| 2009 |
14 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Sang-Wook Kim,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Dimensionality reduction for similarity search with the Euclidean distance in high-dimensional applications.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 42(2): 251-271 (2009) |
| 2008 |
13 |  | Kyungboo Jung,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Virtual Duplication of Rigid Objects from Image Sequences.
CSSE (2) 2008: 1166-1169 |
12 |  | Kyungboo Jung,
Sangwon Lee,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Virtual Tactical Map with Tangible Augmented Reality Interface.
CSSE (2) 2008: 1170-1173 |
11 |  | Chuho Yi,
Il Hong Suh,
Gi Hyun Lim,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Cognitive Representation and Bayeisan Model of Spatial Object Contexts for Robot Localization.
ICONIP (1) 2008: 747-754 |
| 2007 |
10 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Sang-Wook Kim,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Dimensionality Reduction in High-Dimensional Space for Multimedia Information Retrieval.
DEXA 2007: 404-413 |
9 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Su-Sun Kim,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Canonical View Synthesis for Gait Recognition.
FBIT 2007: 734-739 |
| 2006 |
8 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Sang-Wook Kim,
Kidong Kim,
Byung-Uk Choi:
An Effective Method for Approximating the Euclidean Distance in High-Dimensional Space.
DEXA 2006: 863-872 |
7 |  | Youngbin Park,
Seungdo Jeong,
Il Hong Suh,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Map-Building and Localization by Three-Dimensional Local Features for Ubiquitous Service Robot.
ICUCT 2006: 69-79 |
6 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Jounghoon Lim,
Il Hong Suh,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Vision-Based Semantic-Map Building and Localization.
KES (1) 2006: 559-568 |
| 2005 |
5 |  | Jungwon Cho,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
A Fast Image Retrieval Using the Unification Search Method of Binary Classification and Dimensionality Condensation of Feature Vectors.
KES (3) 2005: 240-247 |
4 |  | Jungwon Cho,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
News Video Retrieval Using Automatic Indexing of Korean Closed-Caption.
KES (3) 2005: 694-703 |
3 |  | Jungwon Cho,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Classification and Skimming of Articles for an Effective News Browsing.
KES (3) 2005: 704-712 |
2 |  | Seungdo Jeong,
Jonglyul Chung,
Sanghoon Lee,
Il Hong Suh,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Design of a Simultaneous Mobile Robot Localization and Spatial Context Recognition System.
KES (3) 2005: 945-952 |
| 2004 |
1 |  | Jungwon Cho,
Seungdo Jeong,
Byung-Uk Choi:
Automatic Classification and Skimming of Articles in a News Video Using Korean Closed-Caption.
CICLing 2004: 498-501 |