| 2008 |
26 |  | Peter Jackson,
Yanbin Chen,
Ramin Farhangi,
Xiang Li,
David A. Pilo Mansion,
Evan Markel,
Ryan Morris,
Len Podgurny,
Al Randall,
Paul Hofmann:
IT Strategies for Increased Rail Employee Satisfaction.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(5): 13-15 (2008) |
| 2007 |
25 |  | Peter Jackson:
Generating Value from Textual Discovery.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2007: 746-753 |
| 2005 |
24 |  | Christopher Dozier,
Peter Jackson:
Mining Text for Expert Witnesses.
IEEE Software 22(3): 94-100 (2005) |
| 2004 |
23 |  | Peter Jackson:
The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics edited by Ruslan Mitkov.
Computational Linguistics 30(1): 103-106 (2004) |
| 2003 |
22 |  | Christopher Dozier,
Peter Jackson,
Xi S. Guo,
Mark Chaudhary,
Yohendran Arumainayagam:
Creation of an Expert Witness Database Through Text Mining.
ICAIL 2003: 177-184 |
21 |  | Peter Jackson,
Khalid Al-Kofahi,
Alex Tyrrell,
Arun Vachher:
Information extraction from case law and retrieval of prior cases.
Artif. Intell. 150(1-2): 239-290 (2003) |
| 2002 |
20 |  | Peter Jackson,
Isabelle Moulinier:
Natural Language Processing for Online Applications: Text Retrieval, Extraction & Categorization
John Benjamins 2002 |
19 |  | Jack G. Conrad,
Xi S. Guo,
Peter Jackson,
Monem Meziou:
Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment.
VLDB 2002: 71-82 |
| 2001 |
18 |  | Khalid Al-Kofahi,
Alex Tyrrell,
Arun Vachher,
Tim Travers,
Peter Jackson:
Combining Multiple Classifiers for Text Categorization.
CIKM 2001: 97-104 |
17 |  | Khalid Al-Kofahi,
Alex Tyrrell,
Arun Vachher,
Peter Jackson:
A machine learning approach to prior case retrieval.
ICAIL 2001: 88-93 |
| 1999 |
16 |  | Peter Jackson:
Introduction to Expert Systems, 3rd Edition.
Addison-Wesley 1999 |
15 |  | Khalid Al-Kofahi,
Brian Grom,
Peter Jackson:
Anaphora resolution in the extraction of treatment history language from court opinions by partial parsing.
ICAIL 1999: 138-146 |
| 1998 |
14 |  | Peter Jackson,
Khalid Al-Kofahi,
Chris Kreilick,
Brian Grom:
Information Extraction from Case Low and Retrieval of Prior Cases by Partial Parsing and Query Generation.
CIKM 1998: 60-67 |
| 1992 |
13 |  | Peter Jackson:
Computing Prime Implicates.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 65-72 |
12 |  | Peter Jackson:
Computing Prime Implicates Incrementally.
CADE 1992: 253-267 |
11 |  | John Pais,
Peter Jackson:
Partial Monotonicity and a New Version of the Ramsey Test.
Studia Logica 51(1): 21-47 (1992) |
| 1991 |
10 |  | Peter Jackson:
Computing Minimal Refutations.
SCAI 1991: 107-118 |
| 1990 |
9 |  | Peter Jackson:
Introduction to Expert Systems, 2nd Edition.
Addison-Wesley 1990 |
8 |  | Peter Jackson,
John Pais:
Computing Prime Implicants.
CADE 1990: 543-557 |
7 |  | Peter Jackson,
John Pais:
Semantic Accounts of Belief Revision.
Truth Maintenance Systems (ECAI Workshop) 1990: 155-177 |
| 1989 |
6 |  | Peter Jackson:
On the Semantics of Counterfactuals.
IJCAI 1989: 1382-1387 |
| 1988 |
5 |  | Peter Jackson,
Han Reichgelt:
A General Proof Method for Modal Predicate Logic without the Barcan Formula.
AAAI 1988: 177-181 |
4 |  | Peter Jackson,
Han Reichgelt:
A Modal Proof Method for Doxastic Reasoning in Incomplete Theories.
ECAI 1988: 480-485 |
| 1987 |
3 |  | Peter Jackson,
Han Reichgelt:
A General Proof Method for First-Order Modal Logic.
IJCAI 1987: 942-944 |
| 1986 |
2 |  | Peter Jackson:
Introduction to Expert Systems, 1st Edition.
Addison-Wesley 1986 |
| 1984 |
1 |  | Peter Jackson,
Paul Lefrere:
On the Application of Rule-Based Techniques to the Design of Advice-Giving Systems.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 20(1): 63-86 (1984) |