| 2000 |
17 |  | Amr El Abbadi,
Michael L. Brodie,
Sharma Chakravarthy,
Umeshwar Dayal,
Nabil Kamel,
Gunter Schlageter,
Kyu-Young Whang:
VLDB 2000, Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 10-14, 2000, Cairo, Egypt
Morgan Kaufmann 2000 |
16 |  | Nabil Kamel:
An ASN.1 Model and Integration Approach for Structured Text.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 8(3): 297-331 (2000) |
| 1997 |
15 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Murali Mohan,
Kranti Toraskar:
An Approach to the Value-based Modeling of Information Flows.
Inf. Soc. 13(1): (1997) |
| 1996 |
14 |  | Nabil Kamel:
A Grammar-Based Approach for the Integration of Text-Dominated Databases.
International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop 1996: 85-97 |
| 1994 |
13 |  | Nabil Kamel:
Page-Query Compaction of Secondary Memory Auxilliary Databases.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 2(4): 371-370 (1994) |
12 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Ping Wu,
Stanley Y. W. Su:
A Pattern-Based Object Calculus
VLDB J. 3(1): 53-76 (1994) |
| 1993 |
11 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Tao Song,
Magdi N. Kamel:
An Approach for Building an Integrated Environment for Molecular Biology Databases.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 1(3): 303-327 (1993) |
10 |  | Nabil Kamel:
Page-queries as a tool for organizing secondary memory auxiliary databases. II. Optimal selection of SADB contents.
Inf. Sci. 69(1): 127-156 (1993) |
9 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Roger King:
Exploiting data-distribution patterns in modeling tuple selectivities in a database.
Inf. Sci. 69(1): 27-53 (1993) |
8 |  | Nabil Kamel:
Page-queries as a tool for organizing secondary memory auxiliary databases. I. Algorithmic aspects and architectural framework of query processing.
Inf. Sci. 69(1): 89-125 (1993) |
| 1992 |
7 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Roger King:
Intelligent Database Caching Through the Use of Page-Answers and Page-Traces.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 17(4): 601-646 (1992) |
6 |  | Nabil Kamel:
A profile for molecular biology databases and information resources.
Computer Applications in the Biosciences 8(4): 311-321 (1992) |
5 |  | Xian-He Sun,
Nabil Kamel:
Preprocessing predicates and queries.
Inf. Syst. 17(6): 465-475 (1992) |
| 1991 |
4 |  | Nabil Kamel,
M. Delobel,
Thomas G. Marr,
Robert Robbins,
Jean Thierry-Mieg,
Akira Tsugita:
Data and Knowledge Bases for Genome Mapping: What Lies Ahead? (Panel).
VLDB 1991: 309 |
| 1989 |
3 |  | Xian-He Sun,
Nabil Kamel,
Lionel M. Ni:
Solving Implication Problems in Database Applications.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 185-192 |
2 |  | Xian-He Sun,
Nabil Kamel,
Lionel M. Ni:
Processing Implication on Queries.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(10): 1168-1175 (1989) |
| 1985 |
1 |  | Nabil Kamel,
Roger King:
A Model of Data Distribution Based on Texture Analysis.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 319-325 |