 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Reid Swanson:
Generalizing semantic role annotations across syntactically similar verbs.
ACL 2007 |
15 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Qun Cao,
Reid Swanson:
Automated story capture from internet weblogs.
K-CAP 2007: 167-168 |
| 2006 |
14 |  | Reid Swanson,
Andrew S. Gordon:
A Comparison of Alternative Parse Tree Paths for Labeling Semantic Roles.
ACL 2006 |
13 |  | Andrew S. Gordon:
Fourth frame forums: interactive comics for collaborative learning.
ACM Multimedia 2006: 69-72 |
12 |  | Sudeep Gandhe,
Andrew S. Gordon,
David R. Traum:
Improving question-answering with linking dialogues.
IUI 2006: 369-371 |
| 2005 |
11 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Kavita Ganesan:
Automated story capture from conversational speech.
K-CAP 2005: 145-152 |
10 |  | Reid Swanson,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Automated commonsense reasoning about human memory.
Metacognition in Computation 2005: 114-119 |
9 |  | Jerry R. Hobbs,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Toward a large-scale formal theory of commonsense psychology for metacognition.
Metacognition in Computation 2005: 49-54 |
8 |  | Andrew S. Gordon:
The Fictionalization of Lessons Learned.
IEEE MultiMedia 12(4): 12-14 (2005) |
| 2004 |
7 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Jerry R. Hobbs:
Formalizations of Commonsense Psychology.
AI Magazine 25(4): 49-62 (2004) |
6 |  | Andrew S. Gordon:
The representation of planning strategies.
Artif. Intell. 153(1-2): 287-305 (2004) |
| 2001 |
5 |  | Andrew S. Gordon:
Browsing image collections with representations of common-sense activities.
JASIST 52(11): 925-929 (2001) |
| 2000 |
4 |  | Andrew S. Gordon:
Using annotated video as an information retrieval interface.
IUI 2000: 133-140 |
| 1998 |
3 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Eric A. Domeshek:
Deja Vu: A Knowledge-rich Interface for Retrieval in Digital Libraries.
IUI 1998: 127-134 |
| 1996 |
2 |  | Eric A. Domeshek,
Smadar Kedar,
Andrew S. Gordon:
Interactive Information Retrieval Systems with Minimalist Representation.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 1 1996: 439-446 |
1 |  | Andrew S. Gordon,
Smadar Kedar,
Eric A. Domeshek:
Interfaces for Managing Access to a Video Archive.
CHI Conference Companion 1996: 119-120 |