| 2008 |
50 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Quantum Computing.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
| 2007 |
49 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Algebraic Methods in Quantum Informatics.
CAI 2007: 87-111 |
48 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Salvatore La Torre,
Mimmo Parente:
The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem on Squares, Toruses and Rings.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 18(3): 637-654 (2007) |
47 |  | Jozef Gruska:
A broader view on the limitations of information processing and communication by nature.
Natural Computing 6(2): 75-112 (2007) |
| 2006 |
46 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Universal Sets of Quantum Information Processing Primitives and Their Optimal Use.
GTIT-C 2006: 425-451 |
45 |  | Jozef Gruska:
From Informatics to Quantum Informatics.
IFIP TCS 2006: 17-46 |
44 |  | Jozef Gruska:
From Informatics to Quantum Informatics.
IFIP TCS 2006: 5 |
43 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Quantum Finite Automata.
Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications 2006: 81-117 |
42 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Salvatore La Torre,
Margherita Napoli,
Mimmo Parente:
Different time solutions for the firing squad synchronization problem on basic grid networks.
ITA 40(2): 177-206 (2006) |
41 |  | Jozef Gruska:
The Emergence and Challenges of Quantum Informatics (Entstehung der Quanteninformatik und ihre Herausforderungen).
it - Information Technology 48(6): 336- (2006) |
| 2005 |
40 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Salvatore La Torre,
Margherita Napoli,
Mimmo Parente:
Various Solutions to the Firing Squad Synchronization Problems
CoRR abs/cs/0511044: (2005) |
39 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Universal Sets of Quantum Information Processing Primitives and their optimal use.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 21: 285-289 (2005) |
| 2004 |
38 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Salvatore La Torre,
Mimmo Parente:
Optimal Time and Communication Solutions of Firing Squad Synchronization Problems on Square Arrays, Toruses and Rings.
Developments in Language Theory 2004: 200-211 |
| 2003 |
37 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Invited Paper. Quantum Entanglement as a New Information Processing Resource.
New Generation Comput. 21(4): (2003) |
| 2002 |
36 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Hiroshi Imai,
Keiji Matsumoto:
Power of Quantum Entanglement.
IFIP TCS 2002: 3-22 |
| 2001 |
35 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Hiroshi Imai:
Power, Puzzles and Properties of Entanglement.
MCU 2001: 25-68 |
| 2000 |
34 |  | Jozef Gruska:
New Challenges for Theoretical Computer Science.
IFIP TCS 2000: 599-601 |
33 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Quantumization of Theoretical Informatics.
IFIP TCS 2000: 604-608 |
32 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Descriptional Complexity Issues in Quantum Computing.
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 5(3): 191-218 (2000) |
| 1999 |
31 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Quantum Challenges for Computing.
ARCS 1999: 2 |
30 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Quantum Challenges.
SOFSEM 1999: 1-28 |
| 1998 |
29 |  | Lubos Brim,
Jozef Gruska,
Jirí Zlatuska:
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1998, 23rd International Symposium, MFCS'98, Brno, Czech Republic, August 24-28, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
| 1997 |
28 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Roland Vollmar:
Towards Adjusting Informatics Education to Information Era.
Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition 1997: 49-67 |
27 |  | Roland Vollmar,
Jozef Gruska:
Informatics in curricula for noninformaticsstudents: engineering and science.
Informatics in Higher Education 1997: 203-211 |
26 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Irène Guessarian:
Fixpoint Semantics of Synchronized Systems and Correctness of Their Basic Transformations.
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 2(2): 93-134 (1997) |
25 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Succinctness of Descriptions of SBTA-Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 179(1-2): 251-271 (1997) |
| 1995 |
24 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Angelo Monti,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
State Complexity of SBTA Languages.
LATIN 1995: 346-357 |
23 |  | Emanuela Fachini,
Jozef Gruska,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Power of Interconnections and of Nondeterminism in Regular Y-Tree Systolic Automata.
Mathematical Systems Theory 28(3): 245-266 (1995) |
| 1994 |
22 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
Optimization of Systolic Tree Automata.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 247-252 |
21 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Irène Guessarian:
Correctness of Basic Systolic Systems Transformations.
IFIP Congress (1) 1994: 315-321 |
| 1993 |
20 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Margherita Napoli,
Domenico Parente:
On the Minimization and Succintness of Systolic Binary Tree Automata.
Sci. Ann. Cuza Univ. 2: 13-26 (1993) |
| 1990 |
19 |  | Emanuela Fachini,
Jozef Gruska,
Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini,
Davide Sangiorgi:
Simulation of Systolic Tree Automata on Trellis Automata.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 1(2): 87-110 (1990) |
18 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Synthesis, Structure and Power of Systolic Computations.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 71(1): 47-77 (1990) |
| 1988 |
17 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Systolic Architectures, Systems and Computations.
ICALP 1988: 254-270 |
| 1986 |
16 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Branislav Rovan,
Juraj Wiedermann:
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, August 25-29, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1986 |
15 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Pragmatic Aspects of Complexity Theory (Panel).
IFIP Congress 1986: 1-2 |
14 |  | Karel Culik II,
Jozef Gruska,
Arto Salomaa:
Systolic Trellis Automata: Stability, Decidability and Complexity
Information and Control 71(3): 218-230 (1986) |
| 1984 |
13 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Systolic Automata - Power, Characterizations, Nonhomogeneity.
MFCS 1984: 32-49 |
| 1983 |
12 |  | Karel Culik II,
Jozef Gruska,
Arto Salomaa:
On a Family of L Languages Resulting from Systolic Tree Automata.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 23: 231-242 (1983) |
| 1982 |
11 |  | Karel Culik II,
Jozef Gruska,
Arto Salomaa:
Systolic Automata for VLSI on Balanced Trees.
Acta Inf. 18: 335-344 (1982) |
| 1981 |
10 |  | Jozef Gruska,
Michal Chytil:
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1981, Strbske Pleso, Czechoslovakia, August 31 - September 4, 1981, Proceedings
Springer 1981 |
| 1977 |
9 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1977, 6th Symposium, Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia, September 5-9, 1977, Proceedings
Springer 1977 |
| 1976 |
8 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Descriptional Complexity (of Languages) - A Short Survey.
MFCS 1976: 65-80 |
7 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Generalized context-free grammars.
Acta Cybern. 2: 35-37 (1976) |
| 1973 |
6 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Descriptional Complexity of Context-Free Languages.
MFCS 1973: 71-83 |
| 1971 |
5 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Complexity and Unambiguity of Context-Free Grammars and Languages
Information and Control 18(5): 502-519 (1971) |
4 |  | Jozef Gruska:
A Few Remarks on the Index of Context-Free Grammars and Languages
Information and Control 19(3): 216-223 (1971) |
3 |  | Jozef Gruska:
A Characterization of Context-free Languages.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 5(4): 353-364 (1971) |
| 1969 |
2 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Some Classifications of Context-Free Languages
Information and Control 14(2): 152-179 (1969) |
| 1968 |
1 |  | Jozef Gruska:
Unambiguity and ambiguity of context-free grammars and languages.
IFIP Congress (1) 1968: 265-268 |