| 2009 |
25 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Abel Gezahegne,
Paul L. Miller:
Identification of Coherent Structures in Three-Dimensional Simulations of a Fluid-Mix Problem.
Int. J. Image Graphics 9(3): 389-410 (2009) |
24 |  | Chandrika Kamath:
Application-Driven Data Analysis.
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 1(5): 285 (2009) |
| 2008 |
23 |  | Abel Gezahegne,
Chandrika Kamath:
Tracking non-rigid structures in computer simulations.
ICIP 2008: 1548-1551 |
22 |  | Arnold Goodman,
Chandrika Kamath,
Vipin Kumar:
Data Analysis in the 21st Century.
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 1(1): 1-3 (2008) |
| 2007 |
21 |  | Abraham Bagherjeiran,
Nicole S. Love,
Chandrika Kamath:
Estimating Missing Features to Improve Multimedia Retrieval.
ICIP (2) 2007: 233-236 |
20 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Paul L. Miller:
Image Analysis for Validation of Simulations of a Fluid Mix Problem.
ICIP (3) 2007: 525-528 |
| 2006 |
19 |  | Abraham Bagherjeiran,
Chandrika Kamath:
Graph-based Methods for Orbit Classification.
SDM 2006 |
| 2005 |
18 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Chandrika Kamath:
An empirical comparison of combinations of evolutionary algorithms and neural networks for classification problems.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(5): 915-927 (2005) |
| 2004 |
17 |  | Michael W. Berry,
Umeshwar Dayal,
Chandrika Kamath,
David B. Skillicorn:
Proceedings of the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, April 22-24, 2004
SIAM 2004 |
16 |  | Aleksandar Lazarevic,
Ramdev Kanapady,
Chandrika Kamath:
Effective localized regression for damage detection in large complex mechanical structures.
KDD 2004: 450-459 |
15 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Shawn Newsam,
Chandrika Kamath:
Feature selection in scientific applications.
KDD 2004: 788-793 |
| 2003 |
14 |  | Daniel Barbará,
Chandrika Kamath:
Proceedings of the Third SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 1-3, 2003
SIAM 2003 |
13 |  | Aleksandar Lazarevic,
Ramdev Kanapady,
Chandrika Kamath,
Vipin Kumar,
Kumar K. Tamma:
Localized Prediction of Continuous Target Variables Using Hierarchical Clustering.
ICDM 2003: 139-146 |
12 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Chandrika Kamath:
Inducing oblique decision trees with evolutionary algorithms.
IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 7(1): 54-68 (2003) |
11 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Chandrika Kamath:
Evolving neural networks to identify bent-double galaxies in the FIRST survey.
Neural Networks 16(3-4): 507-517 (2003) |
| 2002 |
10 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Chandrika Kamath:
Evolving Neural Networks For The Classification Of Galaxies.
GECCO 2002: 1019-1026 |
9 |  | Sergey Kirshner,
Igor V. Cadez,
Padhraic Smyth,
Chandrika Kamath,
Erick Cantú-Paz:
Probabilistic Model-Based Detection of Bent-Double Radio Galaxies.
ICPR (2) 2002: 499-502 |
8 |  | Sergey Kirshner,
Igor V. Cadez,
Padhraic Smyth,
Chandrika Kamath:
Learning to Classify Galaxy Shapes Using the EM Algorithm.
NIPS 2002: 1497-1504 |
7 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Erick Cantú-Paz,
David Littau:
Approximate Splitting for Ensembles of Trees using Histograms.
SDM 2002 |
6 |  | Imola K. Fodor,
Chandrika Kamath:
Dimension reduction techniques and the classification of bent double galaxies.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 41(1): 91-122 (2002) |
5 |  | Chandrika Kamath:
Workshop Report: The Fourth Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets.
SIGKDD Explorations 3(2): 68-69 (2002) |
| 2000 |
4 |  | Erick Cantú-Paz,
Chandrika Kamath:
Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Induce Oblique Decision Trees.
GECCO 2000: 1053-1060 |
| 1991 |
3 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Sisira Weeratunga:
Projection Methods on a Distributed Memory MIMD Multiprocessor.
PPSC 1991: 92-97 |
| 1990 |
2 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Sisira Weeratunga:
Implementation of two projection methods on a shared memory multiprocessor: DEC VAX 6240.
Parallel Computing 16(2-3): 375-382 (1990) |
| 1989 |
1 |  | Chandrika Kamath,
Ahmed H. Sameh:
A projection method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems on multiprocessors.
Parallel Computing 9(3): 291-312 (1989) |